72 research outputs found

    Analisis Faktor- Faktor Gaya Hidup Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Pembelian Rumah Sehat Sederhana (Studi Pada Pelanggan Perumahan Puri Dinar Mas PT. Ajisaka Di Semarang)

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    The objective of this research is to analyze the change of customers\u27 lifestyle in purchasing RSH (RSH means Simple and Healthy House) by using AIO factors. By analyzing AIO (activity, interest, and opinion), this research is aimed to find out whether lifestyle influences the decision of purchasing RSS. Proportional Stratified Random Sampling method is employed to analyze three different types of house: type 29, 36, and 45 with 90 respondents as the chosen sample. The analysis employs factor analysis and multiple linier regressions. Factor analysis results in five factors considered by customers in purchasing RSH. They are social, family, pleasure, reference, and identity factors. Analysis using multiple linier regressions shows that there are two significant factors that influence the decision to buy a house: social factors (social activity of the community, location, and the future) and identity factors (occupation and preference in design). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami Perubahan gaya hidup pelanggan dalam pembelian RSH (Rumah Sehat Sederhana) dengan menggunakan factor AIO. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui apakah factor gaya hidup dengan pendekatan Aktivitas, Minat, Opini memiliki pengaruh terhadap keputusan pembelian RSH. Teknik sampling menggunakan metode Proportional Stratified Random Sampling, karena obyek penelitian terdiri dari tiga tipe rumah yaitu tipe 29, 36 dan 45 dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 90 responden. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis faktor dan regresi linier berganda. Dengan analisis faktor diperoleh hasil bahwa ada 5 faktor baru yang dipertimbangkan oleh konsumen dalam pembelian RSH yaitu factor sosial, factor keluarga, faktor kesenangan, faktor referensi dan faktor identitas. Analisis regresi menunjukkan dua faktor yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian yaitu faktor sosial (aktivitas, sosial masyarakat, lokasi dan masa depan) dan faktor identitas (kerja dan selera desain)

    Kepercayaan Konsumen Terhadap Niat Beli Produk Fashion Yang Dipasarkan Melalui Media Sosial Facebook ( Studi Pada Mahasiswa S1 Fisip Undip Semarang )

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    Businesses increasingly globalized trade with the technology in the application of product marketing . By using the internet, consumers are able to purchase goods or products freely without attachment time. The form of marketing on the Internet is known as e - commerce or electronic commerce. E commerce or electronic commerce is spread, purchasing, sales, marketing goods and services over electronic systems such as the Internet or television, www, or other computer networks such as the social media one. The more rapid development of e-commerce today is strongly influenced by the people's confidence in e –commerce.This study aims to determine consumer confidence ( ablity ,benevolence and integrity) of the purchase intention fashion products on the Facebook social media on student S1 FISIP Undip Semarang .Based on a simple regression analysis showed that the ability ( ability ) sellers a significant effect on consumer purchasing intention of fashion products , benevolence ( kindness ) shop online seller does not significantly influence consumers' purchasing intention of fashion products , integrity ( integrity ) shop online sellers a significant effect on purchase intentions consumer fashion products . The results of multiple regression showed that ablity , benevolence and integrity towards purchase intention poduk fashion on the Facebook social media simultaneously significant effect .Advice can be delivered in this study is an online shop needs to use some social media other than Facebook, need to pay attention to product quality, conformance with product photos, and timeliness need to be considered in serving the wishes of potential customers, need to improve in terms of honesty transaction

    Pengaruh Promosi, Kualitas Produk, Dan Citra Merek Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Indosat Im3 (Studi Pada Komunitas Im3 Mahasiswa Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Di Semarang)

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    IM3 is a provider that targeting the youth market. With a well-known fare cheap, IM3 should be able to maintain and even increase the benefits of its products. However, the advantages offered by IM3 seem not optimal. Many complaints submitted by customers to the company through social media, are about the signal strength is week, the difficulty of accessing the data, the IM3 employees that are not friendly enough, the active period of the card which is not long, and so forth. So that these things will obviously affect customer satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to determine the promotion effect of product quality and brand image to customer satisfaction in using Indosat IM3. This type of research is explanatory research. The population in this research is IM3 Community in Undip and Unnes in the number of samples taken is 100 respondents. The sampling technique in this study using non probability sampling with with purposive sampling technique. The analysis method used is cross tabulation, correlation, determination, simple linear regression, multiple, t test and F test with SPSS version 16.Based on the survey results revealed that the promotion, quality product and brand image have positive and significant impact to customer satisfaction, either partially or simultaneously. Independent variable that has the greatest influence on customer satisfaction is a variable of brand image.The advice that can be given is to give a briefing to the IM3 employees in order to be friendly towards the customers, make the active period of the card longer, extend the network signal so that the customers can access data quickly and they can recommend IM3 to people around them

    Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan Pelanggan Atas Kualitas Pelayanan PT Federal International Finance (Fif) Cabang Semarang

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    Pertumbuhan ekonomi yang semakin stabil membawa dampak positif bagi sektor-sektor ekonomi di Indonesia. Usaha untuk menarik minat pelanggan serta mempertahankan yang sudah ada merupakan suatu pekerjaan yang tidak mudah. Mengingat pelanggan merupakan individu yang bebas berpindah-pindah dari satu tempat ke tempat lainnya tergantung dengan kepuasan yang diperolehnya. Oleh karena itu, peningkatan dalam bidang pelayanan harus dilakukan agar pelanggan menjadi puas dan loyal. Penelitian ini berangkat dari permasalahan masih di jumpai adanya komplain dari pelanggan dan adanya fluktuasi jumlah pelanggan PT FIF Cabang Semarang selama tahun 2010, yang diperkirakan dapat timbul sebagai akibat belum maksimalnya pelayanan PT FIF Cabang semarang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan pelanggan atas kinerja pelaksanaan pelayanan PT FIF Cabang Semarang.Tipe penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif analitik. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan instrumen pengumpulan data berupa kuesioner yang diajukan kepada 99 responden. Sampling techniq yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Untuk mengukur tingkat kepuasan pelanggan atas layanan PT FIF Cabang Semarang, maka digunakan importance performance analysis (analisa perhitungan rata-rata).Dari hasil perhitungan rata-rata dari rata – rata penilaian pelaksanaan/ kinerja Perusahaan dengan tingkat kepentingan/ harapan pelanggan maka akan diperoleh tingkat kepuasan atas kinerja Perusahaan sebesar 3,70 yang masuk dalam kategorisasi kurang memuaskan. Atribut yang perlu mendapatkan perhatian adalah atribut yang berada di kuadran A dalam diagram kartesius, yaitu Kemampuan petugas untuk cepat tanggap dalam menghadapi masalah yang timbul (misalnya tentang perbedaan jumlah angsuran), kemampuan petugas untuk cepat tanggap apabila terjadi kesalahan dalam pencatatan transaksi, kemampuan petugas dalam menjalin komunikasi yang efektif dengan pelanggan, sikap petugas dalam mengutamakan kepentingan dan kebutuhan pelanggan, sikap petugas dalam memberikan pelayanan yang baik tanpa membedakan status sosial, pengaturan parkir kendaraan bermotor

    PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk Kantor Cabang Semarang)

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    BTN is a State-Owned Enterprises, which has the function to distribute services from government mortgage subsidies. The development of the distribution of funds to the credit subsidy that are free competition. This type of research is explanatory research. In this study population size can not be determined by the researchers as limited to the level of confidentiality of company data for the samples taken by 100 respondents. Determination of the sample using accidental sampling technique. Data is collected by using a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using correlation analysis, simple regression, and multiple regression. This research concluded that: (a) the quality of service of Bank BTN Semarang Branch Office is well, the effect between service quality and credit decision-making was 0,58. (b) promotion of the Bank BTN is well, the effect between the promotion and decision making was 0.519. (c) the decision making customers of Bank BTN is high, the effect between service quality, promotion and decision making are strong 0.605. Quality service and promotion simultaneously effect on decisions making with a value Fcount 28.030. Suggestions can be submitted is corporate need to increase loan repayment care workers, and increase promotional activities in order to increase the maximum results

    Pengaruh Kompensasi Dan Motivasi Terhadap Prestasi Kerja Karyawan PT. Bank Sahabat Purba Danarta Kantor Pusat Semarang

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    Work performance is a very desirable outcome, either by employees or the workers themselves and the company. Compensation and Motivation has been found to increase employee performance. Therefore, two things need to be considered by the company in order to improve work performance. PT. Bank Sahabat Purba Danarta Pusat Semarang is one of the banks engaged in microfinance and has a new policy is to recruit staff on a large scale, but have not been able to realize the given target. The purpose of this reseacrh are: (a) To find there is an effect of compensation to work performance at PT. Bank Sahabat Purba Danarta. (b) To find there is an effect of motivation to work performance at PT. Bank Sahabat Purba Danarta. (c) To find there is an effect of compensation and motivation to work performance at PT. Bank Sahabat Purba Danarta. This research type is explanatory research to the 39 respondents to the census approach. Data collection techniques in this study using interview techniques, by means of questionnaires and literature study. The data obtained were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively using analytical tools such as cross tables, test validity, reliability testing, simple linear regression, multiple linear regression and hypothesis testing with the t test and F test. The conclusion of this study is that there is a positive effect between compensation and motivation of the employees\u27 performance of PT Bank Sahabat Purba Danarta kantor Pusat Semarang. The higher compensation and motivation of the employees\u27 work performance will increase, and vice versa. Suggestions for increasing employees\u27 work performance for the company to increase its attention to compensation and motivation that will ultimately improve the work performance of employees
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