197 research outputs found

    Effects of Grain Size on the Spectral Energy Distribution of Dusty Circumstellar Envelopes

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    We study the effects of dust grain size on the spectral energy distribution (SED) of spherical circumstellar envelopes. Based on the self-similarity relations of dusty SEDs derived by Ivezic & Elitzur (1997), we expect an approximate invariance of the IR SED for models with different grain sizes. Approximate invariance follows from the fact that differently sized grains have similar optical properties at long wavelengths where the dust reprocesses the starlight. In this paper, we discuss what are the physical requirements on the model parameters to maintain the approximate invariance of the IR SED. Single grain size models are studied for a wide range of grain sizes in three optical depth regimes. In this study, we find limits for the cases where the IR SED is and is not capable of conveying information about grain sizes, and to what extent it does so. We find that approximate invariance occurs for a much larger range of grain sizes than previously believed, and, when approximate invariance holds, the SED is controlled mainly by one parameter, the reprocessing optical depth, a quantity that measures the fraction of starlight that is absorbed by the dust grains. Models with a grain size distribution are studied as well. For these models, we find that, in many instances, the concept of approximate invariance may be extended from the IR SED to all wavelengths. This means that, for a wide range of optical depths, models with different grain size distributions will produce very similar SEDs and, hence, the reprocessing optical depth is the only quantity that can be unambiguously obtained from the SED. The observational consequences of this result are discussed in detail

    Knowledge Acquisition by Networks of Interacting Agents in the Presence of Observation Errors

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    In this work we investigate knowledge acquisition as performed by multiple agents interacting as they infer, under the presence of observation errors, respective models of a complex system. We focus the specific case in which, at each time step, each agent takes into account its current observation as well as the average of the models of its neighbors. The agents are connected by a network of interaction of Erd\H{o}s-Renyi or Barabasi-Albert type. First we investigate situations in which one of the agents has a different probability of observation error (higher or lower). It is shown that the influence of this special agent over the quality of the models inferred by the rest of the network can be substantial, varying linearly with the respective degree of the agent with different estimation error. In case the degree of this agent is taken as a respective fitness parameter, the effect of the different estimation error is even more pronounced, becoming superlinear. To complement our analysis, we provide the analytical solution of the overall behavior of the system. We also investigate the knowledge acquisition dynamic when the agents are grouped into communities. We verify that the inclusion of edges between agents (within a community) having higher probability of observation error promotes the loss of quality in the estimation of the agents in the other communities.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures. A working manuscrip

    GCIRS16SW: a massive eclipsing binary in the Galactic Center

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    We report on the spectroscopic monitoring of GCIRS16SW, an Ofpe/WN9 star and LBV candidate in the central parsec of the Galaxy. SINFONI observations show strong daily spectroscopic changes in the K band. Radial velocities are derived from the HeI 2.112 um line complex and vary regularly with a period of 19.45 days, indicating that the star is most likely an eclipsing binary. Under various assumptions, we are able to derive a mass of ~ 50 Msun for each component.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, ApJ Letters accepte

    Modulated Phases in Spin-Peierls Systems

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    Lattice modulations in the high magnetic field phase and close to impurities in spin-Peierls systems are considered and compared to experiment. Necessary extensions of existing theories are proposed. The influence of zero-point fluctuations on magnetic amplitudes is shown.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures included, to appear in Advances in Solid State Physics/Festkoerperprobleme Spring Conference 1999 of the DP

    NSCC -- A New Scheme of Classification of C-rich Stars Devised from Optical and Infrared Observations

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    A new classification system for carbon-rich stars is presented based on an analysis of 51 AGB carbon stars through the most relevant classifying indices available. The extension incorporated, that also represents the major advantage of this new system, is the combination of the usual optical indices that describe the photospheres of the objects, with new infrared ones, which allow an interpretation of the circumstellar environment of the carbon-rich stars. This new system is presented with the usual spectral subclasses and C2C_2-, j-, MS- and temperature indices, and also with the new SiC- (SiC/C.A. abundance estimation) and τ\tau- (opacity) indices. The values for the infrared indices were carried out through a Monte Carlo simulation of the radiative transfer in the circumstellar envelopes of the stars. The full set of indices, when applied to our sample, resulted in a more efficient system of classification, since an examination in a wide spectral range allows us to obtain a complete scenario for carbon stars

    The peculiar B-type supergiant HD327083

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    Coude spectroscopic data of a poorly-studied peculiar supergiant, HD327083, are presented. Halpha and Hbeta line profiles have been fitted employing a non-LTE code adequate for spherically expanding atmospheres. Line fits lead to estimates of physical parameters. These parameters suggest that HD327083 may be close to the Luminous Blue Variable phase but it is also possible that it could be a B[e] Supergiant.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for publication in A&A Lette

    Identification of Very Red Counterparts of SiO Maser and OH/IR Objects in the GLIMPSE Survey

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    Using the 3.6/4.5/5.8/8.0 micron images with 1.2 arcsec pixel resolution from the Spitzer/GLIMPSE survey, we investigated 23 masing and 18 very red objects that were not identified in the 2MASS survey. Counterparts for all selected objects were found in the GLIMPSE images. Color indices in these IR bands suggest the presence of a high-extinction layer of more than a few tenths of a solar mass in front of the central star. Furthermore, radio observations in the SiO and H2O maser lines found characteristic maser-line spectra of the embedded objects, e.g., the SiO J=1-0 line intensity in the v=2 state stronger than that of the v=1 state, or very widespread H2O maser emission spectra. This indicates that these objects are actually enshrouded by very thick circumstellar matter, some of which cannot be ascribed to the AGB wind of the central star. Individually interesting objects are discussed, including two newly found water fountains and an SiO source with nebulosity.Comment: High resolution figures available at ftp://ftp.nro.nao.ac.jp/nroreport/no653.pdf.gz. ApJ No. 655 no.1 issue in pres

    Opinion dynamics: models, extensions and external effects

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    Recently, social phenomena have received a lot of attention not only from social scientists, but also from physicists, mathematicians and computer scientists, in the emerging interdisciplinary field of complex system science. Opinion dynamics is one of the processes studied, since opinions are the drivers of human behaviour, and play a crucial role in many global challenges that our complex world and societies are facing: global financial crises, global pandemics, growth of cities, urbanisation and migration patterns, and last but not least important, climate change and environmental sustainability and protection. Opinion formation is a complex process affected by the interplay of different elements, including the individual predisposition, the influence of positive and negative peer interaction (social networks playing a crucial role in this respect), the information each individual is exposed to, and many others. Several models inspired from those in use in physics have been developed to encompass many of these elements, and to allow for the identification of the mechanisms involved in the opinion formation process and the understanding of their role, with the practical aim of simulating opinion formation and spreading under various conditions. These modelling schemes range from binary simple models such as the voter model, to multi-dimensional continuous approaches. Here, we provide a review of recent methods, focusing on models employing both peer interaction and external information, and emphasising the role that less studied mechanisms, such as disagreement, has in driving the opinion dynamics. [...]Comment: 42 pages, 6 figure