104 research outputs found
Preliminary Tc calculations for iron-based superconductivity in NaFeAs, LiFeAs, FeSe and nanostructured FeSe/SrTiO3 Superconductors
Many theoretical models of iron-based superconductors have been proposed but
Tc calculations based on the models are usually missing. We have chosen two
models of iron-based superconductors in the literature and then compute the Tc
values accordingly: Recently two models have been announced which suggest that
superconducting electron concentration involved in the pairing mechanism of
iron-based superconductors may have been underestimated, and that the
antiferromagnetism and the induced xy potential may even have a dramatic
amplification effect on electron-phonon coupling. We use bulk FeSe, LiFeAs and
NaFeAs data to calculate the Tc based on these models and test if the combined
model can predict the superconducting transition temperature (Tc) of the
nanostructured FeSe monolayer well. To substantiate the recently announced xy
potential in the literature, we create a two-channel model to separately
superimpose the dynamics of the electron in the upper and lower tetrahedral
plane. The results of our two-channel model support the literature data. Our
computational model takes into account this amplifying effect of
antiferromagnetism and the correction of the electron-phonon scattering matrix
together with the abnormal soft out-of-plane lattice vibration of the layered
structure, which allows us to calculate theoretical Tc values of LiFeAs, NaFeAs
and FeSe as a function of pressure that correspond reasonably well to the
experimental values. More importantly, by taking into account the interfacial
effect between an FeSe monolayer and its SrTiO3 substrate as an additional gain
factor, our calculated Tc value is up to 91 K high, and provides evidence that
the strong Tc enhancement recently observed in such monolayers with Tc reaching
100 K may be contributed from the electrons within the ARPES range.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1905.1342
Edge effect and significant increase of the superconducting transition onset temperature of 2D superconductors in flat and curved geometries
In this paper, we present a simple method to model the curvature activated
phonon softening in a 2D superconducting layer. The superconducting transition
temperature Tc in the case of a 2D rectangular sheet, a hollow cylinder and a
hollow sphere of one coherence length thickness is calculated by the quantum
mechanical electron-phonon scattering matrix, and a series of collective
lattice vibrations in the surface state. We will show that being extremely thin
in a flat rectangular shape is not enough to significantly enhance the Tc
through phonon softening. However, if a curvature is added, Tc can be strongly
enhanced. The increase in Tc with respect to the bulk is greatest in a hollow
sphere, intermediate in a hollow cylinder and weakest for the rectangular
sheet, when systems of identical length scale are considered. In addition, we
find that the edge effect of such a 2D sheet has a strong broadening effect on
Tc in addition to the effect of order parameter phase fluctuations.Comment: Physica C, in pres
Decoding 122-Type Iron-Based Superconductors: A Comprehensive Simulation of Phase Diagrams and Transition Temperatures
Iron-based superconductors, a cornerstone of low-temperature physics, have
been the subject of numerous theoretical models aimed at deciphering their
complex behavior. In this study, we present a comprehensive approach that
amalgamates several existing models and incorporates experimental data to
simulate the superconducting phase diagrams of the principal 122-type
iron-based compounds. Our model considers a multitude of factors including the
momentum dependence of the superconducting gap, spin-orbital coupling,
antiferromagnetism, spin density wave, induced XY potential on the tetrahedral
structure, and electron-phonon coupling. We have refined the electron-phonon
scattering matrix using experimental angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
(ARPES) data, ensuring that all electrons pertinent to iron-based
superconductivity are accounted for. This innovative approach allows us to
calculate theoretical critical temperature Tc values for Ba1-xKxFe2As2,
CaFe2As2 and SrFe2As2 as functions of pressure. These calculated values exhibit
remarkable agreement with experimental findings. Furthermore, our model
predicts that MgFe2As2 remains non-superconducting irrespective of the applied
pressure. Given that 122-type superconductivity at low pressure or low doping
concentration has been experimentally validated, our combined model serves as a
powerful predictive tool for generating superconducting phase diagrams at high
pressure. This study underscores that the high transition temperatures and the
precise doping and pressure dependence of iron-based superconductors are
intrinsically linked to an intertwined mechanism involving a strong interplay
between structural, magnetic and electronic degrees of freedom
‘Fragile Superconductivity': A Kinetic Glass Transition in the Vortex Matter of the High-temperature Superconductor YBa2 Cu3O7-δ
Using high-resolution thermal expansion and magnetization measurements, we provide experimental evidence for a kinetic glass transition in the vortex matter of YBa2Cu3O7-δ with some disorder. This transition, which represents the true superconducting transition in a magnetic field, exhibits many of the features of the usual glass transition found in supercooled structural liquids such as window glass. We demonstrate, using both kinetic and thermodynamic criteria, that this vortex matter is the most fragile system known to date, which we argue makes it possible to investigate the behavior very close to the Kauzmann temperature. Vortex matter, we suggest, may be a model system to study glassy behavior in general, which is expected to lead to a better understanding of the strong-fragile behavior in structural glasse
Evolution of the specific-heat anomaly of the high-temperature superconductor YBa2Cu3O7 under influence of doping through application of pressure up to 10 GPa
The evolution of the specific-heat anomaly in the overdoped range of a single
crystal of the high-temperature superconductor YBa2Cu3O7 has been studied under
influence of pressure up to 10 GPa, using AC calorimetry in a Bridgman-type
pressure cell. We show that the specific-heat jump as well as the bulk Tc are
reduced with increasing pressure in accordance with a simple charge-transfer
model. This new method enables us through pressure-induced charge transfer to
study the doping dependence of the superconducting transition, as well as the
evolution of the superconducting condensation energy on a single stoichometric
sample without adding atomic disorder.Comment: final version: J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 17 (2005) 4135-414
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