227 research outputs found

    Training Effectiveness at PT XYZ Using Kirkpatrick Model and Return on Investment of Training (ROI-Training)

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    The goal of the research was to evaluate the effectiveness of Kirkpatrick model and Return on Investment of Training at PT XYZ. Observation was applied to this research. The result has shown several facts such as trainee\u27s feedback score was 4,62 above 4,10 as required by the company in terms of reaction, the average final exam score was 3,66 above 3,00 as required by the company in terms of learning, the trainees\u27 superiors\u27 feedback score was 3,53 above 3,00 as required by the company and Return on Investment of Training (ROI-Training) was 58,88% above 15% as required by the company. With these results, the company can conclude that the program is effective in nurturing its supervisory leaders

    The numbers of sequences of the successfully predicted loop/junction structures for (I) all 8452 RNA loops/junctions in <i>TEST-I</i> (II) the 7459 RNA loops and junctions in <i>TEST-II</i> and (III) the 1119 RNA loops and junctions in <i>TEST-III</i>.

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    <p>For each dataset, the numbers in columns “A” are calculated from (“”, “true” potential parameters) and (“”, “extracted” potential parameters), obtained from the RNA09 database, and the numbers in columns “B” are calculated from (“”) and (“”), obtained from the Leontis' database respectively. The “Top-” in the first column means that the “correct” structure is in the top lowest-potential conformations.</p

    Comparison between the “true” statistical potentials obtained from the RNA09 dataset and the Leontis dataset, respectively.

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    <p> The figures from (A) to (I) stand for the torsion angles (,  = ): (A) (, ), (B) (, ), (C) (, ), (D) (, ), (E) (, ), (F) (, ), (G) (, ), (H) (, ) and (I) (, ), respectively. In each figure, the red bars represent the statistical potentials extracted from the Leontis dataset, the green bars represent the ones from the RNA09 dataset, and the x-axis stands for the dinucleotides with different nucleotides (,  = ) AA, AC, AG, AU, CA, CC, CG, CU, GA, GC, GG, GU, UA, UC, UG and UU from 1 to 16.</p

    Comparison between the virtual bond-based PDB structure and correctly predicted structure with statistical potentials

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    <p><b>.</b> The loops are (A) a hairpin loop from PDB structure 1IVS and (B) an internal loop from PDB structure 1JJ2, respectively. In both figures, the structures shown in brown () and yellow () stand for the PDB structure, and the ones shown in brown () and purple () represent the correctly predicted structure, which have the lowest potential and the minimal RMSD. The RMSD values are (A) 1.52 Ă… and (B) 1.96 Ă…, respectively. The atomic structures are illustrated with Pymol software (<a href="http://www.pymol.org/" target="_blank">http://www.pymol.org/</a>).</p

    Comparison between the “extracted” statistical potentials from the RNA09 dataset and the Leontis dataset, respectively.

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    <p> The figures from (A) to (I) stand for the torsion angles (,  = ): (A) (, ), (B) (, ), (C) (, ), (D) (, ), (E) (, ), (F) (, ), (G) (, ), (H) (, ) and (I) (, ), respectively. In each figure, the red bars represent the statistical potentials extracted from the Leontis dataset, the green bars represent the ones from the RNA09 dataset, and the x-axis stands for the dinucleotides with different nucleotides (,  = ) AA, AC, AG, AU, CA, CC, CG, CU, GA, GC, GG, GU, UA, UC, UG and UU from 1 to 16.</p

    Comparison between the “extracted” statistical potentials and the “true” potentials .

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    <p>The figures from (A) to (I) stand for the torsion angles (,  = ): (A) (, ), (B) (, ), (C) (, ), (D) (, ), (E) (, ), (F) (, ), (G) (, ), (H) (, ) and (I) (, ), respectively. In each figure, the red bars represent the statistical potentials , the green bars represent the statistical potentials , both of which are obtained from the RNA09 dataset, and the x-axis stands for the dinucleotides with different nucleotides (,  = ) AA, AC, AG, AU, CA, CC, CG, CU, GA, GC, GG, GU, UA, UC, UG and UU from 1 to 16.</p

    Flow chart of the iterative approach.

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    <p>Flow chart of the iterative approach.</p

    () The RMSD between the PDB structures and the diamond lattice-represented structures for RNA loops and junctions in the RNA09 dataset.

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    <p> The x-axis represents the index of RNA loops/junctions in the RNA09 dataset. () The number of RNA loops/junctions within each RMSD-value bin (0.1 Ă…). The mean and standard deviation of RMSD values for the 152 RNA loops/junctions are 1.35 Ă… and 0.30 Ă…, respectively.</p

    The distribution of the and values for the different types of dinucleotides in RNA loops and junctions.

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    <p>The RNA loops and junctions are selected from the RNA09 dataset and the angles are calculated based on the PDB structures.</p

    Comparison between the virtual bond-based PDB structure and top-ranked predicted structures with statistical potentials

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    <p><b>.</b> The loop is a multibranched loop from PDB structure 3CCM. In the figure, the structure shown in brown () and yellow () stands for the PDB structure, the one shown in brown () and pink () represents the minimal-RMSD structure (RMSD = 2.42 Å), and the one shown in brown () and lightgray () represents the predicted structure with lowest potentials (RMSD = 2.87 Å), computed with statistical potentials . The minimal-RMSD structure has the 9-th lowest potential. The atomic structures are illustrated with Pymol software (<a href="http://www.pymol.org/" target="_blank">http://www.pymol.org/</a>).</p
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