54 research outputs found

    Rank one perturbations and singular integral operators

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    We consider rank one perturbations Aα=A+α(⋅,φ)φA_\alpha=A+\alpha(\cdot,\varphi)\varphi of a self-adjoint operator AA with cyclic vector φ∈H−1(A)\varphi\in\mathcal H_{-1}(A) on a Hilbert space H\mathcal H. The spectral representation of the perturbed operator AαA_\alpha is given by a singular integral operator of special form. Such operators exhibit what we call 'rigidity' and are connected with two weight estimates for the Hilbert transform. Also, some results about two weight estimates of Cauchy (Hilbert) transforms are proved. In particular, it is proved that the regularized Cauchy transforms TεT_\varepsilon are uniformly (in ε\varepsilon) bounded operators from L2(μ)L^2(\mu) to L2(μα)L^2(\mu_\alpha), where μ\mu and μα\mu_\alpha are the spectral measures of AA and AαA_\alpha, respectively. As an application, a sufficient condition for AαA_\alpha to have a pure absolutely continuous spectrum on a closed interval is given in terms of the density of the spectral measure of AA with respect to φ\varphi. Some examples, like Jacobi matrices and Schr\"odinger operators with L2L^2 potentials are considered.Comment: 24 page
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