12,348 research outputs found
Lifshitz and Schrodinger Vacua, Superstar Resolution in Gauged Maximal Supergravities
We consider the subset of gauged maximal supergravities that consists of the
SO(n+1) gauge fields A^{ij} and the scalar deformation T^{ij} of the S^n in the
spherical reduction of M-theory or type IIB. We focus on the Abelian Cartan
subgroup and the diagonal entries of T^{ij}. The resulting theories can be
viewed as the STU models with additional hyperscalars. We find that the
theories with only one or two such vectors can be generalized naturally to
arbitrary dimensions. The same is true for the D=4 or 5 Einstein-Maxwell theory
with such a hyperscalar. The gauge fields become massive, determined by
stationary points of the hyperscalars a la the analogous Abelian Higgs
mechanism. We obtain classes of Lifshitz and Schrodinger vacua in these
theories. The scaling exponent z turns out to be rather restricted, taking
fractional or irrational numbers. Tweaking the theories by relaxing the mass
parameter or making a small change of the superpotential, we find that
solutions with z=2 can emerge. In a different application, we find that the
resolution of superstar singularity in the STU models by using bubbling-AdS
solitons can be generalized to arbitrary dimensions in our theories. In
particular, we obtain the smooth AdS solitons that can be viewed as the
resolution of the Reissner-Nordstrom superstars in general dimensions.Comment: Latex, 24 page
Thermodynamics of Lifshitz Black Holes
We specialize the Wald formalism to derive the thermodynamical first law for
static black holes with spherical/torus/hyperbolic symmetries in a variety of
supergravities or supergravity-inspired theories involving multiple scalars and
vectors. We apply the formula to study the first law of a general class of
Lifshitz black holes. We analyse the first law of three exact Lifshitz black
holes and the results fit the general pattern. In one example, the first law is
where are the electric potential and charge of the
Maxwell field. The unusual vanishing of mass in this specific solution
demonstrates that super-extremal charged black holes can exist in asymptotic
Lifshitz spacetimes.Comment: 27 page
Scalar Charges in Asymptotic AdS Geometries
We show that for n-dimensional Einstein gravity coupled to a scalar field
with mass-squared m_0^2=-n(n-2)/(4\ell^2), the first law of thermodynamics of
(charged) AdS black holes will be modified by the boundary conditions of the
scalar field at asymptotic infinity. Such scalars can arise in gauged
supergravities in four and six dimensions, but not in five or seven. The result
provides a guiding principle for constructing designer black holes and solitons
in general dimensions, where the properties of the dual field theories depend
on the boundary conditions.Comment: Latex, 9 pages, references adde
Holographic Heat Current as Noether Current
We employ the Noether procedure to derive a general formula for the radially
conserved heat current in AdS planar black holes with certain transverse and
traceless perturbations, for a general class of gravity theories. For Einstein
gravity, the general higher-order Lovelock gravities and also a class of
Horndeski gravities, we derive the boundary stress tensor and show that the
resulting boundary heat current matches precisely the bulk Noether current.Comment: Latex, 27 pages, typos corrected, comments added, references adde
Quasi-Topological Ricci Polynomial Gravities
Quasi-topological terms in gravity can be viewed as those that give no
contribution to the equations of motion for a special subclass of metric
ans\"atze. They therefore play no r\^ole in constructing these solutions, but
can affect the general perturbations. We consider Einstein gravity extended
with Ricci tensor polynomial invariants, which admits Einstein metrics with
appropriate effective cosmological constants as its vacuum solutions. We
construct three types of quasi-topological gravities. The first type is for the
most general static metrics with spherical, toroidal or hyperbolic isometries.
The second type is for the special static metrics where is
constant. The third type is the linearized quasi-topological gravities on the
Einstein metrics. We construct and classify results that are either dependent
on or independent of dimensions, up to the tenth order. We then consider a
subset of these three types and obtain Lovelock-like quasi-topological
gravities, that are independent of the dimensions. The linearized gravities on
Einstein metrics on all dimensions are simply Einstein and hence ghost free.
The theories become quasi-topological on static metrics in one specific
dimension, but non-trivial in others. We also focus on the quasi-topological
Ricci cubic invariant in four dimensions as a specific example to study its
effect on holography, including shear viscosity, thermoelectric DC
conductivities and butterfly velocity. In particular, we find that the
holographic diffusivity bounds can be violated by the quasi-topological terms,
which can induce an extra massive mode that yields a butterfly velocity unbound
above.Comment: Latex, 56 pages, discussion on shear viscosity revise
Thermodynamics of Einstein-Proca AdS Black Holes
We study static spherically-symmetric solutions of the Einstein-Proca
equations in the presence of a negative cosmological constant. We show that the
theory admits solutions describing both black holes and also solitons in an
asymptotically AdS background. Interesting subtleties can arise in the
computation of the mass of the solutions and also in the derivation of the
first law of thermodynamics. We make use of holographic renormalisation in
order to calculate the mass, even in cases where the solutions have a rather
slow approach to the asymptotic AdS geometry. By using the procedure developed
by Wald, we derive the first law of thermodynamics for the black hole and
soliton solutions. This includes a non-trivial contribution associated with the
Proca "charge." The solutions cannot be found analytically, and so we make use
of numerical integration techniques to demonstrate their existence.Comment: 35 pages, Improved discussion of cases with logarithmic asymptotic
fall off
Horndeski Gravity and the Violation of Reverse Isoperimetric Inequality
We consider Einstein-Horndeski-Maxwell gravity, together with a cosmological
constant and multiple Horndeski axions. We construct charged AdS planar black
holes in general dimensions where the Horndeski anxions span over the planar
directions. We analyse the thermodynamics and obtain the black hole volumes. We
show that the reverse isoperimetric inequality can be violated, implying that
these black holes can store information more efficiently than the Schwarzschild
black hole.Comment: Latex, 25 pages, 1 figure, references adde
Generalised Smarr Formula and the Viscosity Bound for Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton Black Holes
We study the shear viscosity to entropy ratio in the boundary field
theories dual to black hole backgrounds in theories of gravity coupled to a
scalar field, and generalisations including a Maxwell field and non-minimal
scalar couplings. Motivated by the observation in simple examples that the
saturation of the bound is correlated with the existence
of a generalised Smarr relation for the planar black-hole solutions, we
investigate this in detail for the general black-hole solutions in these
theories, focusing especially on the cases where the scalar field plays a
non-trivial role and gives rise to an additional parameter in the space of
solutions. We find that a generalised Smarr relation holds in all cases, and in
fact it can be viewed as the bulk gravity dual of the statement of the
saturation of the viscosity to entropy bound. We obtain the generalised Smarr
relation, whose existence depends upon a scaling symmetry of the planar
black-hole solutions, by two different but related methods, one based on
integrating the first law of thermodynamics, and the other based on the
construction of a conserved Noether charge.Comment: Latex, 36 pages, references added, typos corrected, to appear in PR
Magnetically-Charged Black Branes and Viscosity/Entropy Ratios
We consider asymptotically-AdS -dimensional black brane solutions in a
theory of gravity coupled to a set of -form field strengths, in which
the field strengths carry magnetic charges. For appropriately chosen charges,
the metrics are isotropic in the transverse directions. However, in
general the field strength configurations break the full Euclidean symmetry of
the -dimensional transverse space. We then study the linearised equation
for transverse traceless metric perturbations in these backgrounds, and by
employing the Kubo formula we obtain expressions for , the ratio of
shear viscosity to entropy density. We find that the KSS bound on the ratio
is generally violated in these solutions. We also extend the
discussion by including also a dilatonic scalar field in the theory, leading to
solutions that are asymptotically Lifshitz with hyperscaling violation.Comment: References added. 21 page
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