1 research outputs found
Hierarchical Flexible Peptide Docking by Conformer Generation and Ensemble Docking of Peptides
Given the importance
of peptide-mediated protein interactions in
cellular processes, protein–peptide docking has received increasing
attention. Here, we have developed a <b>H</b>ierarchical flexible <b>Pep</b>tide <b>Dock</b>ing approach through fast generation
and ensemble docking of peptide conformations, which is referred to
as <b>HPepDock</b>. Tested on the LEADS-PEP benchmark data set
of 53 diverse complexes with peptides of 3–12 residues, HPepDock
performed significantly better than the 11 docking protocols of five
small-molecule docking programs (DOCK, AutoDock, AutoDock Vina, Surflex,
and GOLD) in predicting near-native binding conformations. HPepDock
was also evaluated on the 19 bound/unbound and 10 unbound/unbound
protein–peptide complexes of the Glide SP-PEP benchmark and
showed an overall better performance than Glide SP-PEP+MM-GBSA and
FlexPepDock in both bound and unbound docking. HPepDock is computationally
efficient, and the average running time for docking a peptide is ∼15
min with the range from about 1 min for short peptides to around 40
min for long peptides