22 research outputs found

    Assessing the evolution of paddy cultivation in kota belud, sabah using gis and remote sensing techniques

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    This study aims to analyse the development of paddy cultivation in Kota Belud, Sabah using remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) from 1990 to 2020. The cultivation of agriculture-based crops began in the early 1990s, and in 2017-2018, the Malaysian and state government identified Kota Belud as a paddy granary, making the cultivation of paddy a priority. This was in line with the National Agro-Food Policy 2021-2030, which aims to improve food security policies and reduce dependence on imports by enhancing rice production through technology reform and various initiatives. This study employed GIS and remote sensing techniques to analyse the changes in land use for paddy cultivation. Landsat TM 5 and Landsat TM 8 images were used to extract data of land use from 1990 to 2020. The results indicate that the area of paddy cultivation increased from 4,329 ha in 1990 to 12,564 ha in 2020, with fluctuations in between. The specific GIS and remote sensing techniques used in the analysis included unsupervised and supervised classification technique with accuracy classification of 94%, 86%, 98.30% and 91.60 % for year 1990, 2000, 2010 and 2010, respectively. Overall, the findings of this study can be used as a guideline by local authorities to improve rice production and food security in Malaysia

    Strategi adaptasi penduduk luar bandar Sabah terhadap perubahan pola mobiliti harian ekonomi dan sosial semasa pandemik covid-19

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    Luar bandar dan penduduknya tidak beroperasi secara terasing malah, terhubung dengan kawasan sekitar dalam pelbagai aspek ekonomi dan sosial. Sehubungan itu, artikel ini bertujuan untuk meneliti pola perubahan mobiliti harian ekonomi dan sosial penduduk luar bandar akibat dari pandemik COVID-19 dan strategi adaptasi yang diambil oleh mereka dalam mengharungi pandemik COVID-19. Selain data sekunder, perbincangan dalam artikel ini bersandarkan kepada data primer yang diperolehi dari borang soal selidik yang diedarkan kepada 119 ketua keluarga yang dipilih secara rawak sebagai responden kajian di tiga buah kampung yang terletak di kawasan luar bandar Sabah iaitu, Kampung Kiau Nuluh di Daerah Kota Belud, Kampung Terian di daerah Penampang dan Kampung Marasimsim di daerah Kota Marudu. Hasil kajian menunjukkan sebahagian besar responden (98.3 peratus) mempunyai pengetahuan tentang COVID-19 dan cara penyebarannya. Kajian ini juga mendapati, walaupun sebaran jangkitan terkawal dan tidak meluas di kawasan kajian seperti di kawasan bandar namun, kesemua responden mengakui pola mobiliti harian ekonomi dan sosial mereka berubah iaitu, terhad di sekitar kawasan rumah dan kampung. Ini telah memberi kesan sosioekonomi meluas kepada mereka seperti kehilangan pendapatan, hasil pertanian tidak dapat dipasarkan dan kesukaran untuk mendapat bekalan makanan. Antara strategi utama yang diambil oleh responden untuk mengurangkan kesan pandemik COVID-19 adalah membina benteng pertahanan dari jangkitan COVID-19, memperkukuhkan kekuatan dalaman dengan saling membantu antara satu dengan yang lain dan berusaha untuk mencari alternatif baru untuk mengurangkan kesan pandemik COVID-19 yang dihadapi. Sehubungan itu, langkah memperkukuhkan pembangunan ekonomi lokal supaya mampu bermandiri dilihat penting dalam berdepan dengan situasi seperti pandemik COVID-19 pada masa depan. Selain itu, sistem jaringan tempatan dan sokongan kepada pemantapan tahap resiliensi penduduk adalah perlu untuk mengurangkan impak yang dihadapi

    Kuasa Raja-Raja Melayu dulu dan kini: Analisis bandingan dari sudut sejarah dan perundangan

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    Makalah ini menukilkan fakta-fakta sejarah dan dokumen perundangan untuk menilai artikulasi ini benar dan hakikat sebenar kedudukan kuasa raja Melayu pada masa dahulu dan pada masa kontemporari. Sumber-sumber rujukan dari sudut sejarah terdiri daripada teks-teks sejarah watan, termasuk Sulalatus Salatin (Sejarah Melayu), Hikayat Raja-raja Pasai, Hikayat Aceh, Hikayat Melayu Siak, Tuhfat al-Nafis, Undang-Undang 99 Perak, Bustanul-Salatin, dan Thamarat al-Muhimmah (sekadar menyebut beberapa). Manakala sumber-sumber rujukan dari sudut perundangan antaranya adalah terdiri daripada dokumen Perjanjian Pangkor 1874, Perjanjian Persekutuan Tanah Melayu 1948, Perlembagaan Persekutuan Malaysia 1957, Undang-undang Tubuh Kerajaan Johor dan Undang-undang Tubuh Kerajaan Terengganu (sekadar menyebut beberapa). Berdasarkan sumber-sumber yang dirujuk itu, makalah ini menghujah bahawa sebenarnya pada zaman mana sekali pun raja-raja Melayu tidak pernah memerintah. Pada zaman bila sekalipun kedudukan dan fungsi raja-raja Melayu dalam lima perkara berikut: memberi pengampunan, mengistihar perang, menjatuhkan hukuman mati, menentukan hubungan luar (antarabangsa) dan pemilik kedaulatan. Sebaliknya, pihak sebenar yang menjalankan pemerintahan kerajaan adalah para pembesar. Pada zaman dahulu mereka terdiri daripada Pembesar Empat iaitu Bendahara, Penghulu Bendahari, Temenggung dan Laksamana. Manakala pada masa kontemporari, di peringkat Kerajaan Negeri mereka terdiri daripada Menteri Besar bersama DUN (Pengerusi-Pengerusi Jawatankuasa), dan di peringkat Kerajaan Pusat (Persekutuan) terdiri daripada Perdana Menteri bersama Jemaah Menteri. Penukilan fakta-fakta primer (atau utama) ini penting dilakukan kerana ia dapat memberi penjelasan tentang kedudukan sebenar raja-raja Melayu pada hari ini. Fakta-fakta yang dinukilkan menjelaskan bahawa di sebalik pelbagai peristiwa yang berlaku, termasuk pada zaman pendudukan British, raja-raja Melayu tidaklah mengalami kehilangan kuasa. Ini sekaligus dapat menghilangkan kekaburan tentang kedudukan institusi raja Melayu yang menjadi asas kestabilan dan keamanan negara

    Cabaran memiliki insuran banjir di pantai barat Sabah, Malaysia

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    Salah satu strategi adaptasi yang dapat mengurangkan risiko kerugian akibat banjir adalah dengan melanggan perkhidmatan insuran bencana alam (banjir). Malangnya, penyertaan masyarakat untuk melanggan insuran bencana alam di kebanyakan negara membangun yang rentan terhadap banjir masih tergolong rendah, termasuklah di Malaysia. Rentetan daripada itu kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti tahap bahaya banjir dan meneliti cabaran pemilikan insuran banjir di Pantai Barat Sabah, Malaysia. Dalam kajian ini dua daerah hot spot banjir di Pantai Barat Sabah iaitu Daerah Kota Kinabalu dan Kota Belud dijadikan lokasi kajian. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan tinjauan keratan rentas untuk mendapatkan data di lapangan. Oleh itu, seramai 232 orang responden yang terdiri daripada penduduk di dua buah daerah tersebut telah dijadikan sampel. Data mentah yang telah dikutip dianalisis secara deskriptif (min, sisihan piawai, peratus & frekuensi) menggunakan perisian SPSS (Versi 26). Hasil kajian mendapati beberapa peratus responden menghadapi bahaya banjir pada peringkat tinggi daripada aspek kedalaman (41.1%), kekerapan (10.2%) dan tempoh masa (16.4%). Selain itu, kajian ini turut mendapati bahawa literasi masyarakat yang rendah tentang insuran banjir, rendahnya aksessibiliti terhadap firma insuran banjir dan batasan kewangan merupakan bentuk cabaran utama untuk memiliki insuran banjir di Pantai Barat Sabah. Hasil kajian ini penting sebagai maklumat tambahan untuk membantu merangka strategi yang lebih berkesan bagi meningkatkan pemilikan perlindungan insuran banjir di Sabah khususnya dan di Malaysia umumnya

    The socioeconomics support on indigenous Community in Malaysia

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    The Malaysian community has been impacted by the government development programs that were put in place. The effects of development that have been changing the socioeconomic atmosphere of populations are not limited to mainstream races but also to vulnerable communities like Orang Asli. Many development programmes have been implemented to uplift the well-being of Orang Asli since before Independence Day in 1957. Thus, this study aims to investigate the efficiency of socioeconomic support programmes in the Orang Asli community to bring them out of multidimensional poverty. This study was done on the head of household (HoH) of the Orang Asli community living near the National Park in Pahang. SEM Amos analysis was used to validate all the hypotheses about dependent variables: education, health, the standard of living and wealth. Only the indicators in the health dimension have negative values. This indicates that both indicators, child mortality rate and nutrition, are good in all three Orang Asli settlements. Besides that, logistic regression shows that only the indicators in the health dimension have negative values, indicating that both indicators, child mortality rate and child nutrition, are good in all three Orang Asli settlements. Therefore, any responsible bodies need to emphasise these particular deprivation matters to uplift the well-being status of the Orang Asli. In addition, serious involvement in the tourism sector is the better option to bring this community out of deprivation, as they live in an attractive and tourism-driven area, the National Park

    Persepsi komuniti Sabah terhadap impak pembangunan pelancongan berasaskan perspektif alam sekitar

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    Pembangunan aktiviti-aktiviti pelancongan di negeri Sabah adalah pada kedudukan yang selaras dengan misi-visi negara untuk meningkatkan ekonomi negara dan mencapai status sebagai Negara maju. Namun demikian, impak daripada pembangunan pelancongan berkebolehan dalam menyumbangkan kepada kesan-kesan sama ada positif atau negatif di negeri Sabah. Oleh itu, kajian penyelidikan ini dijalankan untuk mengkaji persepsi komuniti Sabah terhadap impak pembangunan pelancongan berasaskan perspektif alam sekitar. Kajian ini menggunakan perspektif kuantitatif, di mana pendekatan soal selidik diaplikasikan untuk tujuan pengumpulan data-data dan maklumat melalui persepsi penduduk tempatan. Sampel saiz yang berjaya dikumpulkan adalah 74 responden dan analisis yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah deskriptif. Berdasarkan dapatan kajian, menunjukkan populasi bertambah akan menggalakkan, merancakkan, dan meningkatkan aktiviti pelancongan melalui pembangunan landskap pesisir pantai, namun secara tidak langsung telah meningkatkan kesan negatif melalui pencemaran udara, pencemaran bunyi, pencemaran tanah, dan pencemaran air-laut. Namun penambahan populasi bukan hanya membawa kepada kesan negatif-minoriti kepada alam sekitar, malah impak positif seperti memelihara, melindungi, dan menjaga alam sekitar boleh dicapai secara sepakat oleh penduduk tempatan. Kesimpulannya, pembangunan aktiviti pelancongan boleh menjana dan merancakkan ekonomi negeri dan negara. Sememangnya tidak dapat dielakkan apabila pembangunan pelancongan dilakukan akan membawa kepada minoriti impak kepada alam sekitar, namun perkara ini harus dikawal dan diurus dengan betul dan tepat

    Geospatial analysis of covid-19 vaccine recipients distribution in Malaysia

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the world, causing changes in social, economic, and demographic aspects of populations. To mitigate the spread of the virus in Malaysia, the government has launched the National COVID-19 Immunization Program with the aim of vaccinating 80% of Malaysians to achieve herd immunity. To evaluate the progress of the vaccination campaign, this study used Geographic Information System (GIS) technology to develop a database and map the spatial distribution of vaccine recipients by age group for each state in Malaysia. The findings showed that 85.7% (M=83.06 SD=9.93) of individuals received the first vaccine dose, 83.1% (M=80.4 SD=9.78) received the second dose, and 49.4% (M=49.4 SD=15.51) received a booster dose. Overall, Kelantan had the lowest percentage of vaccine recipients for all doses, with 64.8% for the first dose, 62.8% for the second dose, and 17.3% for the booster dose. Developing a geospatial database and mapping the distribution of vaccine recipients is an essential tool for the Malaysian Ministry of Health to monitor and evaluate the progress of the vaccination campaign, identify areas that need attention, and prioritize resources for future vaccine distribution

    Threats of biocorrosion moss and river erosion on megalithic sites in Long Pasia, Borneo: A case study of petroglyph Narid Upai Semaring

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    During ancient times, megalithic sites generally functioned for religious purposes, astronomy, burial monuments, symbols of a man鈥檚 strength, and markers for land boundaries. Nowadays, megalithic sites have the potential to be used as locations for cultural and heritage tourism, particularly archaeology tourism. This indirectly shows that a megalithic structure is something of great value, especially from economic, historical, and cultural perspectives. Its existence is relevant is always relevant. Therefore, the originality of a megalithic monument鈥檚 structure must be maintained and preserved from any threats of damage and destruction. Unfortunately, a megalithic structure often faces various threats of damage and destruction, be it naturally or from human activities. Hence, this study aims to examine the threat of natural damage through the process of biocorrosion river erosion on megalithic sites in Long Pasia, Borneo, focusing on the case study of petroglyph Narid Upai Semaring. Other than that, this study also suggests mitigation approaches that can be applied to overcome the threats. Insights from the observational data (photo documentation) through a series of field studies were used as evidence to explain the phenomenon under investigation. This research provides an in-depth insight into how the reaction between the natural environment (moss and river flow) and megalithic sites could change the physical structure of the site. The research finding not only contributes to our understanding of the damage mechanism to ancient artifacts, but it also has crucial implications for the protection, preservation, and management of historic sites in areas that are exposed to the process of biocorrosion and river erosion. The finding is expected to help plan proper preservation and conservation actions for megalithic sites particularly in Long Pasia and generally in Malaysia

    Impact of the Tourism Sector on the Socio-Economy of Indigenous People on The Islands Around Semporna

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    The natural beauty of the islands is the main attraction of the tourism sector in Semporna, Sabah. The development of this tourism industry is seen to have a positive impact on the overall development in the Semporna District. However, whether this tourism development has a positive impact on the socio-economic development of the indigenous people in the surrounding islands of Semporna is the primary focus of this pilot study. The objective of this study is to identify the impact of tourism on the socio-economic development of the indigenous communities in the surrounding islands of Semporna. The study adopts a quantitative approach involving 60 respondents, with 20 respondents in each study location. The study locations include three islands around Semporna: Larapan Island, Omadal Island, and Mabul Island. The results of the study found that the respondents strongly agreed that the arrival of tourists in Semporna increased the income of the island's residents and provided job opportunities for the local population, with a minimum mean value of 4.6 for both aspects. In the social aspect, the majority of community members were highly responsive and believed that tourism empowered women's involvement (mean=4.4) and strengthened cooperation among community members (mean=4.6). In conclusion, the development of tourism in Semporna has a positive impact on the socio-economic development of the indigenous communities in the surrounding islands. However, various initiatives need to be strengthened to ensure that this positive impact benefits a larger number of indigenous people and helps alleviate poverty issues among the indigenous communities, particularly on the islands

    Virtual Learning during COVID-19: Exploring Challenges and Identifying Highly Vulnerable Groups Based on Location

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    Amid the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in the year 2020, educational platforms have been forced to change and adapt from conventional physical learning to virtual learning. Nearly all higher learning institutions worldwide are forced to follow the new educational setting through virtual platforms. Sabah is one of the poorest states in Malaysia with the poorest infrastructure, with the technology and communication facilities in the state remaining inept. With the changes in virtual platforms in all higher education institutions in Malaysia, higher learning institutions in Sabah are expected to follow the lead, despite the state lagging in its development. This has certainly impacted the overall productivity and performance of students in Sabah. Therefore, this study aims to explore the challenges of the implementation of virtual learning among students in Sabah. More specifically, this study seeks to identify vulnerable groups among students based on their geographical location. To achieve the objective of this study, a survey has been conducted on a total of 1,371 students in both private and public higher learning institutions in Sabah. The sample selection for this study was determined using a purposive sampling technique. Based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA), it was found that there are five challenges in virtual learning faced by students in higher learning institutions in Sabah. These are the unconducive learning environment (var(X) = 20.12%), the deterioration of physical health (var(X) = 13.40%), the decline of mental health (var(X) = 12.10%), the limited educational facilities (var(X) = 10.14%) and social isolation (var(X) = 7.47%). The K-Means Clustering analysis found that there are six student clusters in Sabah (Cluster A, B, C, D, E & F), each of which faces different challenges in participating in virtual learning. Based on the assessment of location, almost half of the total number of districts in Sabah are dominated by students from Cluster A (9 districts) and Cluster B (4 districts). More worryingly, both Cluster A and Cluster B are classified as highly vulnerable groups in relation to the implementation of virtual learning. The results of this study can be used by the local authorities and policymakers in Malaysia to improve the implementation of virtual learning in Sabah so that the education system can be more effective and systematic. Additionally, the improvement and empowerment of the learning environment are crucial to ensuring education is accessible and inclusive for all societies, in line with the fourth of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG-4)