22,958 research outputs found

    Alice-Bob systems, PsP_s-TdT_d-CC principles and multi-soliton solutions

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    To describe two-place physical problems, many possible models named Alice-Bob (AB) systems are proposed. To find and to solve these systems, the Parity (P), time reversal (T), charge conjugation (C), shifted-parity (PsP_s, parity with a shift), delayed time reversal (TdT_d, time reversal with a delay) and their possible combinations such as PT, PC, PsCP_sC, PsTdP_sT_d and PsTdCP_sT_dC etc. can be successively used. Especially, some special types of PsP_s-TdT_d-CC group invariant multi-soliton solutions for the KdV-KP-Toda type, mKdV-sG type, NLS type and discrete H1H_1 type AB systems are explicitly constructed.Comment: 22 page

    Prohibitions caused by nonlocality for Alice-Bob Boussinesq-KdV type systems

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    It is found that two different celebrate models, the Korteweg de-Vrise (KdV) equation and the Boussinesq equation, are linked to a same model equation but with different nonlocalities. The model equation is called the Alice-Bob KdV (ABKdV) equation which was derived from the usual KdV equation via the so-called consistent correlated bang (CCB) companied by the shifted parity (SP) and delayed time reversal (DTR). The same model can be called as the Alice-Bob Boussinesq (ABB) system if the nonlocality is changed as only one of SP and DTR. For the ABB systems, with help of the bilinear approach and recasting the multi-soliton solutions of the usual Boussinesq equation to an equivalent novel form, the multi-soliton solutions with even numbers and the head on interactions are obtained. However, the multi-soliton solutions with odd numbers and the multi-soliton solutions with even numbers but with pursuant interactions are prohibited. For the ABKdV equation, the multi-soliton solutions exhibit many more structures because an arbitrary odd function of x+tx+t can be introduced as background waves of the usual KdV equation.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Periodic and Localized Solutions of the Long Wave-Short Wave Resonance Interaction Equation

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    In this paper, we investigate the (2+1) dimensional long wave-short wave resonance interaction (LSRI) equation and show that it possess the Painlev\'e property. We then solve the LSRI equation using Painlev\'e truncation approach through which we are able to construct solution in terms of three arbitrary functions. Utilizing the arbitrary functions present in the solution, we have generated a wide class of elliptic function periodic wave solutions and exponentially localized solutions such as dromions, multidromions, instantons, multi-instantons and bounded solitary wave solutions.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Coupled KdV equations derived from atmospherical dynamics

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    Some types of coupled Korteweg de-Vries (KdV) equations are derived from an atmospheric dynamical system. In the derivation procedure, an unreasonable yy-average trick (which is usually adopted in literature) is removed. The derived models are classified via Painlev\'e test. Three types of Ο„\tau-function solutions and multiple soliton solutions of the models are explicitly given by means of the exact solutions of the usual KdV equation. It is also interesting that for a non-Painlev\'e integrable coupled KdV system there may be multiple soliton solutions.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figure
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