184 research outputs found

    On the positive and negative inertia of weighted graphs

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    The number of the positive, negative and zero eigenvalues in the spectrum of the (edge)-weighted graph GG are called positive inertia index, negative inertia index and nullity of the weighted graph GG, and denoted by i+(G)i_+(G), iβˆ’(G)i_-(G), i0(G)i_0(G), respectively. In this paper, the positive and negative inertia index of weighted trees, weighted unicyclic graphs and weighted bicyclic graphs are discussed, the methods of calculating them are obtained.Comment: 12. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1107.0400 by other author

    On the spectral moments of trees with a given bipartition

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    For two given positive integers pp and qq with pβ©½qp\leqslant q, we denote \mathscr{T}_n^{p, q}={T: T is a tree of order nn with a (p,q)(p, q)-bipartition}. For a graph GG with nn vertices, let A(G)A(G) be its adjacency matrix with eigenvalues Ξ»1(G),Ξ»2(G),...,Ξ»n(G)\lambda_1(G), \lambda_2(G), ..., \lambda_n(G) in non-increasing order. The number Sk(G):=βˆ‘i=1nΞ»ik(G) (k=0,1,...,nβˆ’1)S_k(G):=\sum_{i=1}^{n}\lambda_i^k(G)\,(k=0, 1, ..., n-1) is called the kkth spectral moment of GG. Let S(G)=(S0(G),S1(G),...,Snβˆ’1(G))S(G)=(S_0(G), S_1(G),..., S_{n-1}(G)) be the sequence of spectral moments of GG. For two graphs G1G_1 and G2G_2, one has G1β‰ΊsG2G_1\prec_s G_2 if for some k∈1,2,...,nβˆ’1k\in {1,2,...,n-1}, Si(G1)=Si(G2)(i=0,1,...,kβˆ’1)S_i(G_1)=S_i(G_2) (i=0,1,...,k-1) and Sk(G1)<Sk(G2)S_k(G_1)<S_k(G_2) holds. In this paper, the last four trees, in the SS-order, among Tnp,q(4β©½pβ©½q)\mathscr{T}_n^{p, q} (4\leqslant p\leqslant q) are characterized.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure
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