13,338 research outputs found
The influencing mechanism of manufacturing scene change on process domain knowledge reuse
It is necessary for a enterprise to reuse outside process domain knowledge to develop intelligent manufacturing technology. The key factors influencing knowledge reuse in digital manufacturing scene are manufacturing activities and PPR (Products, Processes and Resources) related to knowledge modeling, enterprise and integrated systems related to knowledge utilizing. How these factors influence knowledge modeling and utilizing is analyzed. Process domain knowledge reuse across the enterprises consists of knowledge reconfiguration and integrated application with CAx systems. The module-based knowledge model and loosely-coupled integration application of process domain knowledge are proposed. The aircraft sheet metal process domain knowledge reuse is taken as an example, and it shows that the knowledge reuse process can be made flexible and rapid
An intelligent approach to design three-dimensional aircraft sheet metal part model for manufacture
Aircraft sheet metal part manufacturing is a knowledge-intensive process, and the manufacturability and manufacturing information are required to be considered in three-dimensional (3D) model by knowledge reuse. This paper presents a 3D model structure of the aircraft sheet metal part and an intelligent approach to design the model for manufacture combining intelligent manufacturability analysis with manufacturing information definition. Processability of part, formability of material and cost of fabrication are proposed to analyse the manufacturability of the part. Knowledge base for manufacturability analysis is established, and knowledge is reused to evaluate the part’s manufacturability intelligently to meet the constraints of manufacturing conditions. Non-geometric information is defined in the 3D model to meet the needs of digital manufacturing and inspection using model-based technology. An example is given to describe the process of design for manufacture, which shows that the approach can realize the concurrent design and digital manufacturing of aircraft sheet metal
A digital definition method for manufacturing model of aircraft integral panel
The manufacturing model of aircraft integral panel is presented based on the analysis of its structure and manufacturing process. The manufacturing model for each key process consists of model for processing and model for workpiece to bridge digital design and fabricating. Model for workpiece is used to express the target part information at the end of some operation. Model for processing is used to describe the intermediate state information, and it aims to attain but is different the workpiece because of process factors. The definition flow of the manufacturing model is given. The modeling approach of integral panel part blank from shot peen forming part model orienting to NC cutting is proposed and exemplified. It is analyzed that the approaches above can define the models accurately and totally to meet the needs of process planning , NC fabricating and inspecting
Infinte Idealization and Contextual Realism
The paper discusses the recent literature on abstraction/idealization in connection with
the \paradox of infinite idealization." We use the case of taking thermodynamics limit
in dealing with the phenomena of phase transition and critical phenomena to broach
the subject. We then argue that the method of infinite idealization is widely used
in the practice of science, and not all uses of the method are the same (or evoke the
same philosophical problems). We then confront the compatibility problem of infinite
idealization with scientific realism. We propose and defend a contextualist position
for (local) realism and argue that the cases for infinite idealization appear to be fully
compatible with contextual realism
Infinte Idealization and Contextual Realism
The paper discusses the recent literature on abstraction/idealization in connection with
the \paradox of infinite idealization." We use the case of taking thermodynamics limit
in dealing with the phenomena of phase transition and critical phenomena to broach
the subject. We then argue that the method of infinite idealization is widely used
in the practice of science, and not all uses of the method are the same (or evoke the
same philosophical problems). We then confront the compatibility problem of infinite
idealization with scientific realism. We propose and defend a contextualist position
for (local) realism and argue that the cases for infinite idealization appear to be fully
compatible with contextual realism
Symbolic versus modelistic elements in scientific modeling
En este artículo argumentaremos que los símbolos son vehículos convencionales cuya función principal es la denotación, mientras que los modelos son vehículos epistémicos cuya función primordial es mostrar que lo modelado es similar en los aspectos relevantes. Explicamos también por qué esto es incompatible con la concepción deflaccionista de la modelización científica. Aunque el mismo objetivo puede servir para ambas funciones (ser denotado y ser modelado), los dos vehículos son conceptualmente distintos y la mayoría de modelos emplean ambos elementos. Tras la clarificación de este punto ofrecemos un enfoque alternativo al deflaccionismo, el enfoque “híbrido”, y lo defendemos en contraposición a aquél.; In this paper, we argue that symbols (or the symbolic) are conventional vehicles whose chief function is denotation, while models (or the modelistic) are epistemic vehicles, and their chief function is to show what their targets are like in the relevant aspects. Although the same object may serve both functions, the two vehicles are conceptually distinct and most models employ both elements. Together with this point we offer an alternative to the deflationary view on scientific models. In addition, we point out there are non-referring models in which symbols label model components. We show how Goodman’s view on pictures of fictional characters provides a way to understand such models and how it further reveal the distinction between the symbolic and the modelistic representation.
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