436 research outputs found
Perancangan Planogram Berdasarkan Merchandise Hierarchy Dan Category Management Di Ritel X
Penelitian dilakukan di Ritel X yang menjual produk-produk tekstil garmen seperti kemeja batik, blus batik, daster, baju anak laki-laki, baju anak perempuan dan sarung serta produk tekstil rumah tangga seperti sprei, selimut dan bed cover. Berdasarkan observasi yang dilakukan, produk-produk di Ritel X tidak tertata dengan baik dan belum melakukan perancangan tampilan produk yang mengakibatkan sulitnya menemukan produk-produk yang diinginkan konsumen. Peneliti akan membuat rancangan planogram berdasarkan category management dan merchandise hierarchy dari produk-produk yang ada di Ritel X. Pembuatan kategori produk dalam category management digunakan untuk mengetahui keseluruhan stock keeping unit dari produk-produk di Ritel X yang harus dirancang dalam planogram. Penetapan merchandise hierarchy dilakukan dengan cara melakukan wawancara secara langsung dengan para konsumen di Ritel X. Selain category management dan merchandise hierarchy dalam merancang planogram juga mempertimbangkan margin profit produk-produk. Hasil perancangan planogram diharapkan akan memberi dasar dalam menata tampilan produk di Ritel X agar lebih menarik minat kosumen dan meningkatkan profit penjualan
Probing into Homopolymer Self-Assembly: How Does Hydrogen Bonding Influence Morphology?
Self-assembly of amphiphilic homopolymers composed of
both hydrophilic
and hydrophobic components in each repeating unit is burgeoning in
recent years due to their facile synthesis compared to block copolymers.
However, ordered homopolymer nanostructures are very limited, and
solid TEM evidence for the formation of vesicles and other complex
morphologies is necessary to address the mechanistic insights of homopolymer
self-assembly. Presented in this article are the studies on the morphological
transition, the structure analysis, and the formation mechanism of
homopolymer self-assembly. First, a series of amphiphilic homopolymers,
poly(2-hydroxy-3-phenoxypropyl acrylate) (PHPPA) with various molecular
weights (MWs) have been designed and synthesized by the reversible
addition–fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) process. Second,
upon simply changing the homopolymer’s chain length or cosolvents
during self-assembly, a wide range of new homopolymer-based nanostructures
can be obtained, such as large compound micelles (LCMs), simple vesicles,
large compound vesicles (LCVs), and hydrated large compound micelles
(HLCMs) as a result of different intensity of inter/intra-polymer
hydrogen bonding in the homopolymer self-assemblies. Moreover, micrometer-sized
branched cylinders are formed by premixing PHPPA<sub>36</sub> and
PHPPA<sub>103</sub> homopolymers, which is not observed by self-assembly
of PHPPA<sub>36</sub> and PHPPA<sub>103</sub> individually. Third,
we claim that the structures of homopolymer self-assemblies are much
different from their block copolymer analogues due to homopolymer’s
fuzzy hydrophobic and hydrophilic domains compared to block copolymer’s
distinct ones. We confirm that the structure of micelle core or vesicle
membrane (alike to each other in nature) consists of both hydrophilic
and hydrophobic moieties, which is different from block copolymer
micelles or vesicles with hydrophobic cores or membranes. Also, a
dye encapsulation experiment is employed to identify and distinguish
a new nanostructure, HLCMs, from LCMs. Our study has provided a new
perspective on homopolymer self-assembly
Genetic Targeting of a Small Fluorescent Zinc Indicator to Cell Surface for Monitoring Zinc Secretion
Numerous mammalian cells contain
Zn<sup>2+</sup> in their secretory
granules. During secretion, Zn<sup>2+</sup> is coreleased with granular
cargos into extracellular medium so Zn<sup>2+</sup> serves as a convenient
surrogate marker for tracking the dynamics of secretion. Fluorescent
Zn<sup>2+</sup> sensors that can be selectively targeted to cells
of interest would be invaluable tools for imaging Zn<sup>2+</sup> release
in multicellular systems including tissues and live animals. Exploiting
the HaloTag labeling technology and using an optimized linker, we
have engineered a fluorescent Zn<sup>2+</sup> indicator that displayed
a 15-fold fluorescence enhancement upon Zn<sup>2+</sup> binding while
reacting efficiently with a HaloTag enzyme in a cellular environment.
Two-color imaging of ZIMIR-HaloTag and a red-emitting calcium indicator
in pancreatic islet beta cells demonstrated that photoactivation of
a channelrhodopsin was able to induce exocytosis of Zn<sup>2+</sup>/insulin granules and revealed heterogeneity in secretory activity
along the cell membrane that was uncoupled from cellular Ca<sup>2+</sup> activity. This integrated photonic approach for imaging and controlling
the release of large dense core granules provides exquisite cellular
selectivity and should facilitate future studies of stimulus-secretion
coupling and paracrine signaling in secretory cells
Isolasi dan Identifikasi Senyawa Utama Fraksi Aktif Sitotoksis dari Batang Jambu Kaliang (Eugene Cumini Druce)
Telah dilakukan isolasi dan identifikasi komponen utama dari fraksi aktif sitotoksik kulit batang jambu kaliang (Eugene cumini Druce) dengan metode maserasi menggunakan pelarut methanol. Ekstrak methanol difraksinasi dengan pelarut n-heksan, diklorometan dan diuji aktitas sititoksiknya dengan metode uji kematian larva udang dalam air garam. Fraksi n-heksan menunjukkan aktifitas sitotoksik tertinggi dengan LC50 35 ppm. Dari fraksi n-heksan berhasil diisolasi kristal jarum berwarna putih dengan titik leleh 112 - 114°C sebanyak 206,5 mg dan positif steroid. Spektrum ultravioled senyawa hasil isolasi memberikan serapan maksimum pada λmaks 205,2 nm yang menunjukkan adanya transisi π à π\u27 untuk ikatan rangkap terisolasi. Spektrum infra merah senyawa hasil isolasi memberikan puncak serapan pada bilangan gelombang 3412,8 cm-1, 1049,4 cm-1, 2919,2-2848,7 cm-1, 1748,7 cm-1, 1466,4 cm-1 dan 1378,4 cm-1, yang masing-masing menunjukkan adanya gugus O-H, C-O alkohol, C-H alifatik, C=C terisolasi, C-H siklopentana dan C-H isopropyl. Spektrum masa senyawa hasil isolasi memberikan puncak dasar m/z 213 dan puncak ion molekul pada m/z 414. Berdasarkan data yang ada diduga bahwa senyawa hasil isolasi adalah stigmast-7en-3-ol dengan rumus molekul C29H50O
Economic Assessment for a Building Thermal Insulation
Import 05/08/2014Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na ekonomické zhodnocení zateplení vybraného objektu – bytového domu v Bílině. Cílem investiční akce bylo snížit energetickou náročnost budovy a tím náklady na vytápění. Jsou popsány výhody zateplení s důsledky na kvalitu bydlení. Použitím metod hodnocení efektivnosti investic je celá akce posouzena.The thesis is focused on the economic evaluation of insulation of the selected object – the block if flats in Bílina. The aim of this investment was to reduce the energy consumption and the heating costs. It describes the benefits of insulation affecting the quality of housing. This action is assessed by using the evaluation methods of the investment.Prezenční545 - Institut ekonomiky a systémů řízenívýborn
A Hierarchical unsupervised method for power line classification from airborne LiDAR data
<p>The automatic classification of power lines from airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data is a crucial task for power supply management. The methods for power line classification can be either supervised or unsupervised. Supervised methods might achieve high accuracy for small areas, but it is time consuming to collect training data over areas of different conditions and complexity. Therefore, unsupervised methods that can automatically work over different areas without sophisticated parameter tuning are in great demand. In this paper, we presented a hierarchical unsupervised LiDAR-based power line classification method that first screened the power line candidate points (including the power line corridor direction detection based on a layered Hough transform, connectivity analysis, and Douglas–Peucker simplification algorithm), followed by the extraction of contextual linear and angular features for each candidate laser points, and finally by setting the feature threshold values to identify the power line points. We tested the method over both forest and urban areas and found that the precision, recall and quality rates were up to 96.7%, 88.8% and 78.3%, respectively, for the test datasets and were higher than the ones from a previously developed supervised classification method. Overall, our approach has the advantages of achieving relatively high accuracy and being relatively fast.</p
Selenium Removal from Power Plant Waste Water with Solid Phase Extraction Materials
abstract: As selenium is toxic at low levels, treatment methods to remove selenium from industrial waste waters are needed. In this work, three groups of sorbent materials were investigated in detail for their effectiveness for selenium and arsenic removal from water: 1) nanostructured carbon-based materials, 2) layered double hydroxide (LDH)-based materials, and 3) biopolymer-based sorbents. The materials were investigated in spiked de-ionized water and waters collected from different locations at Salt River Project’s (SRP) Santan Generating Station in Gilbert, AZ. The results show that nanostructured carbon-based materials removed ~80% and up to 100% selenium and arsenic, respectively in spiked DI water. Heat treated layered double hydroxides removed close to 100% removal in selenium and arsenic spiked DI water. Isotherms conducted in spiked DI water fit the Langmuir model and showed a maximum selenate adsorption capacity of 67 mg/g for the calcined LDH powder. Results from SRP waters showed that certain LDH sorbents were effective for removing the selenium, but that higher pH and existence of competing ions affected the removal efficiencies. The functionalized biopolymer sorbent from Crystal Clear Technologies: CCT-149/OCI-B showed good removal efficiencies for both selenate and selenite in DI water. Isotherms conducted in spiked DI water for CCT-149 fit the Langmuir model and showed a maximum selenate adsorption capacity of 90.9 mg/g. Column tests using spiked DI water and waters obtained from SRP wells were investigated using both LDH and CCT-149/OCI-B. Removal of sulfate using chemical pre-treatment of the water with barium chloride resulted in about three times higher selenate loading onto the granular LDH and doubled the water volume that can be treated using CCT-149/OCI-B. The results from the column tests are being used to guide the pilot testing investigating the implementation of LDH sorbents at pilot scale at the Santan plant. The good results in the cooling tower #5 blowdown water and combined discharge waste water of SRP provide valuable information about the efficacy and efficiency of adsorptive media for the removal of selenium. Composites comprising LDH nanosheets with different substrates were successfully synthesized that were able to retain the performance in removing selenate of nanosheet LDH.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Materials Science and Engineering 201
Data_Sheet_1_Cognitive reserve over the life course and risk of dementia: a systematic review and meta-analysis.docx
BackgroundThe number of people with dementia is soaring. Cognitive reserve has been thought to be associated with dementia risk. It is not clear at which period in the life course and which cognitive reserve proxies contribute to the reduced risk of dementia.MethodsBy scanning four databases (PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and MEDLINE) up to Jun 3, 2023, longitudinal studies of life-course cognitive reserve and risk of dementia were found. The HRs and 95% CIs for each study were summarized using random effects models. Subgroup analyses and sensitivity analyses were conducted. Utilizing funnel plots, Begg and Egger tests, publication bias was investigated.ResultsA total of 27 studies were included, containing 10 in early-life, 10 in middle-life, and 13 in late-life. All studies used validated questionnaires to measure cognitive reserve, and dementia diagnosis followed recognized worldwide guidelines. All included studies were of medium or low risk. Cognitive reserve in early-life (Hazard ratio (HR): 0.82; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.79–0.86), middle-life (HR: 0.91; 95% CI: 0.84–0.98) and late-life (HR: 0.81; 95% CI: 0.75–0.88) all have protective effects on dementia risk. Multiple sensitivity analyses showed consistent results.ConclusionDementia risk is reduced by the buildup of cognitive reserves during life-course. Accumulation of proxies for cognitive reserve in early and late life had the greatest effect on dementia risk reduction. Social connection may be an effective approach to lower dementia risk.</p
Additional file 1: of Genomic information of the arsenic-resistant bacterium Lysobacter arseniciresistens type strain ZS79T and comparison of Lysobacter draft genomes
Table S1. The proteins for Type II secretion in Lysobacter genomes. Table S2. The proteins for flagellar assembly in Lysobacter genomes. Table S3. The arsenic resistances genes found in five Lysobacter genomes. (XLSX 17Â kb
CUSUM charts with <i>R</i><sub><i>A</i></sub> = 0.3.
<p>Left panel—ours; right panel—[<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0200915#pone.0200915.ref008" target="_blank">8</a>].</p
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