22 research outputs found
Behaivours and escape swimming speed of Ischnura elegans damselfly larvae
The activity levels and escape swimming speed of Ischnura elegans damselfly larvae during the 6-day exposure period as a function of zinc concentrations, temperature and latitude
Can Acid Volatile Sulfides (AVS) Influence Metal Concentrations in the Macrophyte <i>Myriophyllum aquaticum</i>?
The difference between the molar concentrations of simultaneously
extracted metals (SEM) and acid volatile sulfides (AVS) is widely
used to predict metal availability toward invertebrates in hypoxic
sediments. However, this model is poorly investigated for macrophytes.
The present study evaluates metal accumulation in roots and stems
of the macrophyte <i>Myriophyllum aquaticum</i> during a
54 day lab experiment. The macrophytes, rooting in metal contaminated,
hypoxic, and sulfide rich field sediments were exposed to surface
water with 40% or 90% oxygen. High oxygen concentrations in the 90%
treatment resulted in dissolution of the metal-sulfide complexes and
a gradual increase in labile metal concentrations during the experiment.
However, the general trend of increasing availability in the sediment
with time was not translated in rising <i>M. aquaticum</i> metal concentrations. Processes at the root-sediment interface,
e.g., radial oxygen loss (ROL) or the release of organic compounds
by plant roots and their effect on metal availability in the rhizosphere
may be of larger importance for metal accumulation than the bulk metal
mobility predicted by the SEM-AVS model
Relationship between the hepatic Zn and MT level in the three fish species. (a) Roach; (b) Perch; (c) Gudgeon.
<p>Relationship between the hepatic Zn and MT level in the three fish species. (a) Roach; (b) Perch; (c) Gudgeon.</p
Condition measures for the three fish species (mean ± standard dev.).
<p>A) Relative condition factor; B) Hepatosomatic Index; C) Gonadosomatic Index. Different letters mean significant differences within species (p < 0.05)</p
Ratio of theoretical hepatic MT/measured hepatic MT for the three fish species.
<p>Ratio of theoretical hepatic MT/measured hepatic MT for the three fish species.</p
Total metal levels in the sediments and the pore water at the different sampling sites.
<p>Sed: sediment; pw: pore water</p><p>CCC: Criterion Continuous Concentration <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0060805#pone.0060805-US1" target="_blank">[43]</a> aquatic freshwater life; ND: Not Determined</p><p>PEC: Probable Effect Concentrations <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0060805#pone.0060805-MacDonald1" target="_blank">[42]</a>.</p
Metallothionein level (MT) in liver of the three fish species (nmol MT g-1 wet weight).
<p>Different letters (A, a or <i>a</i> for respectively Roach, Perch and Gudgeon) mean significant differences in hepatic tissue within species (p < 0.05).</p
Mean metal concentration (± standard deviation) in liver of the three fish species in µg g<sup>−1</sup> dry weight.
<p>(a) Cd, (b) Cu, (c) Zn. Different letters (A, a or <i>a</i> for respectively Roach, Perch and Gudgeon) mean significant differences in hepatic tissue within a species (p < 0.05).</p