31,440 research outputs found
The Tightness of the Kesten-Stigum Reconstruction Bound of Symmetric Model with Multiple Mutations
It is well known that reconstruction problems, as the interdisciplinary
subject, have been studied in numerous contexts including statistical physics,
information theory and computational biology, to name a few. We consider a
-state symmetric model, with two categories of states in each category,
and 3 transition probabilities: the probability to remain in the same state,
the probability to change states but remain in the same category, and the
probability to change categories. We construct a nonlinear second order
dynamical system based on this model and show that the Kesten-Stigum
reconstruction bound is not tight when .Comment: Accepted, to appear Journal of Statistical Physic
One-loop QCD correction to top pair production in the littlest Higgs model with T-parity at the LHC
In this work, we investigate the one-loop QCD correction to top pair
production in the littlest Higgs model with T-parity at the LHC. We calculate
the relative correction of the top pair production cross section and
top-antitop spin correlation at the LHC for TeV. We find that
the relative corrections of top pair production cross section can reach about
, and the top-antitop spin correlation can reach () at the
8(14) TeV LHC in the favorable parameter space
An indirect probe of higgsino world at the CEPC
The higgsino world is one of the popular natural SUSY scenarios, in which
. As such, searching for light
degenerate higgsinos becomes an essential task of testing naturalness in
supersymmetry (SUSY). In this work, we study the indirect effects of light
higgsinos in the process at future Higgs factories, such as
Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) in China. we find that the higgsino
mass parameter GeV favored by naturalness can be covered if
the accuracy of the measurement of production can reach 0.1\% at 240
GeV CEPC.Comment: discussions and figures added, version accepted by EPJ
One-loop effects on top pair production in the littlest Higgs model with T-parity at the LHC
In this work, we systematically investigate the one-loop corrections to
production in the littlest Higgs model with T-parity (LHT) at the
LHC for TeV. We focus on the effects of LHT particles on
cross section, polarization asymmetries, spin correlation and charge
asymmetry at the LHC. We also study the top quark forward-backward asymmetry at
Tevatron and its correlations with the LHC observables. We found that: (1) the
contributions of the LHT particles to production can only reach
about 1% at the 14 TeV LHC. Meanwhile, the anomalous top quark forward-backward
asymmetry at Tevatron is also hardly to be explained in the LHT model. (2) the
parity violating asymmetries in production, such as left-right
asymmetry and the polarization can respectively reach 1.1%
and 0.5%, which may have the potential to provide a signal of LHT at the LHC.Comment: Accepted for publication in the European Physical Journal
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