2 research outputs found

    Study of The Concept of Vocational Guidance and Counseling in Vocational Schools

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    The concept of vocational guidance and counseling in vocational high schools (SMK) plays a crucial role in shaping the future of students. A recent study conducted at SMKS Teknologi YPL Lirik aimed to explore the general overview of guidance and counseling implementation, the steps taken by school principals and teachers, and the challenges faced in this aspect. Using a qualitative descriptive approach, the researchers directly collected data through interviews, documentation, and involving key stakeholders such as the school principal, vice principal of student affairs, subject teachers, class advisors, guidance counselors, and students. The gathered data was then analyzed through a process of reduction and interpreted qualitatively to draw conclusions. According to the interviews conducted with school officials, it was revealed that the current guidance and counseling practices at SMKS Teknologi YPL Lirik are inadequate. This is evident from the students' behavior, which tends to be naughty or undisciplined due to family or community environmental factors. To achieve holistic character education through guidance and counseling, the school must establish good cooperation with parents, maintain direct communication with them in case of any issues at school, and find solutions collaboratively to foster positive character growth in both the family and school environments. In conclusion, the study emphasizes the importance of enhancing guidance and counseling practices in vocational high schools to better support students in their personal and academic development. By addressing challenges and strengthening collaboration between school stakeholders, SMKS Teknologi YPL Lirik can create a more conducive environment for students to thrive and succeed in their vocational endeavors

    Effectiveness of Digital Systems and Learning Models in Online Learning for Students from Underprivileged Families

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    Online learning has become an alternative learning system during the COVID-19 pandemic, but in reality, online learning raises many problems in its implementation. Online learning is not only viewed negatively by some people, but also shows a wide digital divide in society, especially the economically disadvantaged, which ultimately results in educational inequality. Poor students and those who live in rural areas find it difficult to access online learning due to the absence of ICT facilities and difficulty getting internet signals. Education in Indonesia, which has embraced the neoliberal paradigm of competition since the beginning, eventually results in unfair competition in online learning due to the digital divide. This research aims to find out the extent of the digital divide and the education model in online learning implemented at the State Vocational High School (SMK) 1 Beringin, which then results in inequality in competition between students. This study also wants to see the resolution of economic disparities, and evaluate the competition system in education that is always discriminatory and only benefits some people, then rethinking a more humane education model