2,761 research outputs found
Hadron Molecules Revisted
Hadron Molecules are particles made out of hadrons that are held together by
self interactions. In this report we discuss seven such molecules and their
self interactions. The , , ,
and molecular structure is given. We predict that two more states
the and should be found
Observation of Scaled Correlation Signals which increase wirh Centrality of Au Au collisions at = 200 GeV
We show the preliminary charged-particle pair correlation analyses presented
in a poster session at the 2006 International Quark Matter Conference in
Shanghai China. The correlation analysis space of (azimuth) and
(pseudo-rapidity) are considered as a function of centrality for
minimum bias Au + Au collisions in the mid-transverse momentum range in the
STAR detector. The analyses involve unlike-sign charge pairs and like-sign
charge pairs, which are transformed into charge-dependent (CD) signals and
charge-independent (CI) signals. We use a multiplicity scale to compare the
different centralities. We find the signals increase with increasing
centrality. A model featuring dense gluonic hot spots as first proposed by van
Hove predicts that the observables under investigation would have sensitivity
to such a substructure should it occur. A blast wave model including multiple
hot spots motivates the selection of transverse momenta in the range 0.8 GeV/c4.0 GeV/c.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, Poster at 2006 International Quark Matter
Conference in Shanghai Chin
Interplay of parton and hadron cascades in nucleus-nucleus collisions at the CERN SPS and RHIC
We introduce a Monte Carlo space-time model for high-energy collisions with
nuclei, involving the dynamical interplay of perturbative QCD parton production
and evolution, with non-perturbative parton-cluster formation and `afterburner'
cascading of formed pre-hadronic clusters plus hadron excitations. This
approach allows us to trace the space-time history of parton and hadron degrees
of freedom of nuclear collisions on the microscopical level of parton and
hadron cascades in both position and momentum space, from the instant of
nuclear overlap to the final yield of particles. In applying this approach, we
analyze Pb+Pb collisions at the CERN SPS with beam energy 158 GeV (sqrt{s}/A =
17 GeV) and Au+Au collisions at RHIC with collider energy \sqrt{s}/A = 200 GeV.
We find that the perturbative QCD parton production and cascade development
provides an important contribution to particle production at central
rapidities, and that the `afterburner' cascading of pre-hadronic clusters and
formed hadrons emerging from the parton cascade is essential. The overall
agreement of our model calculations including the `afterburner' cascading with
the observed particle spectra at the CERN SPS is fairly good, whereas the
neglect of the final-state interactions among hadronic excitations deviates
significantly.Comment: 20 pages including 11 postscript figure
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