71,305 research outputs found
Electron capture of iron group nuclei in magnetars
Using the theory of relativity in superstrong magnetic fields (SMFs) and
nuclear shell model, we carry out estimation for electron capture (EC) rates on
iron group nuclei in SMFs. The rates of change of electronic abundance (RCEA)
due to EC are also investigated in SMFs. It is concluded that the EC rates of
most iron group nuclides are increased greatly by SMFs and even exceeded by
nine orders of magnitude. On the other hand, RCEA is influenced greatly by SMFs
and even reduced by more than eight orders of magnitude in the EC reaction.We
also compare our results with those of Fuller et al.(FFN) and Aufderheide et
al.(AUFD) in the case with and without SMFs. The results show that our results
are in good agreement with AUFD's, but the rates of FFN's are about close to
one order of magnitude bigger than ours in the case without SMFs. On the
contrary, our calculated rates for most nuclides in SMFs are increased and even
exceeded as much as for nine and eight orders of magnitude of compared to FFN's
and AUFD's results, which is in the case without SMFs, respectively.Comment: 8 pages, 13 figures, accepted by MNRA
Electron capture of strongly screening nuclides Fe, Co, Ni , Mn ,Cr and V in presupernova
According to the Shell-Model Monte Carlo method, basing on the Random Phase
Approximation and the linear response theory, we carried out an estimation on
electron capture of strongly screening nuclides Fe, Co, Ni
, Mn ,Cr and V in strong electron screening (SES)in
presupernova. The
EC rates are decreased greatly and even exceed in SES. We also
compare our results with those of Aufderheide (AFUD), which calculated by the
method of Aufderheide in SES. Our results are agreed reasonably well with AUFD
at higher density-temperature surroundings (e.g. ) and
the maximum error is 0.5. However, the maximum error is 13.0 at lower density surroundings (e.g. Cr at ). On the other hand, we also compared our results in SES
with those of FFN's and Nabi's, which is in the case without SES. The
comparisons show that our results are lower more than one order magnitude than
FFN's, but about than Nabi's.Comment: 6 pages,5 figures, MNRAS, Volume 433, Issue 2, p.1108-111
Strong screening effects on resonant nuclear reaction Mg Al in the surface of magnetars
Based on the theory of relativistic superstrong magnetic fields(SMFs), by
using the method of the Thomas-Fermi-Dirac approximations, we investigate the
problem of strong electron screening(SES) in SMFs, and the influence of SES on
the nuclear reaction of Mg Al. Our calculations show
that the nuclear reaction will be markedly effected by the SES in SMFs in the
surface of magnetars. Our calculated screening rates can increase two orders of
magnitude due to SES in SMFs
Supernova {\beta}^- decay of nuclides 53Fe, 54Fe, 55Fe, and 56Fe in strongly screened plasma
The electron screening strong effect on the electron energy and threshold
energy of the beta decay reaction. in this paper, we study the decay
rates of some iron isotopes. The electron screening beta decay rates increase
by about two orders of magnitude. The strong screening beta decay rates due to
Q-value correction are by more than one order of magnitude higher than those of
without Q-value correction.Comment: 10 pages, 45 figures, accepted for publication in Resarch in
Astronomy and Astrophysic
Phase matching condition for enhancement of phase sensitivity in quantum metrology
We find a phase matching condition for enhancement of sensitivity in a
Mach-Zehnder interferometer illuminated by an arbitrary state in one input port
and an odd(even) state in the other port. Under this condition, the Fisher
information becomes maximal with respect to the relative phase of two modes and
the phase sensitivity is enhanced. For the case with photon losses, we further
find that the phase matching condition keeps unchanged with a coherent state
and a coherent superposition state as the input states.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
Simultaneous approximation on affine subspaces
We solve the convergence case of the generalized Baker-Schmidt problem for
simultaneous approximation on affine subspaces, under natural diophantine type
conditions. In one of our theorems, we do not require monotonicity on the
approximation function. In order to prove these results, we establish
asymptotic formulae for the number of rational points close to an affine
subspace. One key ingredient is a sharp upper bound on a certain sum of
reciprocals of fractional parts associated with the matrix defining the affine
subspace.Comment: To appear in IMR
Benchmark Tests of Convolutional Neural Network and Graph Convolutional Network on HorovodRunner Enabled Spark Clusters
The freedom of fast iterations of distributed deep learning tasks is crucial
for smaller companies to gain competitive advantages and market shares from big
tech giants. HorovodRunner brings this process to relatively accessible spark
clusters. There have been, however, no benchmark tests on HorovodRunner per se,
nor specifically graph convolutional network (GCN, hereafter), and very limited
scalability benchmark tests on Horovod, the predecessor requiring custom built
GPU clusters. For the first time, we show that Databricks' HorovodRunner
achieves significant lift in scaling efficiency for the convolutional neural
network (CNN, hereafter) based tasks on both GPU and CPU clusters, but not the
original GCN task. We also implemented the Rectified Adam optimizer for the
first time in HorovodRunner.Comment: AAAI 2020 W8 Deep Learning on Graphs: Methodologies and Applications
Accepted Poster Number 2
A new insight into neutrino energy loss by electron capture of iron group nuclei in magnetars surface
Based on the relativistic mean-field effective interactions theory, and Lai
dong model \citep{b37, b38, b39}, we discuss the influences of superstrong
magnetic fields (SMFs) on electron Fermi energy, nuclear blinding energy, and
single-particle level structure in magnetars surface. By using the method of
Shell-Model Monte Carlo (SMMC), and the Random Phase Approximation (RPA)
theory, we detailed analyze the neutrino energy loss rates(NELRs) by electron
capture (EC) for iron group nuclei in SMFs.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in ApJS. arXiv admin
note: text overlap with arXiv:astro-ph/0606674, arXiv:nucl-th/9707052,
arXiv:nucl-th/9801012, arXiv:1505.07304 by other author
Revisiting Optimal Power Control: its Dual Effect on SNR and Contention
In this paper we study a transmission power tune problem with densely
deployed 802.11 Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs). While previous papers
emphasize on tuning transmission power with either PHY or MAC layer separately,
optimally setting each Access Point's (AP's) transmission power of a densely
deployed 802.11 network considering its dual effects on both layers remains an
open problem. In this work, we design a measure by evaluating impacts of
transmission power on network performance on both PHY and MAC layers. We show
that such an optimization problem is intractable and then we investigate and
develop an analytical framework to allow simple yet efficient solutions.
Through simulations and numerical results, we observe clear benefits of the
dual-effect model compared to solutions optimizing solely on a single layer;
therefore, we conclude that tuning transmission power from a dual layer
(PHY-MAC) point of view is essential and necessary for dense WLANs. We further
form a game theoretical framework and investigate above power-tune problem in a
strategic network. We show that with decentralized and strategic users, the
Nash Equilibrium (N.E.) of the corresponding game is in-efficient and
thereafter we propose a punishment based mechanism to enforce users to adopt
the social optimal strategy profile under both perfect and imperfect sensing
Liouville correspondence between the Short-Pulse Hierarchy and the Sine-Gordon Hierarchy
This paper considers the whole hierarchy of bi-Hamiltonian integrable
equations associated to each of the Short-Pulse (SP) equation and the
Sine-Gordon (SG) equation. We prove that the transformation that relates the SP
equation with the SG equation also serves to establish the correspondence
between their flows and Hamiltonian conservation laws in respective hierarchy
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