10 research outputs found
Threshold bounds for noisy bipartite states
For a nonseparable bipartite quantum state violating the
Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt (CHSH) inequality, we evaluate amounts of noise
breaking the quantum character of its statistical correlations under any
generalized quantum measurements of Alice and Bob. Expressed in terms of the
reduced states, these new threshold bounds can be easily calculated for any
concrete bipartite state. A noisy bipartite state, satisfying the extended CHSH
inequality and the perfect correlation form of the original Bell inequality for
any quantum observables, neither necessarily admits a local hidden variable
model nor exhibits the perfect correlation of outcomes whenever the same
quantum observable is measured on both "sides".Comment: 9 pages; v.2: minor editing corrections; to appear in J. Phys. A:
Math. Ge
Class of bipartite quantum states satisfying the original Bell inequality
In a general setting, we introduce a new bipartite state property sufficient
for the validity of the perfect correlation form of the original Bell
inequality for any three bounded quantum observables. A bipartite quantum state
with this property does not necessarily exhibit perfect correlations. The class
of bipartite states specified by this property includes both separable and
nonseparable states. We prove analytically that, for any dimension d>2, every
Werner state, separable or nonseparable, belongs to this class.Comment: 6 pages, v.2: one reference added, the statement on Werner states
essentially extended; v.3: details of proofs inserte
On the probabilistic description of a multipartite correlation scenario with arbitrary numbers of settings and outcomes per site
We consistently formalize the probabilistic description of multipartite joint
measurements performed on systems of any nature. This allows us: (1) to specify
in probabilistic terms the difference between nonsignaling, the Einstein-
Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) locality and Bell's locality; (2) to introduce the notion
of an LHV model for an S_{1}x...xS_{N}-setting N-partite correlation
experiment, with outcomes of any spectral type, discrete or continuous, and to
prove both general and specific "quantum" statements on an LHV simulation in an
arbitrary multipartite case; (3) to classify LHV models for a multipartite
quantum state, in particular, to show that any N-partite quantum state, pure or
mixed, admits an Sx1x...x1 -setting LHV description; (4) to evaluate a
threshold visibility for a noisy bipartite quantum state to admit an S_{1}xS_
{2}-setting LHV description under any generalized quantum measurements of two
parties. In a sequel to this paper, we shall introduce a single general
representation incorporating in a unique manner all Bell-type inequalities for
either joint probabilities or correlation functions that have been introduced
or will be introduced in the literature.Comment: 26 pages; added section Conclusions and some references for section
General Framework for the Behaviour of Continuously Observed Open Quantum Systems
We develop the general quantum stochastic approach to the description of
quantum measurements continuous in time. The framework, that we introduce,
encompasses the various particular models for continuous-time measurements
condsidered previously in the physical and the mathematical literature.Comment: 30 pages, no figure
Reexamination of a multisetting Bell inequality for qudits
The class of d-setting, d-outcome Bell inequalities proposed by Ji and
collaborators [Phys. Rev. A 78, 052103] are reexamined. For every positive
integer d > 2, we show that the corresponding non-trivial Bell inequality for
probabilities provides the maximum classical winning probability of the
Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt-like game with d inputs and d outputs. We also
demonstrate that the general classical upper bounds given by Ji et al. are
underestimated, which invalidates many of the corresponding correlation
inequalities presented thereof. We remedy this problem, partially, by providing
the actual classical upper bound for d less than or equal to 13 (including
non-prime values of d). We further determine that for prime value d in this
range, most of these probability and correlation inequalities are tight, i.e.,
facet-inducing for the respective classical correlation polytope. Stronger
lower and upper bounds on the quantum violation of these inequalities are
obtained. In particular, we prove that once the probability inequalities are
given, their correlation counterparts given by Ji and co-workers are no longer
relevant in terms of detecting the entanglement of a quantum state.Comment: v3: Published version (minor rewordings, typos corrected, upper
bounds in Table III improved/corrected); v2: 7 pages, 1 figure, 4 tables
(substantially revised with new results on the tightness of the correlation
inequalities included); v1: 7.5 pages, 1 figure, 4 tables (Comments are