13 research outputs found
Overview of the characteristics for the pork farms visited in this study.
*<p>NA  =  Not available.</p
Combined results of environmental, pig, and veterinary student testing from MRSA-positive pork production sites.
a<p>Number of MRSA-positive samples/number of samples collected. <sup>b</sup>Number of MRSA-positive students/number of students exposed. <sup>c</sup><i>Spa</i> type t126 was isolated from a student 5 days following exposure to MRSA-positive site. <sup>d</sup>Three <i>spa</i> types (t002, t548, t1107) from same student.</p
Summary of the <i>spa</i> types and motifs from MRSA isolates found in this study overall and by source of isolation.
<p>Summary of the <i>spa</i> types and motifs from MRSA isolates found in this study overall and by source of isolation.</p
Most prevalent antimicrobial resistant profiles found in MRSA isolates and associated <i>spa</i> types.
<p>CHL  =  chlortetracycline, CLI  =  clindamycin, ENR  =  enrofloxacin, FLO  =  florfenicol, GEN  =  gentamicin, NEO  =  neomycin, OXY  =  oxytetracycline, SPE  =  spectinomycin, TIA  =  tiamulin, TIL  =  tilmicosin.</p
Antimicrobial resistance of MRSA isolates from pork farms and students.
<p>Number of isolates tested in parenthesis. Significantly different antimicrobial results across <i>spa</i> types indicated with asterisk (*).</p
Antimicrobial resistance of MRSA isolates from pork farms and students by ST398 status.
<p>t034 considered ST398-associated and t002/t548 considered non-ST398-associated. Number of isolates tested in parenthesis. Significantly different antimicrobial results by <i>spa</i> types indicated with asterisk (*).</p
Plasma PGE<sub>2</sub> ± SE levels from meloxicam (MEL) - and whey placebo (CONT) - treated piglets.
<p>MEL piglets had a significantly greater amount of prostaglandin E<sub>2</sub> (PGE<sub>2</sub>) inhibition compared to their CONT counterparts (p = 0.0059). All time points that are marked with a and b were significantly different (p<0.05). The exception was 24 hours after administration (p = 0.0909).</p
Comparison between the least squares (LS) means ± standard error (SE) of piglet serum chemistry biomarkers and infrared thermography (IRT) temperatures, as classified by the procedure (Proc) of castrated (CAST) and sham castrated (SHAM) and treatment (Trt) with 30 mg/kg PO meloxicam (MEL) or whey placebo (CONT) to sows on Days 4–6 after farrowing.
<p>Comparison between the least squares (LS) means ± standard error (SE) of piglet serum chemistry biomarkers and infrared thermography (IRT) temperatures, as classified by the procedure (Proc) of castrated (CAST) and sham castrated (SHAM) and treatment (Trt) with 30 mg/kg PO meloxicam (MEL) or whey placebo (CONT) to sows on Days 4–6 after farrowing.</p
Cranial infrared thermography (IRT) from meloxicam (MEL)- and whey placebo (CONT)- treated piglets.
<p>Means ± SE are depicted. There is a significant time-by-treatment interaction between MEL and CONT piglets (p = 0.0148). The interaction was significant at all timepoints (p<0.0001). There was an association between plasma meloxicam levels and cranial IRT measures (p = 0.0345).</p
Example IRT images from a meloxicam-treated (a) and placebo-treated control piglet (b) after castration.
<p>Color differences reflect activation of the sympathetic nervous system leading to peripheral vasoconstriction and a localized decrease in skin temperature. <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0113678#pone-0113678-g006" target="_blank">Figure 6a</a> demonstrates a meloxicam-treated piglet with a higher (red) cranial skin temperature than the cranial skin temperature (yellow) of the whey-treated piglet.</p