396 research outputs found
A Unified View of Topological Phase Transition in Band Theory
We develop a unified view of topological phase transitions (TPTs) in solids
by revising the classical band theory with the inclusion of topology.
Re-evaluating the band evolution from an "atomic crystal" [a normal insulator
(NI)] to a solid crystal, such as a semiconductor, we demonstrate that there
exists ubiquitously an intermediate phase of topological insulator (TI), whose
critical transition point displays a linear scaling between electron hopping
potential and average bond length, underlined by deformation-potential theory.
The validity of the scaling relation is verified in various two-dimensional
(2D) lattices regardless of lattice symmetry, periodicity, and form of electron
hoppings, based on a generic tight-binding model. Significantly, this linear
scaling is shown to set an upper bound for the degree of structural disorder to
destroy the topological order in a crystalline solid, as exemplified by
formation of vacancies and thermal disorder. Our work formulates a simple
framework for understanding the physical nature of TPTs with significant
implications in practical applications of topological materials.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure
Emergence of a Chern-insulating state from a semi-Dirac dispersion
A Chern insulator (quantum anomalous Hall insulator) phase is demonstrated to
exist in a typical semi-Dirac system, the TiO2/VO2 heterostructure. By
combining first-principles calculations with Wannier-based tight-binding model,
we calculate the Berry curvature distribution, finding a Chern number of -2 for
the valence bands, and demonstrate the existence of gapless chiral edge states,
ensuring quantization of the Hall conductivity to 2e^2/h. A new semi-Dirac
model, where each semi-Dirac cone is formed by merging three conventional Dirac
points, is proposed to reveal how the nontrivial topology with finite Chern
number is compatible with a semi-Dirac electronic spectrum.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure
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