2,056,367 research outputs found
Pfaffian Solutions for the Manin-Radul-Mathieu SUSY KdV and SUSY sine-Gordon Equations
We reduce the vectorial binary Darboux transformation for the Manin-Radul
supersymmetric KdV system in such a way that it preserves the
Manin-Radul-Mathieu supersymmetric KdV equation reduction. Expressions in terms
of bosonic Pfaffians are provided for transformed solutions and wave functions.
We also consider the implications of these results for the supersymmetric
sine-Gordon equation.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX2e with AMSLaTeX and Babel package
Massive Domain Wall Fermions on Four-dimensional Anisotropic Lattices
We formulate the massive domain wall fermions on anisotropic lattices.
For the massive domain wall fermion, we find that the dispersion relation
assumes the usual form in the low momentum region when the bare parameters are
properly tuned. The quark self-energy and the quark field renormalization
constants are calculated to one-loop in bare lattice perturbation theory. For
light domain wall fermions, we verified that the chiral mode is stable against
quantum fluctuations on anisotropic lattices. This calculation serves as a
guidance for the tuning of the parameters in the quark action in future
numerical simulations.Comment: 36 pages, 14 figures, references adde
On the Witten Rigidity Theorem for String Manifolds
We establish the family rigidity and vanishing theorems on the equivariant
-theory level for the Witten type operators on String manifolds
introduced by Chen-Han-Zhang.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1104.3972, and
with arXiv:math/0001014, arXiv:math/9912108 by other author
Contracting and Erupting Components of Sigmoidal Active Regions
It is recently noted that solar eruptions can be associated with the
contraction of coronal loops that are not involved in magnetic reconnection
processes. In this paper, we investigate five coronal eruptions originating
from four sigmoidal active regions, using high-cadence, high-resolution
narrowband EUV images obtained by the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO}). The
magnitudes of the flares associated with the eruptions range from the
GOES-class B to X. Owing to the high-sensitivity and broad temperature coverage
of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) onboard SDO, we are able to identify
both the contracting and erupting components of the eruptions: the former is
observed in cold AIA channels as the contracting coronal loops overlying the
elbows of the sigmoid, and the latter is preferentially observed in warm/hot
AIA channels as an expanding bubble originating from the center of the sigmoid.
The initiation of eruption always precedes the contraction, and in the
energetically mild events (B and C flares), it also precedes the increase in
GOES soft X-ray fluxes. In the more energetic events, the eruption is
simultaneous with the impulsive phase of the nonthermal hard X-ray emission.
These observations confirm the loop contraction as an integrated process in
eruptions with partially opened arcades. The consequence of contraction is a
new equilibrium with reduced magnetic energy, as the contracting loops never
regain their original positions. The contracting process is a direct
consequence of flare energy release, as evidenced by the strong correlation of
the maximal contracting speed, and strong anti-correlation of the time delay of
contraction relative to expansion, with the peak soft X-ray flux. This is also
implied by the relationship between contraction and expansion, i.e., their
timing and speed.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap
Linear analysis of three-dimensional instability of non-Newtonian liquid jets
The instability behaviour of non-Newtonian liquid jets moving in an inviscid gaseous environment is investigated theoretically for three-dimensional disturbances. The corresponding dispersion relation between the wave growth rate and the wavenumber is derived. Results for axisymmetrical non-Newtonian jets, the Newtonian jets, and the inviscid jets are recovered, and it is shown that two-dimensional disturbances are the most dangerous for the considered set of parameters
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