8 research outputs found

    Quark Wigner Distributions and Orbital Angular Momentum

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    We study the Wigner functions of the nucleon which provide multidimensional images of the quark distributions in phase space. These functions can be obtained through a Fourier transform in the transverse space of the generalized transverse-momentum dependent parton distributions. They depend on both the transverse position and the three-momentum of the quark relative to the nucleon, and therefore combine in a single picture all the information contained in the generalized parton distributions and the transverse-momentum dependent parton distributions. We focus the discussion on the distributions of unpolarized/longitudinally polarized quark in an unpolarized/longitudinally polarized nucleon. In this way, we can study the role of the orbital angular momentum of the quark in shaping the nucleon and its correlations with the quark and nucleon polarizations. The quark orbital angular momentum is also calculated from its phase-space average weighted with the Wigner distribution of unpolarized quarks in a longitudinally polarized nucleon. The corresponding results obtained within different light-cone quark models are compared with alternative definitions of the quark orbital angular momentum, as given in terms of generalized parton distributions and transverse-momentum dependent parton distributions.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figures, 3 table

    The Parton Orbital Angular Momentum: Status and Prospects

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    Theoretical progress on the formulation and classification of the quark and gluon orbital angular momenta (OAM) is reviewed. Their relation to parton distributions and open questions and puzzles are discussed. We give a status report on the lattice calculation of the parton kinetic and canonical OAM and point out several strategies to calculate the quark and gluon canonical OAM on the lattice.Comment: 16 pages, contribution to the EPJA speical issue on "3D Structure of the Nucleon

    Hadron tomography through Wigner distributions

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    We study the Wigner functions of the nucleon which provide multidimensional images of the quark distributions in phase space and combine in a single picture all the information contained in the generalized parton distributions (GPDs) and the transverse-momentum dependent parton distributions (TMDs). In particular, we present results for the distribution of unpolarized quarks in a longitudinally polarized nucleon obtained in a light-cone constituent quark model. Treating the Wigner distribution as it was a classical distribution, we obtain the quark orbital angular momentum and compare it with alternative definitions given in terms of the GPDs and the TMDs.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, 1 table, Prepared for the Third International Workshop on Transverse Polarization Phenomena in Hard Scattering (Transversity2011), Veli Lo\v{s}inj, Croatia, 29 Aug - 2 Sep 201

    The Gluon Sivers Distribution:Status and Future Prospects

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    We review what is currently known about the gluon Sivers distribution and what are the opportunities to learn more about it. Because single transverse spin asymmetries in p up arrow p -&gt; pi X provide only indirect information about the gluon Sivers function through the relation with the quark-gluon and tri-gluon Qiu-Sterman functions, current data from hadronic collisions at RHIC have not yet been translated into a solid constraint on the gluon Sivers function. SIDIS data, including the COMPASS deuteron data, allow for a gluon Sivers contribution of natural size expected from large N-c arguments, which is O(1/N-c) times the nonsinglet quark Sivers contribution. Several very promising processes to measure the gluon Sivers effect directly have been suggested, which besides RHIC investigations, would strongly favor experiments at AFTER@LHC and a possible future Electron-Ion Collider. Due to the inherent process dependence of TMDs, the gluon Sivers TMD probed in the various processes are different linear combinations of two universal gluon Sivers functions that have different behavior under charge conjugation and that therefore satisfy different theoretical constraints. For this reason both hadronic and DIS type of collisions are essential in the study of the role of gluons in transversely polarized protons.</p

    The QCD energy-momentum tensor for massive hadrons of arbitrary spin

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    International audienceWe present the parametrisation of the energy-momentum tensor (EMT) for massive hadrons of any spin, writing explicitly the expansion in terms of gravitational form factors (GFFs). Such a complete and general parametrisation allows one to derive universal properties that are valid for all hadrons independently of their spin

    IUPAP Report 41 Introduction

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    IUPAP Report 41 is a document that gives summary information about the major nuclear physics facilities around the world. It is updated approximately every five years by Working Group 9 of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics. The introduction to the report gives an overview of the field of nuclear physics and outlines the major questions facing the field. This most recent version of Report 41 has been updated to reflect the state of the field in 2018. The full report can be found at http://www.triumf.info/hosted/iupap/icnp/report41.htm