1 research outputs found

    Unraveling the Deleterious Effects of Cancer-Driven STK11 Mutants through Conformational Sampling Approach

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    Tumor suppressor gene, STK11 , encodes for serine-threonine kinase, which has a critical role in regulating cell growth and apoptosis. Mutations of the same lead to the inactivation of STK11, which eventually causes different types of cancer. In this study, we focused on identifying those driver mutations through analyzing structural variations of mutants, viz., D194N, E199K, L160P, and Y49D. Native and the mutants were analyzed to determine their geometrical deviations such as root-mean-square deviation, root-mean-square fluctuation, radius of gyration, potential energy, and solvent-accessible surface area using conformational sampling technique. Additionally, the global minimized structure of native and mutants was further analyzed to compute their intramolecular interactions and distribution of secondary structure. Subsequently, simulated thermal denaturation and docking studies were performed to determine their structural variations, which in turn alter the formation of active complex that comprises STK11, STRAD, and MO25. The deleterious effect of the mutants would result in a comparative loss of enzyme function due to variations in their binding energy pertaining to spatial conformation and flexibility. Hence, the structural variations in binding energy exhibited by the mutants, viz., D194N, E199K, L160P, and Y49D, to that of the native, consequently lead to pathogenesis