461 research outputs found

    LHC searches for the CP-odd Higgs by the jet substructure analysis

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    The LHC searches for the CP-odd Higgs boson is studied (with masses from 300 GeV to 1 TeV) in the context of the general two-Higgs-doublet model. With the discovery of the 125 GeV Higgs boson at the LHC, we highlight one promising discovery channel of the hZ. This channel can become significant after the global signal fitting to the 125 GeV Higgs boson in the general two-Higgs-doublet model. It is particularly important in the scenario where two CP-even Higgs bosons in the two-Higgs-doublet model have the common mass of 125 GeV. Since the final states involve a Standard-Model-like Higgs boson, we apply the jet substructure analysis of the fat Higgs jet in order to eliminate the Standard Model background sufficiently. After performing the kinematic cuts, we present the LHC search sensitivities for the CP-odd Higgs boson with mass up to 1 TeV via this channel.Comment: 26 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    LHC searches for heavy neutral Higgs bosons with a top jet substructure analysis

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    We study the LHC searches for the heavy CPCP-odd Higgs boson AA and CPCP-even Higgs boson HH in the context of general two-Higgs-doublet model. Specifically, we consider the decay mode of A/H→ttˉA/H\to t \bar t through the bbˉb \bar b or ttˉt \bar t associated production channels. In the so-called "alignment limit" of the two-Higgs-doublet model, this decay mode can be the most dominant one. By employing the HEPTopTagger and the multi-variable-analysis method, we present the search sensitivities for both CPCP-odd Higgs boson AA and CPCP-even Higgs boson HH via these channels at the high-luminosity LHC runs.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures; v2: matches the published versio

    Highlights of Supersymmetric Hypercharge ±1\pm1 Triplets

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    The discovery of a standard model (SM)-like Higgs boson with a relatively heavy mass mhm_h and hints of di-photon excess has deep implication to supersymmetric standard models (SSMs). We consider the SSM extended with hypercharge ±1\pm1 triplets, and investigate two scenarios of it: (A) Triplets significantly couple to the Higgs doublets, which can substantially raise mhm_h and simultaneously enhance the Higgs to di-photon rate via light chargino loops; (B) Oppositely, these couplings are quite weak and thus mhm_h can not be raised. But the doubly-charged Higgs bosons, owing to the gauge group structure, naturally interprets why there is an excess rather than a deficient of Higgs to di-photon rate. Additionally, the pseudo Dirac triplet fermion is an inelastic non-thermal dark matter candidate. Light doubly-charged particles, especially the doubly-charged Higgs boson around 100 GeV in scenario B, are predicted. We give a preliminary discussion on their search at the LHC.Comment: JHEP version. Typos fixed, comments, references and acknowledge adde

    Higgs Boson Mass and Complex Snuetrino Dark Matter in the Supersymmetric Inverse Seesaw Models

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    The discovery of a relatively heavy Standard Model (SM) -like Higgs boson challenges naturalness of the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) from both Higgs and dark matter (DM) sectors. We study these two aspects in the MSSM extended by the low-scale inverse seesaw mechanism. Firstly, it admits a sizable radiative correction on the Higgs boson mass m_h, up to \sim 4 GeV in the case of an IR-fixed point of the coupling Y_\nu LH_u\nu^c and a large sneutrino mixing. Secondly, the lightest sneutrino, highly complex as expected, is a viable thermal DM candidate. Owing to the correct relic density and XENON100, two cases survive: a Higgs-portal complex DM with mass lying around the Higgs pole or above WW threshold, and a coannihilating DM with slim prospect of detection. Given an extra family of sneutrinos, both scenarios naturally work when we attempt to suppress the DM left-handed sneutrino component, confronting with enhancing m_h.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, JHEP versio
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