17 research outputs found

    Keunggulan Balanced Scorecard Sebagai Sistem Manajemen Strategis Yang Holistik

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    For many organizations, the Balanced Scorecard has evolved from a measurement tool to what Kaplan and Norton have described as a Strategic Management system. While the original intent of the Balanced Scorecard system was to balance historical financial numbers with the drivers of future value for the firm, as more and more organizations experimented with the concept they found it to be a critical tool in aligning short-term actions with their strategy. In this paper, I'll explore each of the four perspectives of the Balanced Scorecard and identify the benefits of the scorecard in overwhelming the limitations of financial measurements

    Analisis Swot Pada Credit Union Mura Kopa Di Balai Karangan

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    This study aims to observe the strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that theCredit Union (CU) of Mura Kopa of Balai Karangan faces. All these essential elements willhelp the CU to take a right decision, to set up an operational strategy, and to reach anobjective goal in the future. This descriptive study collected data by means of observation,interviews, and document study. Data processing was done by scoring the elements ofopportunities, threats, strength, and weaknesses. All these components were analyzed bySWOT Matrix in order to find out rational strategies that can be categorized into fourperspectives, i.e., financial, client or member satisfaction, internal business process, andlearning and growth perspectives. The result of this research is that CU of Mura Kopa'strength can make the profit of the good opportunities, but a series of weaknesses andthreats need to be overcome. All board, superintendent, and managers need to apply astrategy that supports the policy of growth oriented by taking some initiatives of strategicaction

    Penguatan Kelembagaan Pengelola Dana Bergulir PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan di Kecamatan Balongpanggang Kabupaten Gresik

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    Penguatan kelembagaan merupakan salah satu pilar keberlanjutan program PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji penguatan aspek hukum, penguatan kelembagaan, dan kemandirian lembaga pengelola dana bergulir PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan Kecamatan Balongpanggang. Teknik penentuan informan dalam penelitian kualitatif deskriptif ini adalah purposive sampling yaitu informan yang dianggap memahami kegiatan dana bergulir UPK Kecamatan Balongpanggang. Penguatan aspek hukum dilakukan dengan melengkapi legalitas pendirian BKAD sebagai payung hukum kegiatan dana bergulir. Penguatan kelembagaan dilakukan dengan penyusunan mekanisme pengelolaan dana bergulir, peningkatan kapasitas pengelola kegiatan dan kelompok masyarakat dalam pengelolaan keuangan dan kelembagaan, serta kerjasama dengan pihak ketiga untuk pengembangan USAha kelompok masyarakat. UPK Kecamatan Balongpanggang merupakan lembaga masyarakat yang mandiri, yaitu tidak tergantung dengan dana BLM dari pemerintah, hal ini dilihat dari hasil analisa eksistensi lembaga pengelola dana bergulir dengan Teori AGIL dan analisa kinerja lembaga yang masuk dalam kategori UPK sehat

    Perancangan Fotografi Dokumentasi Klenteng Konghucu Di Surabaya

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    Klenteng adalah tempat ibadah penganut agama khonghucu yang juga merupakan salah satu tempat wisata yang menarik untuk dikunjungi. Sayangnya masyrakat lokal banyak yang tidak mengetahui bahwa klenteng dapat di datangi meskipun bukan penganut agama khonghucu. Oleh karena itu dibuatlah perancangan ini yang bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi kepada masyarakat luas mengenai klenteng yang ada di Surabaya khususnya yang dibangun sebelum masa orde bar

    Liver x receptor alpha drives chemoresistance in response to side-chain hydroxycholesterols in triple negative breast cancer

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    Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) is challenging to treat successfully because targeted therapies do not exist. Instead, systemic therapy is typically restricted to cytotoxic chemotherapy, which fails more often in patients with elevated circulating cholesterol. Liver x receptors are ligand-dependent transcription factors that are homeostatic regulators of cholesterol, and are linked to regulation of broad-affinity xenobiotic transporter activity in non-tumor tissues. We show that LXR ligands confer chemotherapy resistance in TNBC cell lines and xenografts, and that LXRalpha is necessary and sufficient to mediate this resistance. Furthermore, in TNBC patients who had cancer recurrences, LXRalpha and ligands were independent markers of poor prognosis and correlated with P-glycoprotein expression. However, in patients who survived their disease, LXRalpha signaling and P-glycoprotein were decoupled. These data reveal a novel chemotherapy resistance mechanism in this poor prognosis subtype of breast cancer. We conclude that systemic chemotherapy failure in some TNBC patients is caused by co-opting the LXRalpha:P-glycoprotein axis, a pathway highly targetable by therapies that are already used for prevention and treatment of other diseases