1,070 research outputs found

    Opportunities With Decay-At-Rest Neutrinos From Decay-In-Flight Neutrino Beams

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    Neutrino beam facilities, like spallation neutron facilities, produce copious quantities of neutrinos from the decay at rest of mesons and muons. The viability of decay-in-flight neutrino beams as sites for decay-at-rest neutrino studies has been investigated by calculating expected low-energy neutrino fluxes from the existing Fermilab NuMI beam facility. Decay-at-rest neutrino production in NuMI is found to be roughly equivalent per megawatt to that of spallation facilities, and is concentrated in the facility's target hall and beam stop regions. Interaction rates in 5 and 60 ton liquid argon detectors at a variety of existing and hypothetical locations along the beamline are found to be comparable to the largest existing decay-at-rest datasets for some channels. The physics implications and experimental challenges of such a measurement are discussed, along with prospects for measurements at targeted facilities along a future Fermilab long-baseline neutrino beam.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Adiabatic motion of a neutral spinning particle in an inhomogeneous magnetic field

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    The motion of a neutral particle with a magnetic moment in an inhomogeneous magnetic field is considered. This situation, occurring, for example, in a Stern-Gerlach experiment, is investigated from classical and semiclassical points of view. It is assumed that the magnetic field is strong or slowly varying in space, i.e., that adiabatic conditions hold. To the classical model, a systematic Lie-transform perturbation technique is applied up to second order in the adiabatic-expansion parameter. The averaged classical Hamiltonian contains not only terms representing fictitious electric and magnetic fields but also an additional velocity-dependent potential. The Hamiltonian of the quantum-mechanical system is diagonalized by means of a systematic WKB analysis for coupled wave equations up to second order in the adiabaticity parameter, which is coupled to Planck’s constant. An exact term-by-term correspondence with the averaged classical Hamiltonian is established, thus confirming the relevance of the additional velocity-dependent second-order contribution

    Long-Term Testing and Properties of Acrylic for the Daya Bay Antineutrino Detectors

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    The Daya Bay reactor antineutrino experiment has recently measured the neutrino mixing parameter sin22{\theta}13 by observing electron antineutrino disappearance over kilometer-scale baselines using six antineutrino detectors at near and far distances from reactor cores at the Daya Bay nuclear power complex. Liquid scintillator contained in transparent target vessels is used to detect electron antineutrinos via the inverse beta-decay reaction. The Daya Bay experiment will operate for about five years yielding a precision measurement of sin22{\theta}13. We report on long-term studies of poly(methyl methacrylate) known as acrylic, which is the primary material used in the fabrication of the target vessels for the experiment's antineutrino detectors. In these studies, acrylic samples are subjected to gaseous and liquid environmental conditions similar to those experienced during construction, transport, and operation of the Daya Bay acrylic target vessels and detectors. Mechanical and optical stability of the acrylic as well as its interaction with detector liquids is reported.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures Submitted to JINS

    Quantum Charged Spinning Particles in a Strong Magnetic Field (a Quantal Guiding Center Theory)

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    A quantal guiding center theory allowing to systematically study the separation of the different time scale behaviours of a quantum charged spinning particle moving in an external inhomogeneous magnetic filed is presented. A suitable set of operators adapting to the canonical structure of the problem and generalizing the kinematical momenta and guiding center operators of a particle coupled to a homogenous magnetic filed is constructed. The Pauli Hamiltonian rewrites in this way as a power series in the magnetic length lB=c/eBl_B= \sqrt{\hbar c/eB} making the problem amenable to a perturbative analysis. The first two terms of the series are explicitly constructed. The effective adiabatic dynamics turns to be in coupling with a gauge filed and a scalar potential. The mechanism producing such magnetic-induced geometric-magnetism is investigated in some detail.Comment: LaTeX (epsfig macros), 27 pages, 2 figures include

    Ray helicity: a geometric invariant for multi-dimensional resonant wave conversion

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    For a multicomponent wave field propagating into a multidimensional conversion region, the rays are shown to be helical, in general. For a ray-based quantity to have a fundamental physical meaning it must be invariant under two groups of transformations: congruence transformations (which shuffle components of the multi-component wave field) and canonical transformations (which act on the ray phase space). It is shown that for conversion between two waves there is a new invariant not previously discussed: the intrinsic helicity of the ray

    Reactor Fuel Fraction Information on the Antineutrino Anomaly

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    We analyzed the evolution data of the Daya Bay reactor neutrino experiment in terms of short-baseline active-sterile neutrino oscillations taking into account the theoretical uncertainties of the reactor antineutrino fluxes. We found that oscillations are disfavored at 2.6σ2.6\sigma with respect to a suppression of the 235U^{235}\text{U} reactor antineutrino flux and at 2.5σ2.5\sigma with respect to variations of the 235U^{235}\text{U} and 239Pu^{239}\text{Pu} fluxes. On the other hand, the analysis of the rates of the short-baseline reactor neutrino experiments favor active-sterile neutrino oscillations and disfavor the suppression of the 235U^{235}\text{U} flux at 3.1σ3.1\sigma and variations of the 235U^{235}\text{U} and 239Pu^{239}\text{Pu} fluxes at 2.8σ2.8\sigma. We also found that both the Daya Bay evolution data and the global rate data are well-fitted with composite hypotheses including variations of the 235U^{235}\text{U} or 239Pu^{239}\text{Pu} fluxes in addition to active-sterile neutrino oscillations. A combined analysis of the Daya Bay evolution data and the global rate data shows a slight preference for oscillations with respect to variations of the 235U^{235}\text{U} and 239Pu^{239}\text{Pu} fluxes. However, the best fits of the combined data are given by the composite models, with a preference for the model with an enhancement of the 239Pu^{239}\text{Pu} flux and relatively large oscillations.Comment: 9 page