3,019 research outputs found
Mean-field potential calculations of high-pressure equation of state for shock-compressed BeO
A systematic study of the Hugoniot equation of state, phase transition, and
the other thermodynamic properties including the Hugoniot temperature, the
electronic and ionic heat capacities, and the Gr\"{u}neisen parameter for
shock-compressed BeO, is presented by calculating the total free energy. The
method of calculations combines first-principles treatment for 0-K and finite-T
electronic contribution and the mean-field-potential approach for the
vibrational contribution of the lattice ion to the total energy. Our calculated
Hugoniot shows good agreement with the experimental data.Comment: 9 figure
On Differentially Private Online Collaborative Recommendation Systems
In collaborative recommendation systems, privacy may be compromised, as
users' opinions are used to generate recommendations for others. In this paper,
we consider an online collaborative recommendation system, and we measure
users' privacy in terms of the standard differential privacy. We give the first
quantitative analysis of the trade-offs between recommendation quality and
users' privacy in such a system by showing a lower bound on the best achievable
privacy for any non-trivial algorithm, and proposing a near-optimal algorithm.
From our results, we find that there is actually little trade-off between
recommendation quality and privacy for any non-trivial algorithm. Our results
also identify the key parameters that determine the best achievable privacy.Comment: 35 pages, 2 figure
The different roles of Pu-oxide overlayers in the hydrogenation of Pu-metal: An ab initio molecular dynamics study based on vdW-DFT+U
Based on the van der Waals density functional theory (vdW-DFT)+U scheme, we
carry out the ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) study of the interaction
dynamics for H impingement against the stoichiometric PuO(111), the
reduced PuO(111), and the stoichiometric -PuO(111)
surfaces. The hydrogen molecular physisorption states, which can not be
captured by pure DFT+\textit{U} method, are obtained by employing the
vdW-DFT+\textit{U} scheme. We show that except for the weak physisorption,
PuO(111) surfaces are so difficult of access that almost all of the
H molecules will bounce back to the vacuum when their initial kinetic
energies are not sufficient. Although the dissociative adsorption of H on
PuO(111) surfaces is found to be very exothermic, the collision-induced
dissociation barriers of H are calculated to be as high as eV and
eV for stoichiometric and reduced PuO surfaces, respectively.
Unlike PuO, our AIMD study directly reveals that the hydrogen molecules
can penetrate into -PuO(111) surface and diffuse easily
due to the \ native O vacancies located along the 111
diagonals of -PuO matrix. By examining the temperature
effect and the internal vibrational excitations of H, we provide a
detailed insight into the interaction dynamics of H in -PuO. The optimum pathways for hydrogen penetration and diffusion,
the corresponding energy barriers ( eV and eV, respectively) and
rate constants are systematically calculated. Overall, our study fairly reveals
the different interaction mechanisms between H and Pu-oxide surfaces,
which have strong implications to the interpretation of experimental
observations.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figure
Thermal-driven Flow inside Graphene Channels for Water Desalination
A novel concept of membrane process in thermal-driven system is proposed for
water desalination. By means of molecular dynamics simulations, we show fast
water transport through graphene galleries at a temperature gradient. Water
molecules are driven to migrate through nanometer-wide graphene channels from
cold reservoir to hot reservoir by the effect of thermal creep flow. Reducing
the interlayer spacing to 6.5 {\AA}, an abrupt escalation occurs in water
permeation between angstrom-distance graphene slabs. The change from disordered
bulklike water to quasi-square structure have been found under this extremely
confined condition. This leads to a transition to subcontinuum transport. Water
molecules perform collective diffusion behaviors inside graphene channels. The
special transport processes with structure change convert thermal energy into
motion without dissipation, resulting in unexpected high water permeability.
The thermal-driven system reaches maximum flowrate at temperature variance of
80 K, corresponding to the quantity at pressure difference up to 10^5 bar in
commercial reverse osmosis processes and 230 bar in pressure-driven slip flow.
Our results also reveal the movement of saline ions influenced by
thermophoretic effect, which complement the geometry limitation at greater
layer spacing, enhancing the blockage of ions. This finding aims to provide an
innovational idea of developing a high-efficiency desalination technology able
to utilize various forms of energy
Rediscovering the Galactic outer disk with LAMOST data
From the derived stellar density profile using LAMOST giant stars, we find
that the Galactic disk does not show truncation or break, but smoothly transit
to the halo from 19 kpc. The scale length of the outer disk is only
\,kpc, substantially smaller than previous results. This implies
that the shapes of the inner and outer disk are different. Meanwhile, the disk
flaring is not only found in older populations, but also in younger population.
Moreover, the vertical oscillations of the disk are identified in a wide range
or from 8 to 14 kpc. We also find that the velocity dispersion profile as a
function of the Galactocentric radius is flat with scale length of
\,kpc. We confirm that the radial velocity profile in outer disk is
significantly affected by asymmetric motion. The bar with either a slower or a
faster pattern speed can induce the similar radial asymmetric motion.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, "Rediscovering our Galaxy" Proceedings IAU
Symposium No. 334, 2017, C. Chiappini, I. Minchev, E. Starkenberg, M.
Valentini, ed
Exploiting Multi-typed Treebanks for Parsing with Deep Multi-task Learning
Various treebanks have been released for dependency parsing. Despite that
treebanks may belong to different languages or have different annotation
schemes, they contain syntactic knowledge that is potential to benefit each
other. This paper presents an universal framework for exploiting these
multi-typed treebanks to improve parsing with deep multi-task learning. We
consider two kinds of treebanks as source: the multilingual universal treebanks
and the monolingual heterogeneous treebanks. Multiple treebanks are trained
jointly and interacted with multi-level parameter sharing. Experiments on
several benchmark datasets in various languages demonstrate that our approach
can make effective use of arbitrary source treebanks to improve target parsing
models.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure
Deep Rotation Equivariant Network
Recently, learning equivariant representations has attracted considerable
research attention. Dieleman et al. introduce four operations which can be
inserted into convolutional neural network to learn deep representations
equivariant to rotation. However, feature maps should be copied and rotated
four times in each layer in their approach, which causes much running time and
memory overhead. In order to address this problem, we propose Deep Rotation
Equivariant Network consisting of cycle layers, isotonic layers and decycle
layers. Our proposed layers apply rotation transformation on filters rather
than feature maps, achieving a speed up of more than 2 times with even less
memory overhead. We evaluate DRENs on Rotated MNIST and CIFAR-10 datasets and
demonstrate that it can improve the performance of state-of-the-art
Equation of state for shock-compressed porous molybdenum from first-principles mean-field potential calculations
The Hugoniot curves for shock-compressed molybdenum with initial porosities
of 1.0, 1.26, 1.83, and 2.31 are theoretically investigated. The method of
calculations combines the first-principles treatment for zero- and
finite-temperature electronic contribution and the mean-field-potential
approach for the ion-thermal contribution to the total free energy. Our
calculated results reproduce the Hugoniot properties of porous molybdenum quite
well. At low porosity, in particular, the calculations show a complete
agreement with the experimental measurements over the full range of data. For
the two large porosity values of 1.83 and 2.31, our results are well in accord
with the experimental data points up to the particle velocity of 3.5 km/s, and
tend to overestimate the shock-wave velocity and Hugoniot pressure when further
increasing the particle velocity. In addition, the temperature along the
principal Hugoniot is also extensively investigated for porous molybdenum.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
Towards Conversational Recommendation over Multi-Type Dialogs
We propose a new task of conversational recommendation over multi-type
dialogs, where the bots can proactively and naturally lead a conversation from
a non-recommendation dialog (e.g., QA) to a recommendation dialog, taking into
account user's interests and feedback. To facilitate the study of this task, we
create a human-to-human Chinese dialog dataset \emph{DuRecDial} (about 10k
dialogs, 156k utterances), which contains multiple sequential dialogs for every
pair of a recommendation seeker (user) and a recommender (bot). In each dialog,
the recommender proactively leads a multi-type dialog to approach
recommendation targets and then makes multiple recommendations with rich
interaction behavior. This dataset allows us to systematically investigate
different parts of the overall problem, e.g., how to naturally lead a dialog,
how to interact with users for recommendation. Finally we establish baseline
results on DuRecDial for future studies. Dataset and codes are publicly
available at
https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/models/tree/develop/PaddleNLP/Research/ACL2020-DuRecDial.Comment: Accepted by ACL 202
Applicability of Kerker preconditioning scheme to the self-consistent density functional theory calculations of inhomogeneous systems
Kerker preconditioner, based on the dielectric function of homogeneous
electron gas, is designed to accelerate the self-consistent field (SCF)
iteration in the density functional theory (DFT) calculations. However,
question still remains regarding its applicability to the inhomogeneous
systems. In this paper, we develop a modified Kerker preconditioning scheme
which captures the long-range screening behavior of inhomogeneous systems thus
improve the SCF convergence. The effectiveness and efficiency is shown by the
tests on long-z slabs of metals, insulators and metal-insulator contacts. For
situations without a priori knowledge of the system, we design the a posteriori
indicator to monitor if the preconditioner has suppressed charge sloshing
during the iterations. Based on the a posteriori indicator, we demonstrate two
schemes of the self-adaptive configuration for the SCF iteration
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