89 research outputs found
Markov Properties of Electrical Discharge Current Fluctuations in Plasma
Using the Markovian method, we study the stochastic nature of electrical
discharge current fluctuations in the Helium plasma. Sinusoidal trends are
extracted from the data set by the Fourier-Detrended Fluctuation analysis and
consequently cleaned data is retrieved. We determine the Markov time scale of
the detrended data set by using likelihood analysis. We also estimate the
Kramers-Moyal's coefficients of the discharge current fluctuations and derive
the corresponding Fokker-Planck equation. In addition, the obtained Langevin
equation enables us to reconstruct discharge time series with similar
statistical properties compared with the observed in the experiment. We also
provide an exact decomposition of temporal correlation function by using
Kramers-Moyal's coefficients. We show that for the stationary time series, the
two point temporal correlation function has an exponential decaying behavior
with a characteristic correlation time scale. Our results confirm that, there
is no definite relation between correlation and Markov time scales. However
both of them behave as monotonic increasing function of discharge current
intensity. Finally to complete our analysis, the multifractal behavior of
reconstructed time series using its Keramers-Moyal's coefficients and original
data set are investigated. Extended self similarity analysis demonstrates that
fluctuations in our experimental setup deviates from Kolmogorov (K41) theory
for fully developed turbulence regime.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures and 4 tables. V3: Added comments, references,
figures and major correction
Soil nutrients and beta diversity in the Bornean Dipterocarpaceae: evidence for niche partitioning by tropical rain forest trees
1 The relative importance of niche- and dispersal-mediated processes in structuring diverse tropical plant communities remains poorly understood. Here, we link mesoscale beta diversity to soil variation throughout a lowland Bornean watershed underlain by alluvium, sedimentary and granite parent materials ( c . 340 ha, 8–200 m a.s.l.). We test the hypothesis that species turnover across the habitat gradient reflects interspecific partitioning of soil resources. 2 Floristic inventories (≥ 1 cm d.b.h.) of the Dipterocarpaceae, the dominant Bornean canopy tree family, were combined with extensive soil analyses in 30 (0.16 ha) plots. Six samples per plot were analysed for total C, N, P, K, Ca and Mg, exchangeable K, Ca and Mg, extractable P, texture, and pH. 3 Extractable P, exchangeable K, and total C, N and P varied significantly among substrates and were highest on alluvium. Thirty-one dipterocarp species ( n = 2634 individuals, five genera) were recorded. Dipterocarp density was similar across substrates, but richness and diversity were highest on nutrient-poor granite and lowest on nutrient-rich alluvium. 4 Eighteen of 22 species were positively or negatively associated with parent material. In 8 of 16 abundant species, tree distribution (≥ 10 cm d.b.h.) was more strongly non-random than juveniles (1–10 cm d.b.h.), suggesting higher juvenile mortality in unsuitable habitats. The dominant species Dipterocarpus sublamellatus (> 50% of stems) was indifferent to substrate, but nine of 11 ‘subdominant’ species (> 8 individuals ha −1 ) were substrate specialists. 5 Eighteen of 22 species were significantly associated with soil nutrients, especially P, Mg and Ca. Floristic variation was significantly correlated with edaphic and geographical distance for all stems ≥ 1 cm d.b.h. in Mantel analyses. However, juvenile variation (1–10 cm d.b.h.) was more strongly related to geographical distance than edaphic factors, while the converse held for established trees (≥ 10 cm d.b.h.), suggesting increased importance of niche processes with size class. 6 Pervasive dipterocarp associations with soil factors suggest that niche partitioning structures dipterocarp tree communities. Yet, much floristic variation unrelated to soil was correlated with geographical distance between plots, suggesting that dispersal and niche processes jointly determine mesoscale beta diversity in the Bornean Dipterocarpaceae. Journal of Ecology (2005) doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2005.01077.xPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/72822/1/j.1365-2745.2005.01077.x.pd
Measurement of the Bottom-Strange Meson Mixing Phase in the Full CDF Data Set
We report a measurement of the bottom-strange meson mixing phase \beta_s
using the time evolution of B0_s -> J/\psi (->\mu+\mu-) \phi (-> K+ K-) decays
in which the quark-flavor content of the bottom-strange meson is identified at
production. This measurement uses the full data set of proton-antiproton
collisions at sqrt(s)= 1.96 TeV collected by the Collider Detector experiment
at the Fermilab Tevatron, corresponding to 9.6 fb-1 of integrated luminosity.
We report confidence regions in the two-dimensional space of \beta_s and the
B0_s decay-width difference \Delta\Gamma_s, and measure \beta_s in [-\pi/2,
-1.51] U [-0.06, 0.30] U [1.26, \pi/2] at the 68% confidence level, in
agreement with the standard model expectation. Assuming the standard model
value of \beta_s, we also determine \Delta\Gamma_s = 0.068 +- 0.026 (stat) +-
0.009 (syst) ps-1 and the mean B0_s lifetime, \tau_s = 1.528 +- 0.019 (stat) +-
0.009 (syst) ps, which are consistent and competitive with determinations by
other experiments.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, Phys. Rev. Lett 109, 171802 (2012
New insights into the genetic etiology of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias
Characterization of the genetic landscape of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and related dementias (ADD) provides a unique opportunity for a better understanding of the associated pathophysiological processes. We performed a two-stage genome-wide association study totaling 111,326 clinically diagnosed/'proxy' AD cases and 677,663 controls. We found 75 risk loci, of which 42 were new at the time of analysis. Pathway enrichment analyses confirmed the involvement of amyloid/tau pathways and highlighted microglia implication. Gene prioritization in the new loci identified 31 genes that were suggestive of new genetically associated processes, including the tumor necrosis factor alpha pathway through the linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex. We also built a new genetic risk score associated with the risk of future AD/dementia or progression from mild cognitive impairment to AD/dementia. The improvement in prediction led to a 1.6- to 1.9-fold increase in AD risk from the lowest to the highest decile, in addition to effects of age and the APOE ε4 allele
Structure and dynamics of a Cariniana estrellensis (Lecythidaceae) population in a fragment of Atlantic Forest in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Este trabalho objetivou caracterizar a estrutura e a dinâmica de uma população de Cariniana estrellensis (Raddi) Kuntze, procurando testar a hipótese que a espécie persiste na floresta por meio do banco de plântulas. Foram avaliadas a germinação de sementes, distribuição espacial, e recrutamento, crescimento e mortalidade das plantas jovens. Para caracterizar a estrutura populacional uma parcela de 1,2 ha foi definida, onde foram mapeados os indivíduos adultos, e distribuídas 100 sub-parcelas de 6 m² para caracterizar a estrutura e monitorar dinâmica dos indivíduos jovens. As sementes foram amostradas através de coletores para estimar sua produção e a porcentagem de cobertura do dossel por fotografias hemisféricas. A chuva de sementes e os juvenis apresentaram distribuição agregada, mostrando a existência de manchas de habitas. A mortalidade dos jovens ocorreu principalmente no estágio inicial de estabelecimento. A estrutura de tamanhos, caracterizada pela ocorrência de grande número de indivíduos jovens (X = 9.763 indivíduos ha-1) e pequeno número de adultos (X = 5 indivíduos ha-1), associada à alta taxa de produção de sementes (X = 60.800 sementes ha-1) e a baixas taxas de crescimento (X = 2,37 cm ano-1) e mortalidade dos indivíduos jovens estabelecidos (15,66%), demostram que a espécie investe na formação de banco de plântulas como estratégia reprodutiva.We aimed to describe population structure and dynamics of Cariniana estrellensis (Raddi) Kuntze to test the hypothesis that this species survives in the forest by forming a seedling bank. We evaluated seed germination, spatial distribution, and recruitment, growth and mortality rates of young individuals. To characterize population structure a 1.2-ha plot was defined, where reproductive adults were mapped; also 100 6 m² sub-plots were established to characterize structure and monitor dynamics of young individuals. We estimated seed production using seed collectors and determined the percentage of canopy cover by hemispherical photographs. Seed rain and saplings showed clustered distribution indicating habitat-patch formation. Sapling mortality occurred mainly during the initial establishment phase. Size structure was characterized by many saplings (X = 9,763 individuals ha-1) and few adults (X = 5 individuals ha-1), associated with a high rate of seed production (X = 60,800 seeds ha-1), low growth rates (X = 2.37 cm ano-1) and mortality (15.66%) of established saplings, showing that species invest in seedling bank formation as a reproductive strategy.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros Depto. Biologia Geral Lab. Ecologia e Propagação VegetalUniversidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho Depto. Ecologia Instituto de Biociências de Rio ClaroUniversidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho Depto. Ecologia Instituto de Biociências de Rio Clar
Regulation of intracellular free arachidonic acid in Aplysia nervous system
We have studied the regulation of arachidonic acid (AA) uptake, metabolism, and release in Aplysia nervous system. Following uptake of [ 3 H]AA, the distribution of radioactivity in intracellular and extracellular lipid pools was measured as a function of time in the presence or absence of exogenous AA. The greatest amount of AA was esterified into phosphatidylinositol (relative to pool size). We found that the intracellular free AA pool underwent rapid turnover, and that radioactive free AA and eicosanoids were released at a rapid rate into the extracellular medium, both in the presence and absence of exogenous AA. Most of the released radioactivity originated from phosphatidylinositol.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/48020/1/232_2005_Article_BF01868464.pd
Cone biopsy in pregnancy
A retrosp~ctive analysis of all cone biopsies performed on pregnant patients at Groote Schuur Hospital from 1965 to 1969 is presented. The study showed that a significantly high maternal complication rate and foetal wastage was associated with the procedure. It is recommended that the procedure be abandoned in pregnancy and the abnormal cervical cytology be investigated at the end of the puerperium
Identification of viable embryos in IVF by non-invasive measurement of amino acid turnover
BACKGROUND: IVF is limited by low success rates and an unacceptably high multiple pregnancy rate. These outcomes would be improved significantly if a single embryo of high viability could be replaced in each treatment cycle, but widespread acceptance of such a policy is hindered by the lack of predictive factors for embryo selection. We have conducted a retrospective clinical study of a novel non-invasive method of embryo selection based on the depletion/appearance of amino acids in the culture medium. METHODS: Fifty-three cycles of IVF treatment using ICSI were studied. Embryos were cultured for 24 h in 4 µl drops of medium containing a physiological mixture of 18 amino acids. The spent medium was analysed for amino acid content by high performance liquid chromatography. RESULTS: The turnover of three amino acids, Asn, Gly and Leu, was significantly correlated with a clinical pregnancy and live birth. These correlations were independent of known predictors, such as female age, basal levels of FSH, embryo cell number and embryo morphological grade. CONCLUSIONS: Non-invasive assay of amino acid turnover has the potential to improve significantly the prospective selection of the most viable embryos, or single embryo, for replacement in an IVF cycle
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