18 research outputs found

    Virtual Reality and Convolutional Neural Networks for Railway Catenary Support Components Monitoring

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    The development of algorithms for detecting failures in railway catenary support components has, among others, one major challenge: data about healthy components are much more abundant than data about defective components. In this paper, virtual reality technology is employed to control the learning environment of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for the automatic multicamera-based monitoring of catenary support components. First, 3D image data based on drawings and real-life video images are developed. Then, a virtual reality environment for monitoring the catenary support system is created, emulating real-life conditions such as measurement noise and a multicamera train simulation to resemble state-of-the-art monitoring systems. Then, CNNs are used to extract and fuse the features of multicamera images. Experiments are conducted for monitoring the cantilever support connection, both down (CSC-D) and up (CSC-U), and registration arm support connection, both down (RASC-D) and up (RASC-U). Experimental results show that the CNNs trained in the virtual reality environment can capture the most relevant spatial information of the catenary support components. Multicamera image detection based on CNNs detects screw loss for all four components. For CSC-D and RASC-U, normal and pin-loss images are also fully detected. A challenge remains in increasing the pin-loss detection for both CSC-U and RASC-D.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Railway Engineerin

    Unified deep learning architecture for the detection of all catenary support components

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    With the rapid development of deep learning technologies, researchers have begun to utilize convolutional neural network (CNN)-based object detection methods to detect multiple catenary support components (CSCs). The literature has focused on the detection of specified large-scale CSCs. Additionally, CNN architectures have faced difficulties in identifying overlapping CSCs, especially small-scale components. In this paper, a unified CNN architecture is proposed for detecting all components at various scales of CSCs. First, a detection network for CSCs with large scales is proposed by optimizing and improving Faster R-CNN. Next, a cascade network for the detection of CSCs with small scales is proposed and is integrated into the detection network for CSCs with large scales to construct the unified network architecture. The experimental results demonstrate that the detection accuracy of the proposed CNN architecture can reach 92.8%; hence, it outperforms the popular CNN architectures.Railway Engineerin

    An Investigation on the Current Collection Quality of Railway Pantograph-catenary Systems with Contact Wire Wear Degradations

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    In railway pantograph-catenary systems, the contact surfaces undergo wear in long-term operations, directly affecting interaction performance and potentially deteriorating the current collection quality. The effect of contact wire wear (CWW) on the current collection quality should be evaluated to understand the system's health status in operations. This article presents a stochastic analysis of the pantograph-catenary interaction performance with different levels of CWW based on four years of measurement data. The power spectral density (PSD) estimation is carried out on the measured CWW to obtain their frequency representations. The random time histories of CWW are generated based on the PSDs. A nonlinear finite element model of catenary with a lumped-mass pantograph is built. Using the Monte Carlo method, the stochastic analysis of pantograph-catenary contact force is carried out to investigate the distribution and dispersion of assessment indices with different levels of CWW. The results indicate that the CWW mainly affects the maximum and minimum contact forces instead of the contact force standard deviation. The optimal pantograph-catenary interaction performance is observed certain years after CWW is formed, depending on the traffic density of the railway line, which is at the second year in the presented case study. Then, the performance declines with an increase in service time. Also, higher operating speed causes a more significant dispersion in assessment indices representing a lower current collection quality, particularly at the maximum operating speed (70% of the catenary wave propagation speed).Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Railway Engineerin

    High-Precision Detection Method for Structure Parameters of Catenary Cantilever Devices using 3D Point Cloud Data

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    This article proposes an automatic high-precision detection method for structure parameters of catenary cantilever devices (SPCCDs) using 3-D point cloud data. The steps of the proposed detection method are: 1) segmenting and recognizing the components of the catenary cantilever devices, 2) extracting the detection plane and backbone component axis of catenary cantilever devices, and 3) detecting the SPCCD. The effective segmentation of components is critical for structure parameter detection. A point cloud segmentation and recognition method based on three-dimensional convolutional neural networks (3-D CNNs) is introduced to determine the different components of the catenary cantilever devices. Compared with traditional unsupervised clustering procedures for point cloud segmentation, the proposed method can improve the segmentation accuracy, does not require complex tuning procedures of parameters, and improves robustness and stability. Additionally, the segmentation method defines a recognition function, facilitating the analysis of the structural relationship between objects. Furthermore, we proposed an improved projection random sample consensus (RANSAC) method, which can effectively divide the detection plane of catenary cantilever devices to solve the multicantilever device occlusion problem. With RANSAC, it is also possible to precisely extract the backbone component axis and enhance parameter detection accuracy. The experimental results show that the structure angle and steady arm slope's error accuracy can achieve 0.1029° and 1.19%, respectively, which indicates the proposed approach can precisely detect the SPCCD.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Railway Engineerin

    Entropy-Based Local Irregularity Detection for High-Speed Railway Catenaries With Frequent Inspections

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    The condition-based maintenance of high-speed railway catenary is an important task to ensure the continuous availability of train power supply. To improve the condition monitoring of catenary, this paper presents a novel scheme to detect catenary local irregularities using pantograph head acceleration measurements. First, a series of experimental inspections is carried out in a section of the Beijing-Guangzhou high-speed line in China. The time intervals between the inspections are shortened from the traditional six months to about 40 days, which enables monitoring the short-term degradation of local irregularities. Then, based on the wavelet packet entropy, an approach is proposed to detect local irregularities with different scales in length. Criteria for identifying and verifying the local irregularities are established based on the gradient and repeatability of entropy from multiple measurements. Results from the experimental inspections show that different scales of local irregularities can be detected by the proposed scheme. By using frequent inspections, local irregularities can be effectively verified after about seven inspections. The spatial distribution of local irregularities is found to be closely related to the catenary structure. These findings provide valuable information to deploy the scheme for a railway network.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Railway Engineerin

    Identification of the catenary structure wavelength using pantograph head acceleration measurements

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    For the condition monitoring of railway catenaries, the potential utilization of pantograph head (pan-head) vertical acceleration instead of pantograph-catenary contact force is discussed in this paper. In order to establish a baseline of the pan-head acceleration before it can be used for health condition monitoring, one of the essential frequency components, namely the catenary structure wavelength (CSW) is studied. Based on insitu measurements and feature analysis of the pan-head acceleration signal, an adaptive signal filtering approach is proposed to realize the identification of the CSWs. Preliminary results suggest that the CSWs contained in the pan-head acceleration can be reliably identified by the proposed filtering approach.Accepted Author ManuscriptRailway Engineerin

    Multi-Objective Performance Evaluation of the Detection of Catenary Support Components Using DCNNs

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    The goal of this paper is to evaluate from a multi-objective perspective the performance on the detection of catenary support components when using state-of-the-art deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs). The detection of components is the first step towards a complete automatized monitoring system that will provide actual information about defects in the catenary support devices. A series of experiments in an unified test environment for detection of components are performed using Faster-CNN, R-FCN, SSD, and YOLOv2. Through the comparison of different assessment indicators, such as precision, recall, average precision and mean average precision, the detection performance of the different DCNNs methods for the components of the catenary support devices is analyzed, discussed and evaluated. The experiment results show that among all considered methods, R-FCN is the more suitable for the detection of catenary support components.Railway Engineerin

    Intelligent condition monitoring of railway catenary systems: A Bayesian Network approach

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    This study proposes a Bayesian network (BN) dedicated for the intelligent condition monitoring of railway catenary systems. It combines five types of measurements related to catenary condition, namely the contact wire stagger, contact wire height, pantograph head displacement, pantograph head vertical acceleration and pantograph-catenary contact force, as inputsbased on their physical meanings and correlations. It outputs an integrated indicator of catenary condition level. The BN parameters are learned from historical measurement data. Preliminary results shows the applicable ability of the BN to integrate multiple types of parameter while make sense of the output to facilitate maintenance decision making.Railway Engineerin

    A Bayesian Network Approach for Condition Monitoring of High-Speed Railway Catenaries

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    The growing variety of data from condition monitoring of high-speed railways offer unprecedented opportunities to improve railway infrastructure maintenance. For condition monitoring of railway catenaries, this paper proposes a data-driven approach that uses a Bayesian network (BN) to integrate the inspection data from catenaries into a key performance indicator (KPI). The BN topology is structured based on the physical relationships among data types, including train speed, dynamic stagger and height of the contact wire, pantograph head acceleration, and pantograph-catenary contact force. The tailored performance indicators are individually defined and extracted from the five types of data as the BN input. As the output of the BN, the KPI is defined as the overall condition level of the catenary considering all defects that can be reflected by the data types. Finally, using historical inspection data and maintenance records from a section of the Beijing-Guangzhou high-speed line in China, the BN parameters are estimated to establish a probabilistic relationship between the input and output. An approach that applies the estimated BN to catenary condition monitoring is proposed. Testing of the BN-based approach using new inspection data shows that the output KPI can adequately represent the catenary condition, leading to a nearly 66.2% reduction in the false alarm rate of defect detection compared with current practice. It is also tested that when the input data quality is not ideal, the approach can still work acceptably on noisy data with a signal-to-noise ratio greater than 3 dB or with one type of data missing. Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Railway Engineerin

    Automatic Defect Detection of Fasteners on the Catenary Support Device Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network

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    The excitation and vibration triggered by the long-term operation of railway vehicles inevitably result in defective states of catenary support devices. With the massive construction of high-speed electrified railways, automatic defect detection of diverse and plentiful fasteners on the catenary support device is of great significance for operation safety and cost reduction. Nowadays, the catenary support devices are periodically captured by the cameras mounted on the inspection vehicles during the night, but the inspection still mostly relies on human visual interpretation. To reduce the human involvement, this paper proposes a novel vision-based method that applies the deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) in the defect detection of the fasteners. Our system cascades three DCNN-based detection stages in a coarse-to-fine manner, including two detectors to sequentially localize the cantilever joints and their fasteners and a classifier to diagnose the fasteners' defects. Extensive experiments and comparisons of the defect detection of catenary support devices along the Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway line indicate that the system can achieve a high detection rate with good adaptation and robustness in complex environments.Railway Engineerin