59 research outputs found

    Large Distance Modification of Newtonian Potential and Structure Formation in Universe

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    In this paper, we study the effects of super-light brane world perturbative modes on structure formation in our universe. As these modes modify the large distance behavior of Newtonian potential, they effect the clustering of a system of galaxies. So, we explicitly calculate the clustering of galaxies interacting through such a modified Newtonian potential. We use a suitable approximation for analyzing this system of galaxies, and discuss the validity of such approximations. We observe that such corrections also modify the virial theorem for such a system of galaxies.Comment: 13 pages, 3 captioned figure

    Twitter als Wahlkampfmedium: Modellierung und Analyse politischer Social-Media-Nutzung

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    Die Veränderung der individuellen politischen Kommunikation ist ein wesentliches Element des Konzepts der Mediatisierung des Politischen. Immer mehr Politikerinnen und Politiker sowie Bürgerinnen und Bürger nutzen digitale Plattformen, um sich politisch auszutauschen und zu informieren. Dabei stellt sich die Frage, inwiefern Politiker/-innen selbst Austauschmöglichkeiten im Netz bieten und somit direkt Kommunikation fördern. Für die vorliegende Studie wurde die Nutzung des Microblogging-Dienstes Twitter durch Politiker/-innen während ausgewählter Landtagswahlkämpfe des Jahres 2011 auf partizipationsermöglichende Elemente hin untersucht. Diese Elemente wurden mithilfe des "Funktionalen Operatorenmodells" systematisiert und kategorisiert. Die Ergebnisse verdeutlichen nicht nur eine individuell ausgeprägte Nutzungsfrequenz der einzelnen Politiker/-innen, sondern auch unterschiedliche Stile der Twitternutzung, die sich als "persönlich-interaktiv" und "thematisch-informativ" klassifizieren lassen. In Hinblick auf deliberative Strukturen ist die Twitterkommunikation im Politiker-Bürger-Dialog hingegen noch ausbaufähig.The change of individual political communication is a crucial element in the debate about the mediatization of politics. More and more politicians as well as citizens make use of digital platforms to exchange their views on political issues and to inform themselves. This raises the question to what extent politicians offer options for digital interaction and thus encourage first-hand communication. This paper examines the use of the microblogging service Twitter by politicians during selected federal state election campaigns in Germany in 2011. The analysis focused on elements that facilitate participation and was conducted by using the "functional operator-model". Data analysis shows that politicians use twitter in either a "personal-interactive" or "topic-informative" style. Regarding deliberative structures of twitter communication, however, there is still much to gain - both on the part of the politicians and of the citizens

    The Role of Transposable Elements in the Origin and Evolution of MicroRNAs in Human

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    <div><p>MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are crucial regulators of gene expression at the post-transcriptional level in eukaryotes via targeting gene 3'-untranslated regions. Transposable elements (TEs) are considered as natural origins of some miRNAs. However, what miRNAs are and how these miRNAs originate and evolve from TEs remain unclear. We identified 409 TE-derived miRNAs (386 overlapped with TEs and 23 un-overlapped with TEs) which are derived from TEs in human. This indicates that the TEs play important roles in origin of miRNAs in human. In addition, we found that the proportions of miRNAs derived from TEs (MDTEs) in human are more than other vertebrates especially non-mammal vertebrates. Furthermore, we classified MDTEs into three types and found that TE head or tail sequences along with adjacent genomic sequences contribute to generation of human miRNAs. Our current study will improve the understanding of origin and evolution of human miRNAs.</p></div

    The Evolution and Origin of Animal Toll-Like Receptor Signaling Pathway Revealed by Network-Level Molecular Evolutionary Analyses

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    <div><p>Genes carry out their biological functions through pathways in complex networks consisting of many interacting molecules. Studies on the effect of network architecture on the evolution of individual proteins will provide valuable information for understanding the origin and evolution as well as functional conservation of signaling pathways. However, the relationship between the network architecture and the individual protein sequence evolution is yet little known. In current study, we carried out network-level molecular evolution analysis on TLR (Toll-like receptor ) signaling pathway, which plays an important role in innate immunity in insects and mammals, and we found that: 1) The selection constraint of genes was negatively correlated with its position along TLR signaling pathway; 2) all genes in TLR signaling pathway were highly conserved and underwent strong purifying selection; 3) the distribution of selective pressure along the pathway was driven by differential nonsynonymous substitution levels; 4) The TLR signaling pathway might present in a common ancestor of sponges and eumetazoa, and evolve via the <em>TLR</em>, <em>IKK</em>, <em>IκB</em> and <em>NF-</em>κ<em>B</em> genes underwent duplication events as well as adaptor molecular enlargement, and gene structure and conservation motif of <em>NF-κB</em> genes shifted in their evolutionary history. Our results will improve our understanding on the evolutionary history of animal TLR signaling pathway as well as the relationship between the network architecture and the sequences evolution of individual protein.</p> </div

    LightLog: A lightweight temporal convolutional network for log anomaly detection on the edge

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    Log anomaly detection on edge devices is the key to enhance edge security when deploying IoT systems. Despite the success of many newly proposed deep learning based log anomaly detection methods, handling large-scale logs on edge devices is still a bottleneck due to the limited computational power on these devices to fulfil the real-time processing requirement for accurate anomaly detection. In this work, we propose a novel lightweight log anomaly detection algorithm, named LightLog, to tackle this research gap. In specific, we achieve real-time processing speed on the task via two aspects: (i) creation of a low-dimensional semantic vector space based on word2vec and post-processing algorithms (PPA); and (ii) design of a lightweight temporal convolutional network (TCN) for the detection. These two components significantly reduce the number of parameters and computations of a standard TCN while improving the detection performance. Experimental results show that our LightLog outperforms several benchmarking methods, namely DeepLog, LogAnomaly and RobustLog, by achieving 97.0 F1 score on HDFS Dataset and 97.2 F1 score on BGL with smallest model size. This effective yet efficient method paves the way to the deployment of log anomaly detection on the edge. Our source code and datasets are freely available on https://github.com/Aquariuaa/LightLog</div

    The nonsynonymous/synonymous substitution rate ratio (<i>ω</i> = <i>dn/ds</i>), nonsynonymous substitution rate (<i>dn</i>), and synonymous substitution rate (<i>ds</i>) versus pathway position.

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    <p>The correlations are significant for <i>ω</i> and <i>dn</i>. This shows that the strength of the purifying selection increases from upstream to downstream.</p

    Analysis of three types of MDTEs.

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    <p><b>(A) Three types of MDTEs. Type I Inverted</b>—The pre-miRNA is derived from two inverted TEs. <b>Type II Partly overlapped</b>—One arm is a TE while the other is the complementary sequence of that TE. Part of the pre-miRNA is derived from a TE, but another part is without TE features. <b>Type III Wholly overlapped</b>—The pre-miRNA wholly overlaps with a TE. Genome sequence is marked with green bar, pre-miRNA with purple bar and mature miRNA with yellow bar. Red arrow indicates the direction of TE sequence. <b>(B) Percentage of three types of MDTEs. (C) The proportion of TE families in three types of MDTEs</b>.</p

    The proportions of MDTEs in human and seven other vertebrates.

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    <p>The proportions of MDTEs in human and seven other vertebrates.</p

    The number of the core components of the TLR signaling pathway in representative metazoans.

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    <p>The numbers represent the copy number of the TLR signaling pathway genes in all studied species. “0/1” means not found using blast research, but it present in lower animals.</p