18,453 research outputs found

    Global Scaling Symmetry, Noether Charge and Universality of Shear Viscosity

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    Recently it was established in Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton gravity that the KSS viscosity/entropy ratio associated with AdS planar black holes can be viewed as the boundary dual to the generalized Smarr relation of the black holes in the bulk. In this paper we establish this relation in Einstein gravity with general minimally-coupled matter, and also in theories with an additional non-minimally coupled scalar field. We consider two examples for explicit demonstrations.Comment: 16 pages, no figur

    How to understand the underlying structures of X(4140)X(4140), X(4274)X(4274), X(4500)X(4500) and X(4700)X(4700)

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    We investigate the possible rescattering effects which may contribute to the process B+β†’J/ΟˆΟ•K+B^+\to J/\psi\phi K^+. It is shown that the Dsβˆ—+Dsβˆ’D_{s}^{*+}D_{s}^- rescattering via the open-charmed meson loops, and Οˆβ€²Ο•\psi^\prime \phi rescattering via the Οˆβ€²K1\psi^\prime K_1 loops may simulate the structures of X(4140)X(4140) and X(4700)X(4700), respectively. However, if the quantum numbers of X(4274)X(4274) (X(4500)X(4500)) are 1++1^{++} (0++0^{++}), it is hard to to ascribe the observation of X(4274)X(4274) and X(4500)X(4500) to the PP-wave threshold rescattering effects, which implies that X(4274)X(4274) and X(4500)X(4500) could be genuine resonances. We also suggest that X(4274)X(4274) may be the conventional orbitally excited state Ο‡c1(3P)\chi_{c1}(3P).Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    A semiparametric regression model for paired longitudinal outcomes with application in childhood blood pressure development

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    This research examines the simultaneous influences of height and weight on longitudinally measured systolic and diastolic blood pressure in children. Previous studies have shown that both height and weight are positively associated with blood pressure. In children, however, the concurrent increases of height and weight have made it all but impossible to discern the effect of height from that of weight. To better understand these influences, we propose to examine the joint effect of height and weight on blood pressure. Bivariate thin plate spline surfaces are used to accommodate the potentially nonlinear effects as well as the interaction between height and weight. Moreover, we consider a joint model for paired blood pressure measures, that is, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, to account for the underlying correlation between the two measures within the same individual. The bivariate spline surfaces are allowed to vary across different groups of interest. We have developed related model fitting and inference procedures. The proposed method is used to analyze data from a real clinical investigation.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/12-AOAS567 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Lifshitz and Schrodinger Vacua, Superstar Resolution in Gauged Maximal Supergravities

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    We consider the subset of gauged maximal supergravities that consists of the SO(n+1) gauge fields A^{ij} and the scalar deformation T^{ij} of the S^n in the spherical reduction of M-theory or type IIB. We focus on the Abelian Cartan subgroup and the diagonal entries of T^{ij}. The resulting theories can be viewed as the STU models with additional hyperscalars. We find that the theories with only one or two such vectors can be generalized naturally to arbitrary dimensions. The same is true for the D=4 or 5 Einstein-Maxwell theory with such a hyperscalar. The gauge fields become massive, determined by stationary points of the hyperscalars a la the analogous Abelian Higgs mechanism. We obtain classes of Lifshitz and Schrodinger vacua in these theories. The scaling exponent z turns out to be rather restricted, taking fractional or irrational numbers. Tweaking the theories by relaxing the mass parameter or making a small change of the superpotential, we find that solutions with z=2 can emerge. In a different application, we find that the resolution of superstar singularity in the STU models by using bubbling-AdS solitons can be generalized to arbitrary dimensions in our theories. In particular, we obtain the smooth AdS solitons that can be viewed as the resolution of the Reissner-Nordstrom superstars in general dimensions.Comment: Latex, 24 page

    Thermodynamics of Lifshitz Black Holes

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    We specialize the Wald formalism to derive the thermodynamical first law for static black holes with spherical/torus/hyperbolic symmetries in a variety of supergravities or supergravity-inspired theories involving multiple scalars and vectors. We apply the formula to study the first law of a general class of Lifshitz black holes. We analyse the first law of three exact Lifshitz black holes and the results fit the general pattern. In one example, the first law is TdS+Ξ¦dQ=0TdS + \Phi dQ=0 where (Ξ¦,Q)(\Phi,Q) are the electric potential and charge of the Maxwell field. The unusual vanishing of mass in this specific solution demonstrates that super-extremal charged black holes can exist in asymptotic Lifshitz spacetimes.Comment: 27 page
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