95,072 research outputs found
Search for single production of the heavy vectorlike quark with and at the high-luminosity LHC
The vectorlike top partners are predicted in many extensions of the
Standard Model (SM). In a simplified model including a single vectorlike
quark with charge , we investigate the process induced by the
couplings between the top partner with the first and the third generation
quarks at the LHC. We find that the mixing with the first generation can
enhance the production cross section. We further study the observability of the
single heavy top partner through the process at the high-luminosity~(HL)-LHC~(a 14 TeV
collider with an integrated luminosity of 3 ab). For three typical
heavy quark masses and 1000 GeV, the exclusion
limits, as well as the discovery reach in the parameter plane of the
two variables , are respectively obtained at the HL-LHC.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, Matches with the published versio
Impacts of Instrumental vs Relational Centered Logic on Cause-Related Marketing Decision Making
Intervalley coupling by quantum dot confinement potentials in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides
Monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) offer new opportunities for
realizing quantum dots (QDs) in the ultimate two-dimensional (2D) limit. Given
the rich control possibilities of electron valley pseudospin discovered in the
monolayers, this quantum degree of freedom can be a promising carrier of
information for potential quantum spintronics exploiting single electrons in
TMD QDs. An outstanding issue is to identify the degree of valley
hybridization, due to the QD confinement, which may significantly change the
valley physics in QDs from its form in the 2D bulk. Here we perform a
systematic study of the intervalley coupling by QD confinement potentials on
extended TMD monolayers. We find that the intervalley coupling in such geometry
is generically weak due to the vanishing amplitude of the electron wavefunction
at the QD boundary, and hence valley hybridization shall be well quenched by
the much stronger spin-valley coupling in monolayer TMDs and the QDs can well
inherit the valley physics of the 2D bulk. We also discover sensitive
dependence of intervalley coupling strength on the central position and the
lateral length scales of the confinement potentials, which may possibly allow
tuning of intervalley coupling by external controlsComment: 17 pages, 14 figure
Urban greenery and mental wellbeing in adults: Cross-sectional mediation analyses on multiple pathways across different greenery measures
Multiple mechanisms have been proposed to explain how greenery enhances their
mental wellbeing. Mediation studies, however, focus on a limited number of
mechanisms and rely on remotely sensed greenery measures, which do not
accurately capture how neighborhood greenery is perceived on the ground. To
examine: 1) how streetscape and remote sensing-based greenery affect people's
mental wellbeing in Guangzhou, China; 2) whether and, if so, to what extent the
associations are mediated by physical activity, stress, air quality and noise,
and social cohesion; and 3) whether differences in the mediation across the
streetscape greenery and NDVI exposure metrics occurred. Mental wellbeing was
quantified by the WHO-5 wellbeing index. Greenery measures were extracted at
the neighborhood level: 1) streetscape greenery from street view data via a
convolutional neural network, and 2) the NDVI remote sensing images. Single and
multiple mediation analyses with multilevel regressions were conducted.
Streetscape and NDVI greenery were weakly and positively, but not
significantly, correlated. Our regression results revealed that streetscape
greenery and NDVI were, individually and jointly, positively associated with
mental wellbeing. Significant partial mediators for the streetscape greenery
were physical activity, stress, air quality and noise, and social cohesion;
together, they explained 62% of the association. For NDVI, only physical
activity and social cohesion were significant partial mediators, accounting for
22% of the association. Mental health and wellbeing and both streetscape and
satellite-derived greenery seem to be both directly correlated and indirectly
mediated. Our findings signify that both greenery measures capture different
aspects of natural environments and may contribute to people's wellbeing by
means of different mechanisms
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