1,802 research outputs found
Evidence for Electroweak Production of W±W±jj in Proton-Proton Collisions at vs = 8 TeV with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC.
This thesis presents the first study of the same-electric-charge WWjj production using 20.3/fb of proton-proton collision data at a center-of-mass energy of 8 TeV recorded by the ATLAS detector at the LHC during the year of 2012. Only the leptonic decays of both W's are considered. Events are selected with two same-electric-charge leptons (ee, emu, mumu) and at least two hadronic jets. The inclusive and electroweak productions of WWjj are studied in two fiducial signal regions and the production cross sections are measured. First evidence for inclusive and electroweak production is observed with a significance of 4.5 and 3.6 standard deviations respectively. The measured production cross sections are in agreement with the Standard Model predictions. First set of constraints on the anomalous WWWW quartic gauge couplings are derived.PhDPhysicsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/111502/1/liululu_1.pd
Macrophage derived complement factor C3 impacts on cardiac remodeling
Myocardial infarction (MI) is a common condition with strong impact on mortality and morbidity. Coronary occlusion induces myocardial necrosis triggering inflammatory responses of various cell types, leading to myocardial healing or scar formation. The majority of immune cells in the heart are myeloid cells, which play a role in the pathophysiology of MI. They are attracted by inflammatory mediators such as cytokines and chemokines, and recruited to ischemic myocardium. The notion that the complement system mediates immunological defense and is stimulated by MI is supported by prior research. Robust upregulation of the complement system contributes to the postinfarct inflammation process both directly, e.g. by chemoattracting immune cells, and indirectly, such as by inserting the membrane attack complex (MAC) into damaged cells within ischemic myocardium. Complement component 3 (C3) is a key factor in the complement cascade and massive C3 deposition is found in the ischemic region after MI. Blockage or genetic deficiency of C3 has been shown to reduce ischemic injury. However, the underlying mechanisms have been unclear. We utilized C3-tdTomato knock-in reporter mice to monitor C3 expression in immune cells in health and in response to MI, and characterized its role in postinfarct cardiac inflammation and remodeling. Using flow cytometry we identified profound expression of C3 by circulating myeloid cells already in steady state conditions. While presence of C3 was low in healthy mouse hearts, cardiac resident macrophages upregulated C3 within 48h after myocardial ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury. Transplantation of donor bone marrow (BM) cells to lethally irradiated mice demonstrated that BM-independent tissue macrophages, which originated from embryonic hematopoiesis, produce this complement factor whereas only minimal amounts of C3 are taken up from blood circulation. In line with this, circulating myeloid cells of bone marrow donors generate C3 in high abundance in recipient mice lacking serum-derived C3. While macrophage C3 had no significant impact on cardiac remodeling after short-term ischemia, tissue resident macrophage derived C3 impacted on infarct size and cardiac remodeling in mice undergoing chronic infarction. Taken together, we provide a comprehensive characterization of C3 expression in immune cells and decipher the upregulation of C3 in cardiac macrophages upon inflammation, shedding light on the importance of intracellularly generated C3 and paving the way for future investigations of post-ischemic inflammation
Application of Cooperative Principle and Politeness Principle in Class Question-answer Process
Question-answer method of teaching is one of the common ways of classroom interaction and it is also a bridge of communication and cooperation between teachers and students. Teachers can check and know students’ understanding of the knowledge and guide students to think of problems activity by asking questions. The paper is justified by correlational theories of Cooperative Principle and Politeness Principle. Research method of literature is conducted. That is, teachers should pay attention to the way and method of asking questions in class question-answer process, who express to euphemism and accurate as soon as possible and give affirmation and encouragement for students answer to improve the amount of language output. The teachers should be skillful in using of the major principles of Cooperative Principle and Politeness Principle in the English Classroom quiz. These theories not only help to establish a harmonious teacher-students relationship, but also improve the effect of classroom teaching
A supportive environment for the management of software testing
This dissertation describes research undertaken on the management of software testing. A support environment for the management of software testing, entitled SEMST, is presented. The research approach involves the investigation of software configuration management and its application to the testing process; the study of software testing techniques and methods; the exploration of the significance of software testing management; a survey of related work; the development and analysis of the requirements for SEMST; its implementation and an assessment. The current version of SEMST is a prototype built on the top of Unix and RCS on a Sun workstation. It is able to maintain all versions of specifications, test cases and programs, as well as to manage the relationships between these components
Absolute Position Total Internal Reflection Microscopy with an Optical Tweezer
A non-invasive, in-situ calibration method for Total Internal Reflection
Microscopy (TIRM) based on optical tweezing is presented which greatly expands
the capabilities of this technique. We show that by making only simple
modifications to the basic TIRM sensing setup and procedure, a probe particle's
absolute position relative to a dielectric interface may be known with better
than 10 nm precision out to a distance greater than 1 m from the surface.
This represents an approximate 10x improvement in error and 3x improvement in
measurement range over conventional TIRM methods. The technique's advantage is
in the direct measurement of the probe particle's scattering intensity vs.
height profile in-situ, rather than relying on calculations or inexact system
analogs for calibration. To demonstrate the improved versatility of the TIRM
method in terms of tunability, precision, and range, we show our results for
the hindered near-wall diffusion coefficient for a spherical dielectric
particle.Comment: 10 pages. Submitted for peer review 8/20/201
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