4,682 research outputs found

    Multi-boson Measurements in CMS

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    Recent results from the CMS experiment on the production of multiple vector bosons in proton-proton collisions at the CERN LHC are presented. Measurements of WZ and ZZ production with fully leptonic decays, Z(νν)γ(\nu\nu)\gamma, and WV (V == W,Z →qqˉ\rightarrow q\bar{q}) production at 8 and 13 TeV are discussed. Selected cross section measurements, unfolded differential measurements, and limits on anomalous triple gauge couplings are presented and compared with theoretical predictions.Comment: LHCP 2017 Proceedings, CMS CR-2017/36

    Summary of the Structure Function Session at Dis01

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    The status and ongoing developments in the field of deep inelastic scattering presented at the DIS01 workshop in Bologna are discussed from both the experimental and the theoretical perspective.Comment: Invited talk presented at the 9th International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS 2001), Bologna, Italy, 27 Apr - 1 May 2001, to appear in the Proceedings. (30 pages, 17 figures

    An Investigation of the Relative Water Holding Capabilities of Various Synthetic Adhesives

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    During the investigation of the water holding capacity of various latexes, the Hercules Size Tester, appeared to be the most consistent and convenient instrument for determining this characteristic. The latexes used in this investigation were those recommended by suppliers as excelling in this capacity. It was hoped that a correlation could be found between water retention time and ease of obtaining gloss through supercalendering. However, no such correlation was found. In a routine control situation, through backlogging of data on a unchanging coating system, a correlation would be more likely to appear

    Conceptualising an Organisational Innovation Capability

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    Innovation is regarded as the principal source of sustainable competitive advantage, yet many firms approach innovation haphazardly and without discipline. These firms appear poorly equipped to implement a comprehensive innovation strategy as they focus only on incremental innovation and are committed to preserving the status quo. A dynamic capabilities approach was selected because of its focus on the development of management capabilities. This research has answered the call for fine-grained qualitative case studies to look at the detail of how dynamic capabilities are deployed to better understand how these capabilities work in practice and whether and how they might differ across firms. By the analysis of three embedded business units in the one case organisation this research has opened the innovation “black box” and provided a capability framework for strategic managers to build, systematise and replicate within their organisations. It is a higher order capability which provides managers with the capacity to manage the component capabilities of the Organisational Innovation Capability framework together with their linkages and interdependencies to impact the firm’s existing resource base. It also identifies strategic entrepreneurship, organisational learning capability and alliance building capability as the essential preconditions for innovation capability renewal. In summary, this research is part of the increasing momentum in understanding the “how” of dynamic capabilities. It provides learning for management practice on how dynamic capabilities originate, how firms built and deployed their Organisational Innovation Capability and how distinctive processes support the creation, modification, reconfiguration and augmentation of firm resources to achieve competitive advantage. Most importantly, it has provided a framework for an Organisational Innovation Capability which can be applied in practice

    The Trouble with Connecticut

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    The problems of Connecticut, this author believes, parallel those of Nigeria, which are described by Chinua Achebe in The Trouble with Nigeria. Both places may be considered dirty, callous, ostentatious, and dishonest. The causes of these and other defects are also similar: unusually large disparities in living standards, high cost of living, localism, and lack of leadership. In Connecticut, gross inequities in taxation seem to intermingle with and reinforce all these roots of unpleasantness

    Cultivating nutrition

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    "Over the past decade, donor-funded policies and programs designed to address undernutrition in the Global South have shifted away from agriculture-based strategies toward nutrient supplementation and food fortification programs. Given the potential benefits resulting from agriculture-based nutrition interventions, this study uses Q methodology to explore the views of a range of stakeholders from both developed and developing countries on the value of—and constraints related to—gender-sensitive, nutrition-oriented agricultural projects. The three distinct viewpoints that emerge from this exercise all support the use of agricultural strategies to improve nutrition and underline the importance of gender-sensitive approaches. The viewpoints differ, however, on the relative importance of nutrition education, the strategic use of nutrient supplementation and food fortification, and the degree to which agriculture-based approaches have an impact on nutrition. The findings indicate that there is common ground among a range of stakeholders—donors, researchers, policymakers, and program practitioners—on the benefits of agriculture and gender-sensitive strategies to improve nutrition. These areas of agreement can serve as a foundation for forging an effective integrative strategy to improve nutrition that includes gender-sensitive agricultural approaches." Authors' AbstractNutrition ,malnutrition ,Agriculture ,stakeholders ,Gender ,

    Cultivating nutrition

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    "Over the past decade, donor-funded policies and programs designed to address undernutrition in the Global South have shifted away from agriculture-based strategies toward nutrient supplementation and food fortification programs. Given the potential benefits resulting from agriculture-based nutrition interventions, this study uses Q methodology to explore the views of a range of stakeholders from both developed and developing countries on the value of—and constraints related to—gender-sensitive, nutrition-oriented agricultural projects. The three distinct viewpoints that emerge from this exercise all support the use of agricultural strategies to improve nutrition and underline the importance of gender-sensitive approaches. The viewpoints differ, however, on the relative importance of nutrition education, the strategic use of nutrient supplementation and food fortification, and the degree to which agriculture-based approaches have an impact on nutrition. The findings indicate that there is common ground among a range of stakeholders—donors, researchers, policymakers, and program practitioners—on the benefits of agriculture and gender-sensitive strategies to improve nutrition. These areas of agreement can serve as a foundation for forging an effective integrative strategy to improve nutrition that includes gender-sensitive agricultural approaches." Authors' AbstractNutrition ,malnutrition ,Agriculture ,stakeholders ,Gender ,

    Manure management education and demonstration project

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    Proper methods and rates for applying livestock manure to crop land are critical to preserve water quality. The growth and concentration of Iowa\u27s swine production facilities in recent years pose environmental concerns in terms of manure application to agricultural land. This project demonstrated a feasible, economical testing program to evaluate the nutrient content of livestock wastes. A portable kit was used that can test for ammonia nitrogen and phosphorus in both liquid and solid manure, facilitating on-site, immediate testing. The results of this on-farm testing kit, which is currently available to producers, were then compared with laboratory analysis to determine the kit\u27s accuracy. By analyzing the nutrient value of manure immediately prior to land application, producers can make more environmentally sound manure management decisions
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