11 research outputs found
Learning to search efficiently for causally near-optimal treatments
Finding an effective medical treatment often requires a search by trial and
error. Making this search more efficient by minimizing the number of
unnecessary trials could lower both costs and patient suffering. We formalize
this problem as learning a policy for finding a near-optimal treatment in a
minimum number of trials using a causal inference framework. We give a
model-based dynamic programming algorithm which learns from observational data
while being robust to unmeasured confounding. To reduce time complexity, we
suggest a greedy algorithm which bounds the near-optimality constraint. The
methods are evaluated on synthetic and real-world healthcare data and compared
to model-free reinforcement learning. We find that our methods compare
favorably to the model-free baseline while offering a more transparent
trade-off between search time and treatment efficacy
Fastighetsbildning inom detaljplan : Mindre avvikelser inom aktuella och inaktuella detaljplaner
Municipalities have the sole responsibility of planning within its jurisdiction. This is partially done through detailed plans. In the detailed plan the municipalities can regulate construction and property subdivision. After the implementation deadline expires the detailed plan still holds legal force but it can be argued that the plans objective is obsolete and that the plan may be amended or repealed due to old age. The aim of this dissertation is to investigate minor deviations in current and outdated detailed plans when it comes to cadastral procedure, if they differ regarding minor deviations. In order to answer the research questions a survey of the cadastral procedures archives has been made and interviews with experts from both government and municipal Cadastral Authority have been carried out. LantmĂ€teriet, the Swedish mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authority has made efforts to improve the cooperation with the municipalities in which the governmental Cadastral Authority has worked, thru the so-called principle of consultation. Here however production equalization obstructed further use of the principles. Furthermore, the interviewees recognized that the acceptance of minor deviations from detailed plans werenât dependent on whether a detailed plan was outdated or not, as much it depended on how old the it was. In the archives investigation we found that the range of acceptance of minor deviations differs between municipalities. It also differed in how many ordinances that were made in - or out of detailed plans and if the plans were current - or outdated. An example of this is Orust municipality where a large majority of ordinances were made out of plan unlike HĂ€rryda municipality were a great majority of the cadastral procedures was made within detailed plans. Of the various cadastral procedures, reallotment was the most common. Subdivision was the most common when it came to minor deviation. It was also more commonly occurred that a minor deviation was made in outdated detailed plans rather than current detailed plans
Hedonic value of social media sharing : A quantitative study of how intentions to share affects hedonic value
The purpose of the paper is to explain the relation between motivations of intention to shareon social media and hedonic value. There has been a deductive approach to the research ofthe paper. The data which have been gathered has been done in a quantitative manner, bymaking use of a survey. The theoretical concepts which have been operationalized for thesurvey are the following, social conversation, social presence, easy-connection, intention toshare and hedonic value. There are four different hypotheses that have been developed andtested in the project. Social conversation has a positive impact on the intent to share contenton social media. Social presence has a positive impact on the intent to share content on socialmedia. Easy-connection has a positive impact on intent to share on social media and intentionto share has a positive impact on the hedonic value of social media use. The findings arefollowing, the first three hypotheses got rejected therefore, motivations of intention to shareon social media are connected with easy-connection, social conversation, and social presence.Additionally, intention to share on social media is accepted as having a positive impact on thehedonic value of social media use
Learning to search efficiently for causally near-optimal treatments
Finding an effective medical treatment often requires a search by trial and error. Making this search more efficient by minimizing the number of unnecessary trials could lower both costs and patient suffering. We formalize this problem as learning a policy for finding a near-optimal treatment in a minimum number of trials using a causal inference framework. We give a model-based dynamic programming algorithm which learns from observational data while being robust to unmeasured confounding. To reduce time complexity, we suggest a greedy algorithm which bounds the near-optimality constraint. The methods are evaluated on synthetic and real-world healthcare data and compared to model-free reinforcement learning. We find that our methods compare favorably to the model-free baseline while offering a more transparent trade-off between search time and treatment efficacy
Utformning av anvÀndbara webbapplikationer med fokus pÄ navigerbarhet : En explorativ fallstudie av webapplikationen iBokhyllan
Det har aldrig varit lika viktigt som idag att ta hÀnsyn till internetanvÀndarens flyktiga uppmÀrksamhet. Konsten att bevara denna uppmÀrksamhet Àr lika komplex som den Àr ung, och varje dag formuleras nya verktyg för just detta ÀndamÄl. Denna rapport Àmnar undersöka hur man som webbdesigner kan utforma en webbapplikation som uppnÄr bra navigerbarhet och dÀrmed god anvÀndbarhet, i syfte att inte förlora anvÀndares uppmÀrksamhet. Författarna av denna text utvecklade en webbapplikation i syfte att skaffa sig ett verktyg att kunna nyttja i experiment som Àmnar svara pÄ frÄgan. Efter en serie experiment med anvÀndare som testar webbapplikationen har författarna lyckats pÄvisa och mÀta vÀrdet hos webbapplikationselement sÄsom navigeringsfÀlt, tillÀggslÀnkar och sökfunktioner och deras effekt pÄ webbapplikationen
Utformning av anvÀndbara webbapplikationer med fokus pÄ navigerbarhet : En explorativ fallstudie av webapplikationen iBokhyllan
Det har aldrig varit lika viktigt som idag att ta hÀnsyn till internetanvÀndarens flyktiga uppmÀrksamhet. Konsten att bevara denna uppmÀrksamhet Àr lika komplex som den Àr ung, och varje dag formuleras nya verktyg för just detta ÀndamÄl. Denna rapport Àmnar undersöka hur man som webbdesigner kan utforma en webbapplikation som uppnÄr bra navigerbarhet och dÀrmed god anvÀndbarhet, i syfte att inte förlora anvÀndares uppmÀrksamhet. Författarna av denna text utvecklade en webbapplikation i syfte att skaffa sig ett verktyg att kunna nyttja i experiment som Àmnar svara pÄ frÄgan. Efter en serie experiment med anvÀndare som testar webbapplikationen har författarna lyckats pÄvisa och mÀta vÀrdet hos webbapplikationselement sÄsom navigeringsfÀlt, tillÀggslÀnkar och sökfunktioner och deras effekt pÄ webbapplikationen
The Business of Banking Models, Risk and Regulation
This book offers new insights on banking business models, risks and regulation proposals in the aftermath of the European financial crisis. It investigates the main issues affecting the business of banking nowadays, such as low interest rates and non-performing loans. The combined effect of low to negative interest rates and weak economic growth has encouraged banks to shift their business towards new areas less associated with interest rates, which financial markets and institutional investors are currently evaluating. Contributions also shed new light on topics not yet fully investigated by current literature, such as banks\u2019 short selling bans after Brexit, the European Deposit Guarantee Scheme and banks\u2019 risk appetite framework. This book will be of interest to researchers, scholars and practitioners
RÀtt att bo kvar : en handbok i organisering mot hyreshöjningar och gentrifiering
Det hÀr Àr en handbok som skrivits för att anvÀndas praktiskt i kampen om hyresrÀttens framtid. Boken har vÀxt fram ur gemensamma erfarenheter av att ta strid mot renoveringar med höga hyreshöjningar som följd. Det har gett oss bÄde kunskaper om lokal organisering och en övertygelse om vikten av att hyresgÀster ska ha rÀtt till att pÄverka framtiden i de bostadsomrÄden de bor i.
De senaste Ären har vi kunnat se hur hyreslÀgenheter renoveras med omfattande hyreshöjningar som följd. Konsekvenserna har blivit att mÄnga hyresgÀster har tvingats flytta, ibland frÄn bostadsomrÄden de bott i under lÄng tid, dÄ de inte lÀngre
har rÄd att betala hyran. Om inte hyresgÀster gÄr samman och krÀver sina rÀttigheter kommer inget förÀndras och flera tusentals mÀnniskor tvingas flytta. Den hÀr handboken ska anvÀndas som ett praktiskt verktyg för lokal organisering.
Vi som har gjort den hÀr boken Àr engagerade i olika rörelser, nÄgra av oss Àr ocksÄ forskare med inriktning mot bostad- spolitik och stadsutveckling. Boken har tillkommit genom en kollektiv process, dÀr mÄnga varit inblandade för att
bidra med sina erfarenheter och perspektiv. En lista med alla medverkande inklusive de rörelser som stÄr bakom den hÀr boken finns lÀgst bak