4 research outputs found
Additional file 1 of GBC: a parallel toolkit based on highly addressable byte-encoding blocks for extremely large-scale genotypes of species
Additional file 1: Table S1. The basic compression performance comparison between GBC and alternative tools. Table S2. The comparison of GBC’s compression and decompression speed under multiple threads in the 1000GP3 dataset. Table S3. The data query performance comparison between GBC and alternative tools. Table S4. The comparison of LD calculation speed between GBC and alternative tools in the 1000GP3 and SG10K datasets. Table S5. The file management performance comparison between GBC and alternative tools. Table S6. BEG and MBEG coding tables for genotypes of diploid species
Additional file 3 of GBC: a parallel toolkit based on highly addressable byte-encoding blocks for extremely large-scale genotypes of species
Additional file 3: Note 1. A detailed description of GTB file. Note 2. The generation method of simulation genotypes. Note 3. The format of the contig file. Note 4. Examined programs
Additional file 2 of GBC: a parallel toolkit based on highly addressable byte-encoding blocks for extremely large-scale genotypes of species
Additional file 2: Fig. S1. Using CLM algorithm to achieve ordered output during parallel computation of large-scale data. Fig. S2. Optimized file management (sorting and merging) based on GTB