2 research outputs found
好アルカリ性Bacillus A-007株のK^+ : 促進ATPaseについて
1.好アルカリ性Bacillus A-007株の生育にとってK^+は必須であった.2.K^+-濃度を制限した培地(1.5mMK^+)で生育させた細胞の膜画分に, K^+により促進されるATPase活性が認められた.3.K^+促進ATPaseは, 動力学的特性及びウワバイン, NaN_3, PCMBに対する感受件において, 同菌株のH^+-ATPaseと明らかに異なっていた.1. K^+ was essential for the growth of an alkalophilic Bacillus A-007. 2. Membrane fraction, which was prepared from the cells grown in K^+ -limited medium (1.5mM K^+), showed K^+ -stimulated ATPase activity. 3. The K^+ -stimulated ATPase was clearly different from H^+ -ATPase on kinetical profile and ouabain-, NaN_3- and PCMB-sensvtivity
MOESM10 of Comparative genomic, transcriptomic and secretomic profiling of Penicillium oxalicum HP7-1 and its cellulase and xylanase hyper-producing mutant EU2106, and identification of two novel regulatory genes of cellulase and xylanase gene expression
Additional file 10: Figure S6. Activities of crude enzymes from PoxClrB, POX02484, and POX08522 deletion mutants following direct inoculation in Avicel. Crude enzymes were produced by fungal strains grown in 1.0 % Avicel as the sole carbon source. The symbols * and ** indicate significant differences (P ≤ 0.05 and P ≤ 0.01, respectively) between candidate mutants and the ΔPoxKu70 parent strain, as assessed by Student’s t test