88,606 research outputs found
Effective hadronic Lagrangian for charm mesons
An effective hadronic Lagrangian including the charm mesons is introduced to
study their interactions in hadronic matter. Using coupling constants that are
determined either empirically or by the SU(4) symmetry, we have evaluated the
absorption cross sections of and the scattering cross sections of
and by and mesons.Comment: 5 pages, 4 eps figures, presented at Strangeness 2000, Berkeley. Uses
Qubit-qudit states with positive partial transpose
We show that the length of a qubit-qutrit separable state is equal to the
max(r,s), where r is the rank of the state and s is the rank of its partial
transpose. We refer to the ordered pair (r,s) as the birank of this state. We
also construct examples of qubit-qutrit separable states of any feasible birank
(r,s). We determine the closure of the set of normalized two-qutrit entangled
states of rank four having positive partial transpose (PPT). The boundary of
this set consists of all separable states of length at most four. We prove that
the length of any qubit-qudit separable state of birank (d+1,d+1) is d+1. We
also show that all qubit-qudit PPT entangled states of birank (d+1,d+1) can be
built in a simple way from edge states. If V is a subspace of dimension k<d in
the tensor product of C^2 and C^d such that V contains no product vectors, we
show that the set of all product vectors in the orthogonal complement of V is a
vector bundle of rank d-k over the projective line. Finally, we explicitly
construct examples of qubit-qudit PPT states (both separable and entangled) of
any feasible birank.Comment: 13 pages, 2 table
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