25 research outputs found

    Interpretations of galactic center gamma-ray excess confronting the PandaX-II constraints on dark matter-neutron spin-dependent scatterings in the NMSSM

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    The Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (WIMP) has been one of the most attractive candidates for Dark Matter (DM), and the lightest neutralino (χ~10\widetilde{\chi}^0_1) in the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM) is an interesting realization of WIMP. The Galactic Center Excess (GCE) can be explained by WIMP DM annihilations in the sky. In this work we consider the Z3Z_3-NMSSM where the singlet SS and Singlino S~0\widetilde{S}^0 components play important roles in the Higgs and DM sector. Guided by our analytical arguments, we perform a numerical scan over the NMSSM parameter space for the GCE explanation by considering various observables such as the Standard Model (SM) Higgs data measured by the ATLAS and CMS experiments, and the BB-physics observables BR(BsXsγ)BR(B_s\rightarrow X_s\gamma) and BR(Bsμ+μ)BR(B_s\rightarrow \mu^+\mu^-). We find that the correlation between the coupling CA1bbˉC_{A_1 b\bar{b}} in σbbˉv0\langle \sigma_{b\bar{b}} v \rangle _{0} and the coupling CZχ~10χ~10C_{Z \widetilde{\chi}^0_1 \widetilde{\chi}^0_1} in DM-neutron Spin Dependent (SD) scattering rate σχ~10NSD\sigma^{SD}_{\widetilde{\chi}^0_1-N} makes all samples we obtain for GCE explanation get excluded by the PandaX-II results. Although the DM resonant annihilation scenarios may be beyond the reach of our analytical approximations and scan strategy, the aforementioned correlation can be a reasonable motivation for future experiments such as PandaX-nT to further test the NMSSM interpretation of GCE.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, meeting the published version by EPJ

    Singlino-dominated dark matter in general NMSSM

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    The general Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM) describes the singlino-dominated dark-matter (DM) property by four independent parameters: singlet-doublet Higgs coupling coefficient λ\lambda, Higgsino mass μtot\mu_{tot}, DM mass mχ~10m_{\tilde{\chi}_1^0}, and singlet Higgs self-coupling coefficient κ\kappa. The first three parameters strongly influence the DM-nucleon scattering rate, while κ\kappa usually affects the scattering only slightly. This characteristic implies that singlet-dominated particles may form a secluded DM sector. Under such a theoretical structure, the DM achieves the correct abundance by annihilating into a pair of singlet-dominated Higgs bosons by adjusting κ\kappa's value. Its scattering with nucleons is suppressed when λv/μtot\lambda v/\mu_{tot} is small. This speculation is verified by sophisticated scanning of the theory's parameter space with various experiment constraints considered. In addition, the Bayesian evidence of the general NMSSM and that of Z3Z_3-NMSSM is computed. It is found that, at the cost of introducing one additional parameter, the former is approximately 3.3×1033.3 \times 10^3 times the latter. This result corresponds to Jeffrey's scale of 8.05 and implies that the considered experiments strongly prefer the general NMSSM to the Z3Z_3-NMSSM.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figure

    Amplified role of potential HONO sources in O3 formation in North China Plain during autumn haze aggravating processes

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    Co-occurrences of high concentrations of PM2.5 and ozone (O-3) have been frequently observed in haze-aggravating processes in the North China Plain (NCP) over the past few years. Higher O-3 concentrations on hazy days were hypothesized to be related to nitrous acid (HONO), but the key sources of HONO enhancing O-3 during haze-aggravating processes remain unclear. We added six potential HONO sources, i.e., four groundbased (traffic, soil, and indoor emissions, and the NO2 heterogeneous reaction on ground surface (Het(ground))) sources, and two aerosol-related (the NO2 heterogeneous reaction on aerosol surfaces (Het(aerosol)) and nitrate photolysis (Phot(nitrate))) sources into the WRF-Chem model and designed 23 simulation scenarios to explore the unclear key sources. The results indicate that ground-based HONO sources producing HONO enhancements showed a rapid decrease with height, while the NO C OH reaction and aerosol-related HONO sources decreased slowly with height. Photnitrate contributions to HONO concentrations were enhanced with aggravated pollution levels. The enhancement of HONO due to Phot(nitrate) on hazy days was about 10 times greater than on clean days and Phot(nitrate) dominated daytime HONO sources (similar to 30 %-70% when the ratio of the photolysis frequency of nitrate (J(nitrate)) to gas nitric acid (JHNO(3)) equals 30) at higher layers (>800 m). Compared with that on clean days, the Phot(nitrate) contribution to the enhanced daily maximum 8 h averaged (DMA8) O-3 was increased by over 1 magnitude during the haze-aggravating process. Phot(nitrate) contributed only similar to 5% of the surface HONO in the daytime with a J(nitrate) =JHNO(3) ratio of 30 but contributed similar to 30 %-50% of the enhanced O-3 near the surface in NCP on hazy days. Surface O-3 was dominated by volatile organic compound-sensitive chemistry, while O-3 at higher altitudes ( >800 m) was dominated by NOx-sensitive chemistry. Phot(nitrate) had a limited impact on nitrate concentrations (Peer reviewe

    Impact of LHC probes of SUSY and recent measurement of (g2)μ(g-2)_{\mu} on Z3\mathbb{Z}_3-NMSSM

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    It is well known that excessively heavy supersymmetric particles (sparticles) are disfavored to explain the (g2)μ(g-2)_\mu anomaly, but some people overlook that moderately light sparticles are also disfavored by the LHC probes of supersymmetry. We take the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model as an example to emphasize the latter point. It is found that, if the theory is required to explain the anomaly at 2σ2\sigma level and meanwhile keep consistent with the LHC results, the following lower bounds may be set: tanβ20\tan \beta \gtrsim 20, M1275 GeV|M_1| \gtrsim 275~{\rm GeV}, M2300 GeVM_2 \gtrsim 300~{\rm GeV}, μ460 GeV\mu \gtrsim 460~{\rm GeV}, mμ~L310 GeVm_{\tilde{\mu}_L} \gtrsim 310~{\rm GeV}, and mμ~R350 GeVm_{\tilde{\mu}_R} \gtrsim 350~{\rm GeV}, where M1M_1 and M2M_2 denote gaugino masses, μ\mu represents the Higgsino mass, and mμ~Lm_{\tilde{\mu}_L} and mμ~Rm_{\tilde{\mu}_R} are the mass of Smuons with LL and RR denoting their dominant chiral component. This observation has significant impacts on dark matter (DM) physics, e.g., the popular ZZ- and Higgs-funnel regions have been excluded, and the Bino-dominated neutralino DM has to co-annihilate with the Wino-dominated electroweakinos (in most cases) and/or Smuons (in few cases) to obtain the correct density. It is also inferred that these conclusions should apply to the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model since the underlying physics for the bounds are the same

    Whole Life-Cycle Ecological Footprint of Rural Existing Houses in Northern China

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    To solve the increasing contradiction between the living environment and residential energy consumption in rural areas, it is urgent to alter the traditional living mode and create a new living pattern with a pleasant environment. Based on the theory of ecological footprint, in this article we compare the whole life-cycle ecological footprint between the northern rural house with various energy-saving measures and the urban multi-layer residence with only external wall thermal-insulation as the energy-saving measure. The results show that the sustainability of the multi-layer residence is obviously superior to the rural house. Therefore, rural house designers should learn the multi-layer residential design strategies, construction methods, and operation modes to reduce the unnecessary waste of the energy and resources. Through centralized planning, construction, and heating systems, the multi-level residence is conducive to sustainable human development. The study provides relevant theoretical support for low-carbon house construction in village areas