64 research outputs found
How Will the Uninsured Be Affected by Health Reform?: Non-Elderly Uninsured
Estimates the share of the non-elderly uninsured who would be eligible for Medicaid expansions or subsidies under proposed reforms. Analyzes eligibility by age, parent status, work status, firm size, premium as percentage of income, and insurance status
The Impact of the Los Angeles Healthy Kids Program on Access to Care, Use of Services, and Health Status
Presents survey results on the impact of the Healthy Kids program, which provides uninsured children with comprehensive coverage, on access to care, unmet needs, use of specialty and dental services, health status, and parental satisfaction
Progress Enrolling Children in Medicaid/CHIP: Who Is Left and What Are the Prospects for Covering More Children?
Outlines the resources and tools in the Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 for data-driven enrollment and retention processes in Medicaid and CHIP, remaining barriers, and the need to tailor outreach efforts to specific needs
Medicaid Managed Care and Infant Health: A National Evaluation
In this study, we examine the effects of Medicaid managed care (MMC) on prenatal care utilization and infant health. We obtain separate estimates of the effect of primary care case management (PCCM) managed care programs and HMO managed care plans on prenatal care utilization, birth weight, and cesarean section. The results suggest the following: MMC was associated with a small, clinically unimportant decrease in the number of prenatal care visits; MMC had no statistically significant relationship to the APNCU index of the adequacy of prenatal care; MMC was associated with a significant increase in the incidence of low-birth weight and pre-term birth; and MMC had no association with the incidence of cesarean section. We argue that a causal interpretation of the first and third findings is unsupported by a careful reading of the evidence, and we conclude that Medicaid managed care had virtually no causal effect on, prenatal care use, birth outcomes, and cesarean section.
Promoting Healthy Families and Communities for Boys and Young Men of Color
This report talks about boys and young men of color who are at risk for poor health and developmental outcomes beginning at birth and persisting through childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood. As a result of household poverty and residence in segregated neighborhoods of concentrated disadvantage, they are disproportionately bombarded by environmental threats -- often without the benefits of supportive systems of prevention, protection, and care. This exposure to chronic stress undermines cognitive, social-emotional, and regulatory human development as well as the immune system. The parents of boys and young men of color are similarly affected, which affects boys directly in utero and interferes with their parents' abilities to promote their health and development and to protect them from harm as they mature
Today's Children, Tomorrow's America: Six Experts Face the Facts
Compiles essays about trends in family structure; how federal, state, and local budget deficits and projected cuts affect child poverty rates and health; and their long-term implications of reduced investment in children. Includes policy recommendations
Le Forum, Vol. 41 No. 2
Le FORUM, Vol. 38 No. 1
Le FORUM, Vol. 36 No. 3
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