709 research outputs found
The 3D Dimer and Ising Problems Revisited
We express the finite 3D Dimer partition function as a linear combination of
determinants of oriented adjacency matrices, and the finite 3D Ising partition
sum as a linear combination of products over aperiodic closed walks. The
methodology we use is embedding of cubic lattice on 2D surfaces of large genus
Geometric representations of linear codes
We say that a linear code C over a field F is triangular representable if
there exists a two dimensional simplicial complex such that C is a
punctured code of the kernel ker of the incidence matrix of
over F and there is a linear mapping between C and ker which is a
bijection and maps minimal codewords to minimal codewords. We show that the
linear codes over rationals and over GF(p), where p is a prime, are triangular
representable. In the case of finite fields, we show that this representation
determines the weight enumerator of C. We present one application of this
result to the partition function of the Potts model.
On the other hand, we show that there exist linear codes over any field
different from rationals and GF(p), p prime, that are not triangular
representable. We show that every construction of triangular representation
fails on a very weak condition that a linear code and its triangular
representation have to have the same dimension.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, v3 major change
On the optimality of the Arf invariant formula for graph polynomials
We prove optimality of the Arf invariant formula for the generating function
of even subgraphs, or, equivalently, the Ising partition function, of a graph.Comment: Advances in Mathematics, 201
The enumeration of planar graphs via Wick's theorem
A seminal technique of theoretical physics called Wick's theorem interprets
the Gaussian matrix integral of the products of the trace of powers of
Hermitian matrices as the number of labelled maps with a given degree sequence,
sorted by their Euler characteristics. This leads to the map enumeration
results analogous to those obtained by combinatorial methods. In this paper we
show that the enumeration of the graphs embeddable on a given 2-dimensional
surface (a main research topic of contemporary enumerative combinatorics) can
also be formulated as the Gaussian matrix integral of an ice-type partition
function. Some of the most puzzling conjectures of discrete mathematics are
related to the notion of the cycle double cover. We express the number of the
graphs with a fixed directed cycle double cover as the Gaussian matrix integral
of an Ihara-Selberg-type function.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figure
Discrete Dirac Operators, Critical Embeddings and Ihara-Selberg Functions
The aim of the paper is to formulate a discrete analogue of the claim made by
Alvarez-Gaume et al., realizing the partition function of the free fermion on a
closed Riemann surface of genus g as a linear combination of 2^{2g} Pfaffians
of Dirac operators. Let G=(V,E) be a finite graph embedded in a closed Riemann
surface X of genus g, x_e the collection of independent variables associated
with each edge e of G (collected in one vector variable x) and S the set of all
2^{2g} Spin-structures on X. We introduce 2^{2g} rotations rot_s and (2|E|
times 2|E|) matrices D(s)(x), s in S, of the transitions between the oriented
edges of G determined by rotations rot_s. We show that the generating function
for the even subsets of edges of G, i.e., the Ising partition function, is a
linear combination of the square roots of 2^{2g} Ihara-Selberg functions
I(D(s)(x)) also called Feynman functions. By a result of Foata--Zeilberger
holds I(D(s)(x))= det(I-D'(s)(x)), where D'(s)(x) is obtained from D(s)(x) by
replacing some entries by 0. Thus each Feynman function is computable in
polynomial time. We suggest that in the case of critical embedding of a
bipartite graph G, the Feynman functions provide suitable discrete analogues
for the Pfaffians of discrete Dirac operators
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