94 research outputs found

    Association of neuroticism with incident dementia, neuroimaging outcomes, and cognitive function

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    INTRODUCTION: Higher neuroticism might be associated with dementia risk. Here we investigated modification by genetic predisposition to dementia, mediation by mental health and vascular conditions, neuroimaging outcomes, and cognitive function. METHODS: Cox proportional‐hazards models were used to assess the association between neuroticism score and incident dementia over up to 15 years in 1,74,164 participants. Cross‐sectional analyses on dementia‐related neuroimaging outcomes and cognitive function were conducted in 39,459 dementia‐free participants. RESULTS: Higher neuroticism was associated with an 11% higher risk of incident dementia, especially vascular dementia (15% higher risk), regardless of genetic predisposition to dementia. Mental and vascular conditions mediated the association of neuroticism with all‐cause dementia and vascular dementia. Neuroticism was associated with higher cerebrovascular pathology, lower gray matter volume, and worse function across multiple cognitive domains. DISCUSSION: Neuroticism could represent a risk factor for dementia, and vascular and mental health might drive these associations. Highlights: Neuroticism was associated with an increased risk of incident all‐cause dementia, particularly vascular dementia. Associations were not modified by genetic predisposition to dementia. Associations were largely mediated by mental and vascular conditions. Neuroticism was associated with increased cerebrovascular pathology and lower gray matter volume. Neuroticism was associated with worse function across multiple cognitive domains

    Lifestyle factors and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing in UK Biobank: Implications for epidemiological research

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    AbstractBackgroundThe central role of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing in the diagnosis of prostate cancer leads to the possibility that observational studies that report associations between risk factors and prostate cancer could be affected by detection bias. This study aims to investigate whether reported risk factors for prostate cancer are associated with PSA testing in a large middle-aged population-based cohort in the UK.MethodsThe cross-sectional association between a wide range of sociodemographic, lifestyle, dietary and health characteristics with PSA testing was examined in 212,039 men aged 40–69 years in UK Biobank.ResultsA total of 62,022 (29%) men reported they had ever had a PSA test. A wide range of factors was associated with a higher likelihood of PSA testing including age, height, education level, family history of prostate cancer, black ethnic origin, not being in paid/self-employment, living with a wife or partner, having had a vasectomy, being diagnosed with cancer or hypertension and having a high dietary intake of cereal, cooked and salad/raw vegetables, fresh fruit and tea. Conversely, socioeconomic deprivation, Asian ethnic origin, current smoking, low alcohol intake, high body-mass index, high coffee consumption and being diagnosed with diabetes, heart disease or stroke were associated with a lower likelihood of PSA testing.ConclusionsA variety of sociodemographic, lifestyle and health-related characteristics are associated with PSA testing, suggesting that observed associations of some of these traits with risk for prostate cancer in epidemiological studies may be, at least partially, due to detection bias

    Polygenic risk of prediabetes, undiagnosed diabetes, and incident type 2 diabetes stratified by diabetes risk factors

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    Context: Early diagnosis of type 2 diabetes is crucial to reduce severe comorbidities and complications. Current screening recommendations for type 2 diabetes include traditional risk factors, primarily body mass index (BMI) and family history, however genetics also plays a key role in type 2 diabetes risk. It is important to understand whether genetic predisposition to type 2 diabetes modifies the effect of these traditional factors on type 2 diabetes risk. Objective: This work aimed to investigate whether genetic risk of type 2 diabetes modifies associations between BMI and first-degree family history of diabetes with 1) prevalent prediabetes or undiagnosed diabetes; and 2) incident confirmed type 2 diabetes. Methods: We included 431 658 individuals aged 40 to 69 years at baseline of multiethnic ancestry from the UK Biobank. We used a multiethnic polygenic risk score for type 2 diabetes (PRST2D) developed by Genomics PLC. Prediabetes or undiagnosed diabetes was defined as baseline glycated hemoglobin greater than or equal to 42 mmol/mol (6.0%), and incident type 2 diabetes was derived from medical records. Results: At baseline, 43 472 participants had prediabetes or undiagnosed diabetes, and 17 259 developed type 2 diabetes over 15 years follow-up. Dose-response associations were observed for PRST2D with each outcome in each category of BMI or first-degree family history of diabetes. Those in the highest quintile of PRST2D with a normal BMI were at a similar risk as those in the middle quintile who were overweight. Participants who were in the highest quintile of PRST2D and did not have a first-degree family history of diabetes were at a similar risk as those with a family history who were in the middle category of PRST2D. Conclusion: Genetic risk of type 2 diabetes remains strongly associated with risk of prediabetes, undiagnosed diabetes, and future type 2 diabetes within categories of nongenetic risk factors. This could have important implications for identifying individuals at risk of type 2 diabetes for prevention and early diagnosis programs

    Assessing the importance of primary care diagnoses in the UK Biobank.

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    The UK Biobank has made general practitioner (GP) data (censoring date 2016-2017) available for approximately 45% of the cohort, whilst hospital inpatient and death registry (referred to as "HES/Death") data are available cohort-wide through 2018-2022 depending on whether the data comes from England, Wales or Scotland. We assessed the importance of case ascertainment via different data sources in UKB for three diseases that are usually first diagnosed in primary care: Parkinson's disease (PD), type 2 diabetes (T2D), and all-cause dementia. Including GP data at least doubled the number of incident cases in the subset of the cohort with primary care data (e.g. from 619 to 1390 for dementia). Among the 786 dementia cases that were only captured in the GP data before the GP censoring date, only 421 (54%) were subsequently recorded in HES. Therefore, estimates of the absolute incidence or risk-stratified incidence are misleadingly low when based only on the HES/Death data. For incident cases present in both HES/Death and GP data during the full follow-up period (i.e. until the HES censoring date), the median time difference between an incident diagnosis of dementia being recorded in GP and HES/Death was 2.25 years (i.e. recorded 2.25 years earlier in the GP records). Similar lag periods were also observed for PD (median 2.31 years earlier) and T2D (median 2.82 years earlier). For participants with an incident GP diagnosis, only 65.6% of dementia cases, 69.0% of PD cases, and 58.5% of T2D cases had their diagnosis recorded in HES/Death within 7 years since GP diagnosis. The effect estimates (hazard ratios, HR) of established risk factors for the three health outcomes mostly remain in the same direction and with a similar strength of association when cases are ascertained either using HES only or further adding GP data. The confidence intervals of the HR became narrower when adding GP data, due to the increased statistical power from the additional cases. In conclusion, it is desirable to extend both the coverage and follow-up period of GP data to allow researchers to maximise case ascertainment of chronic health conditions in the UK

    Kidney function, albuminuria, and their modification by genetic factors and risk of incident dementia in UK Biobank.

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    BACKGROUND: Associations between kidney function and dementia risk are inconclusive. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) severity is determined by levels of both estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and the urine albumin to creatinine ratio (ACR). However, whether there is a graded increase in dementia risk for worse eGFR in each ACR category is unclear. Also, whether genetic risk for dementia impacts the associations is unknown. The current study aims to investigate the associations between eGFR and albuminuria with dementia risk both individually and jointly, whether the associations vary by different follow-up periods, and whether genetic factors modified the associations. METHODS: In 202,702 participants aged ≥ 60 years from the UK Biobank, Cox proportional-hazards models were used to examine the associations between eGFR and urine albumin creatinine ratio (ACR) with risk of incident dementia. GFR was estimated based on serum creatinine, cystatin C, or both. The models were restricted to different follow-up periods (< 5 years, 5-10 years, and ≥ 10 years) to investigate potential reverse causation. RESULTS: Over 15 years of follow-up, 6,042 participants developed dementia. Decreased kidney function (eGFR < 60 ml/min/1.73m2) was associated with an increased risk of dementia (Hazard Ratio [HR] = 1.42, 95% Confidence Interval [CI] 1.28-1.58), compared to normal kidney function (≥ 90 ml/min/1.73m2). The strength of the association remained consistent when the models were restricted to different periods of follow-up. The HRs for incident dementia were 1.16 (95% CI 1.07-1.26) and 2.24 (95% CI 1.79-2.80) for moderate (3-30 mg/mmol) and severely increased ACR (≥ 30 mg/mmol) compared to normal ACR (< 3 mg/mmol). Dose-response associations were observed when combining eGFR and ACR, with those in the severest eGFR and ACR group having the greatest risk of dementia (HR = 4.70, 95% CI 2.34-9.43). APOE status significantly modified the association (p = 0.04), with stronger associations observed among participants with a lower genetic risk of dementia. There was no evidence of an interaction between kidney function and non-APOE polygenic risk of dementia with dementia risk (p = 0.42). CONCLUSIONS: Kidney dysfunction and albuminuria were individually and jointly associated with higher dementia risk. The associations were greater amongst participants with a lower genetic risk of dementia based on APOE, but not non-APOE polygenic risk

    O3‐05‐02: Genetic Risk, Lifestyle And Dementia

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/152906/1/alzjjalz2019064649.pd

    Genetic, lifestyle, and health-related characteristics of adults without celiac disease who follow a gluten-free diet: a population-based study of 124,447 participants

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    BACKGROUND: The number of gluten-free diet followers without celiac disease (CD) is increasing. However, little is known about the characteristics of these individuals. OBJECTIVES: We address this issue by investigating a wide range of genetic and phenotypic characteristics in association with following a gluten-free diet. METHODS: The cross-sectional association between lifestyle and health-related characteristics and following a gluten-free diet was investigated in 124,447 women and men aged 40-69 y from the population-based UK Biobank study. A genome-wide association study (GWAS) of following a gluten-free diet was performed. RESULTS: A total of 1776 (1.4%) participants reported following a gluten-free diet. Gluten-free diet followers were more likely to be women, nonwhite, highly educated, living in more socioeconomically deprived areas, former smokers, have lost weight in the past year, have poorer self-reported health, and have made dietary changes as a result of illness. Conversely, these individuals were less likely to consume alcohol daily, be overweight or obese, have hypertension, or use cholesterol-lowering medication. Participants with hospital inpatient diagnosed blood and immune mechanism disorders (OR: 1.62; 95% CI: 1.18, 2.21) and non-CD digestive system diseases (OR: 1.58; 95% CI: 1.42, 1.77) were more likely to follow a gluten-free diet. The GWAS demonstrated that no genetic variants were associated with being a gluten-free diet follower. CONCLUSIONS: Gluten-free diet followers have a better cardiovascular risk profile than non-gluten-free diet followers but poorer self-reported health and a higher prevalence of blood and immune disorders and digestive conditions. Reasons for following a gluten-free diet warrant further investigation

    Incorporating polygenic risk into the Leicester Risk Assessment score for 10-year risk prediction of type 2 diabetes

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    Aims: We evaluated whether incorporating information on ethnic background and polygenic risk enhanced the Leicester Risk Assessment (LRA) score for predicting 10-year risk of type 2 diabetes. Methods: The sample included 202,529 UK Biobank participants aged 40–69 years. We computed the LRA score, and developed two new risk scores using training data (80% sample): LRArev, which incorporated additional information on ethnic background, and LRAprs, which incorporated polygenic risk for type 2 diabetes. We assessed discriminative and reclassification performance in a test set (20% sample). Type 2 diabetes was ascertained using primary care, hospital inpatient and death registry records. Results: Over 10 years, 7,476 participants developed type 2 diabetes. The Harrell's C indexes were 0.796 (95% Confidence Interval [CI] 0.785, 0.806), 0.802 (95% CI 0.792, 0.813), and 0.829 (95% CI 0.820, 0.839) for the LRA, LRArev and LRAprs scores, respectively. The LRAprs score significantly improved the overall reclassification compared to the LRA (net reclassification index [NRI] = 0.033, 95% CI 0.015, 0.049) and LRArev (NRI = 0.040, 95% CI 0.024, 0.055) scores. Conclusions: Polygenic risk moderately improved the performance of the existing LRA score for 10-year risk prediction of type 2 diabetes

    Serum leptin and risk of cognitive decline in elderly italians.

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    Background: US studies suggest that leptin, a fat-derived hormone, may be protective against the development of dementia. Objective: To investigate the complex relationship between leptin levels and cognitive decline in elderly Italians. Methods: We studied circulating fasting leptin levels in 809 elderly adults free from dementia who participated in the prospective Italian population-based InCHIANTI study between 1998 and 2009 (mean follow-up of 8.0 years). Global cognitive decline was defined as a reduction of ≥5 points on the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). Trail-Making Tests A and B were also incorporated, with cognitive decline defined as discontinued testing or the worst 10% of change from baseline. We also investigated whether any association could be explained by midlife weight and whether cognitive decline was associated with changing leptin levels. Results: The multivariate adjusted relative risk ([RR]; 95% confidence interval [CI]) of cognitive decline on the MMSE was 0.84 (95% CI 0.73–0.97) in relation to baseline sex-standardized log-leptin levels. High leptin levels showed a non-significant trend toward a reduced risk of decline on the Trail-Making Tests A (RR = 0.85, 95% CI 0.71–1.02) and B (RR = 0.90, 0.79–1.02). Adjusting for midlife weight or change in weight did not alter the pattern of results, and cognitive decline was not associated with changing leptin levels. Conclusions: High leptin levels were independently associated with a reduced risk of cognitive decline in elderly Italians.Italian Ministry of HealthU.S. National Institute on AgingAlzheimer’s AssociationNational Institute for Health Research (NIHR)National Institute of Health (Baltimore)National Institute of Health (Maryland)Mary Kinross Charitable TrustJames Tudor FoundationHalpin TrustSir Halley Stewart TrustAge Related Diseases and Health TrustNorman Family Charitable Trus