169 research outputs found
Quasi-buckling of micromachined beams
Buckling of structures with imperfections, quasi-buckling (QB), is studied. At the bifurcation load, these structures show a smooth transition into one of the stable postbuckling equilibrium states, instead of the traditional sudden change in deflection characteristics. QB structures can show the classical snap-through buckling behaviour, i.e., a sudden change of postbuckling equilibrium state. The QB is described with a generalized temperature, Tg, representing the compression of the structure. Imperfections and distributed deflection loads are represented by a generalized pressure, pg. Experiments on micromachined beams, exposed to heating (Tg) and to a Lorentz force (pg), verify that the QB phenomena can efficiently transfer a longitudinal stress into a transversal deflection, with a scale-factor depending on both Tg and pg
Biosecurity level and health management practices in 60 Swedish farrow-to-finish herds
Background: Biosecurity measures are important tools to maintain animal health in pig herds. Within the MINAPIG project, whose overall aim is to evaluate strategies to raise pigs with less antimicrobial use, biosecurity was evaluated in medium to large farrow-to-finish pig herds in Sweden. In 60 farrow-to-finish herds with more than 100 sows, the biosecurity level was evaluated using a previously developed protocol (BioCheck). In a detailed questionnaire, internal and external biosecurity was scored in six subcategories each. An overall score for biosecurity was also provided. Information regarding production parameters as well as gender and educational level of personnel working with the pigs was also collected. Descriptive statistics were used to examine the recorded data.Results: The median scores for external and internal biosecurity were 68 and 59, respectively, where 0 indicates total absence of biosecurity and 100 means maximal possible biosecurity. The subcategories for external and internal biosecurity that had the highest scores were "Purchase of animals" (external) and "Nursery unit"/"Fattening unit" (internal), while "Feed, water and equipment supplies" (external) and "Measures between compartments and equipment"/"Cleaning and disinfection" (internal) received the lowest scores. A female caretaker in the farrowing unit, a farmer with fewer years of experience and more educated personnel were positively associated with higher scores for some of the external and internal subcategories. In herds with < 190 sows, fattening pigs were mixed between batches significantly more often than in larger herds.Conclusions: The herds in this study had a high level of external biosecurity, as well as good internal biosecurity. Strong biosecurity related to the purchase of animals, protocols for visitors, the use of all-in, all-out systems, and sanitary period between batches. Still, there is room for improvement in preventing both the introduction of disease to herds (external) and the spread of infections within herds (internal). Systems for animal transport can be improved and with respect to internal biosecurity, there is especially room for improvement regarding hygiene measures in and between compartments, as well as the staff's working procedures between different groups of pigs
Bakgrund: Idag krÀver sÄ gott som alla nya idéer riskvilligt kapital för att kunna ta sig till marknaden. Oavsett om finansiÀren Àr ett etablerat företag eller en enskild person Àr orsaken till risktagandet en förhoppning om god avkastning pÄ investeringen. För att minimera risken och maximera avkastningen gÀller det dels att generera tillrÀckligt med idéer att vÀlja bland, dels att investera i livskraftiga idéer. Mycket fÄ idéer Àr tillrÀckligt bra för att passera det nÄlsöga som finansiÀrernas urvalsprocess utgör och ta sig till marknaden. Syfte: Att bidra med kunskap om tre fenomen; riskkapitalbolags agerande för att skapa och finna idéer, etablerade företags agerande vid val av idéer att utveckla samt hur etablerade företags agerande i de tidiga delarna av innovationsprocessen, frÄn idé-skapande till investeringsbeslut, kan skilja sig frÄn riskkapitalbolagens agerande. AvgrÀnsningar: Uppsatsen omfattar endast utveckling av teknik, eftersom det finns gott om bÄde svenska riskkapitalbolag och svenska etablerade företag som sysslar med utveckling och finansiering inom omrÄdet. Genomförande: Information om den praktiska genererings- och urvalsprocessen har in-hÀmtats genom djupintervjuer med fyra utredare pÄ riskkapitalbolag samt tre utveck- lingsansvariga pÄ vÀletablerade företag. Slutsatser: Riskkapitalbolagens arbete för att skapa och finna idéer begrÀnsar sig till att delta i en mÀngd olika nÀtverk. De kan dock, till skillnad frÄn de etablerade företagen, erbjuda god ekonomisk motivation Ät sina entreprenörer. De etablerade företagen tycks vid val av idéer fokusera mycket hÄrt pÄ att de ska passa kÀrnverksamheten, men lÀgger liten eller ingen vikt vid idégenererarens personliga egenskaper, vilka kanske Àr det mest centrala för riskkapitalbolagen. Företagen har slutligen högre tolerans för misslyckan- den, vilket speglas av bristen pÄ tidigt sÄddkapital i dagens svenska riskkapitalbransch
Prescriptions with potential drug interactions dispensed at Swedish pharmacies in January 1999: cross sectional study
The growing use of pharmacological agents means that drug interactions are of increasing interest for public health.1 Monitoring of potential drug interactions may improve the quality of drug prescribing and dispensing, and it might form a basis for education focused on appropriate prescribing
MCRB-based Performance Analysis of 6G Localization under Hardware Impairments
Location information is expected to be the key to meeting the needs of communication and context-aware services in 6G systems. User localization is achieved based on delay and/or angle estimation using uplink or downlink pilot signals. However, hardware impairments (HWIs) distort the signals at both the transmitter and receiver sides and thus affect the localization performance. While this impact can be ignored at lower frequencies where HWIs are less severe, modeling and analysis efforts are needed for 6G to evaluate the localization degradation due to HWIs. In this work, we model various types of impairments and conduct a misspecified Cram\ue9r-Rao bound analysis to evaluate the HWI-induced performance loss. Simulation results with different types of HWIs show that each HWI leads to a different level of degradation in angle and delay estimation performance
Systemic TNF blockade does not modulate synovial expression of the pro-inflammatory mediator HMGB1 in rheumatoid arthritis patients â a prospective clinical study
MCRB-based Performance Analysis of 6G Localization under Hardware Impairments
Location information is expected to be the key to meeting the needs of communication and context-aware services in 6G systems. User localization is achieved based on delay and/or angle estimation using uplink or downlink pilot signals. However, hardware impairments (HWIs) distort the signals at both the transmitter and receiver sides and thus affect the localization performance. While this impact can be ignored at lower frequencies where HWIs are less severe, modeling and analysis efforts are needed for 6G to evaluate the localization degradation due to HWIs. In this work, we model various types of impairments and conduct a misspecified Cram\ue9r-Rao bound analysis to evaluate the HWI-induced performance loss. Simulation results with different types of HWIs show that each HWI leads to a different level of degradation in angle and delay estimation performance
Eligibility for vericiguat in a real-world heart failure population according to trial, guideline and label criteria:Data from the Swedish Heart Failure Registry
Aim: We investigated the eligibility for vericiguat in a real-world heart failure (HF) population based on trial, guideline and label criteria. Methods and results: From the Swedish HF registry, 23 573 patients with HF with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) enrolled between 2000 and 2018, with a HF duration â„6 months, were considered. Eligibility for vericiguat was calculated based on criteria from (i) the Vericiguat Global Study in Subjects with Heart Failure and Reduced Ejection Fraction (VICTORIA) trial; (ii) European and American guidelines on HF; (iii) product labelling according to the Food and Drug Administration and European Medicines Agency. Estimated eligibility for vericiguat in the trial, guidelines, and label scenarios was 21.4%, 47.4%, and 47.4%, respectively. Prior HF hospitalization within 6 months was the criterion limiting eligibility the most in all scenarios (met by 49.1% of the population). In the trial scenario, other criteria meaningfully limiting eligibility were elevated N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide levels and nitrate use. In all scenarios, eligibility was higher among patients hospitalized for HF at baseline (44.3% vs. 21.4% [trial scenario] and 97.3% vs. 47.4% [guideline/label scenarios] for hospitalized vs. non-hospitalized patients). Overall, eligible patients were older, had more severe HF, more comorbidities, and consequently higher cardiovascular mortality and HF hospitalization rates compared with ineligible patients across all scenarios. Conclusion: In a large and contemporary real-world HFrEF cohort, we estimated that 21.4% of patients would be eligible for vericiguat according to the VICTORIA trial selection criteria, 47.4% based on guidelines and labelling. Eligibility for vericiguat translated into the selection of a population at high risk of morbidity/mortality.</p
The prevalence and clinical relevance of hyperhomocysteinemia suggesting vitamin B12 deficiency in presumed healthy infants
Previous studies have demonstrated a high prevalence of biochemical vitamin B12 deficiency in infants in Norway. Increased total homocysteine (tHcy) is the most important marker of B12 deficiency in infants. There is a need to evaluate its clinical relevance.
To investigate the prevalence of hyperhomocysteinemia (S-tHcy > 8 ÎŒmol/L) suggestive of suboptimal B12 status and the prevalence of clinically relevant hyperhomocysteinemia in presumed healthy infants in Norway. Further, to evaluate risk factors, presence of symptoms and psychomotor development in these children.
In a prospective study we clinically examined 252 infants aged 3â7 months using standardized neurological and psychomotor tests prior to analyzing biochemical B12 deficiency markers in 250 infants.
Twenty-five of 250 (10%) infants had hyperhomocysteinemia combined with clinically relevant symptoms suggestive of B12 deficiency. Hyperhomocysteinemia was associated with tremor, excessive sleep, and sub-normal scores in the fine motor section of the Ages and Stages Questionnaire. One-hundred and fourteen of 250 (46%) infants had hyperhomocysteinemia. Multiple regression analysis showed months of infant formula use as the strongest negative predictor for hyperhomocysteinemia.
We have demonstrated associations between symptoms suggestive of infant B12 deficiency and increased levels of tHcy in presumed healthy infants The combination of hyperhomocysteinemia and associated relevant symptoms suggestive of B12 deficiency was a common finding, albeit most infants with hyperhomocysteinemia did not show symptoms.publishedVersio
Phenotyping patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and heart failure
Aims: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and heart failure (HF) are prevalent comorbidities associated with significant morbidity/mortality. We assessed prevalence of, patient profiles and outcomes associated with COPD across the ejection fraction (EF) spectrum. Methods: HF patients enrolled in the Swedish HF registry between 2005 and 2021 were considered. Multivariable logistic regression models were fitted to assess patient characteristics independently associated with COPD and Cox regression models for investigating the associations between COPD and outcomes, that is, morbidity/mortality. Results: Among 97 904 HF patients, COPD prevalence was 13%, highest in HF with preserved EF [HFpEF: 16%, HF with mildly reduced EF (HFmrEF): 12%, HF with reduced EF (HFrEF): 11%]. Key patient characteristics independently associated with a diagnosis of COPD included higher EF, female sex, smoking, obstructive sleep disorder, peripheral artery disease, a lower educational level, more severe HF, more likely mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist and diuretic use but less likely use of angiotensinâconverting enzyme inhibitors/angiotensin receptor blockers/angiotensinâreceptorâneprilysin inhibitors (not in HFrEF), betaâblockers, HF device therapies, and followâup in HF nurseâled clinics. COPD was independently associated with a 15% higher risk of cardiovascular (CV) death/HF hospitalization [hazard ratio: 1.15 (95% confidence interval: 1.11â1.18)], CV death, nonâCV death, allâcause death and HF hospitalizations, regardless of EF. Conclusions: COPD was present in every eight patient with HF, and more common with preserved EF. Patients with COPD had more severe HF, heavier comorbidity burden and worse morbidity/mortality regardless of EF. Our results call for improved diagnostic and management strategies in patients with HF and COPD
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