14,564 research outputs found
Anomaly cancellation in the topological string
We describe the coupling of holomorphic Chern-Simons theory at large N with
Kodaira-Spencer gravity. We explain a new anomaly cancellation mechanism at all
loops in perturbation theory for open-closed topological B-model. At one loop
this anomaly cancellation is analogous to the Green-Schwarz mechanism.
As an application, we introduce a type I version of Kodaira-Spencer theory in
complex dimensions 3 and 5. In complex dimension 5, we show that it can only be
coupled consistently at the quantum level to holomorphic Chern-Simons theory
with gauge group SO(32). This is analogous to the Green-Schwarz mechanism for
the physical type I string. This coupled system is conjectured to be a
supersymmetric localization of type I string theory. In complex dimension 3,
the required gauge group is SO(8).Comment: 43 pages, 2 figures. Comments are welcom
Twisted supergravity and its quantization
Twisted supergravity is supergravity in a background where the bosonic ghost
field takes a non-zero value. This is the supergravity counterpart of the
familiar concept of twisting supersymmetric field theories. In this paper, we
give conjectural descriptions of type IIA and IIB supergravity in
dimensions. Our conjectural descriptions are in terms of the closed-string
field theories associated to certain topological string theories, and we
conjecture that these topological string theories are twists of the physical
string theories. For type IIB, the results of arXiv:1505.6703 show that our
candidate twisted supergravity theory admits a unique quantization in
perturbation theory. This is despite the fact that the theories, like the
original physical theories, are non-renormalizable. Although we do not prove
our conjectures, we amass considerable evidence. We find that our candidates
for the twisted supergravity theories contain the residual supersymmetry one
would expect. We also prove (using heavily a result of Baulieu arXiv:1009.3893)
the open string version of our conjecture: the theory living on a brane in the
topological string theory is a twist of the maximally supersymmetric gauge
theory living on the brane in the physical string theory.Comment: 72 page
Quantization of open-closed BCOV theory, I
This is the first in a series of papers which analyze the problem of
quantizing the theory coupling Kodaira-Spencer gravity (or BCOV theory) on
Calabi-Yau manifolds using the formalism for perturbative QFT developed by the
first author. In this paper, we focus on flat space for odd.
We prove that there exists a unique quantization of the theory coupling BCOV
theory and holomorphic Chern-Simons theory with gauge group the supergroup
. We deduce a canonically defined quantization of BCOV theory on
its own.
We also discuss some conjectural links between BCOV theory in various
dimensions and twists of physical theories: in complex dimension we
conjecture a relationship to twists of supersymmetric theories and in
complex dimension to a twist of type IIB supergravity.Comment: 105 page
An end-to-end construction of doubly periodic minimal surfaces
Using Traizet's regeneration method, we prove that for each positive integer
n there is a family of embedded, doubly periodic minimal surfaces with parallel
ends in Euclidean space of genus 2n-1 and 4 ends in the quotient by the maximal
group of translations. The genus 2n-1 family converges smoothly to 2n copies of
Scherk's doubly periodic minimal surface. The only previously known doubly
periodic minimal surfaces with parallel ends and genus greater than 3 limit in
a foliation of Euclidean space by parallel planes
Quantum BCOV theory on Calabi-Yau manifolds and the higher genus B-model
Bershadsky-Cecotti-Ooguri-Vafa (BCOV) proposed that the B-model of mirror
symmetry should be described by a quantum field theory on a Calabi-Yau variety,
which they called the Kodaira-Spenser theory (we call it the BCOV theory). This
is the first of three papers in which we construct and analyze the quantum BCOV
theory. In this paper, we construct the classical field theory on a Calabi-Yau
variety of arbitrary dimension; define what it means to give a quantization;
analyze the relation Givental's symplectic formalism for Gromov-Witten theory;
prove uniqueness of the quantization on an elliptic curve; and prove the
Virasoro constraints on an elliptic curve. The second paper (arXiv:1112.4063)
proves that the partition function of the quantum BCOV theory on the elliptic
curve is equivalent to the Gromov-Witten theory of the mirror elliptic curve.
The third paper, in progress, constructs the quantum BCOV theory on a general
Calabi-Yau.Comment: 75 page
Air entrainment by a plunging jet under intermittent vortex conditions
This fluid dynamic video entry to the 2011 APS-DFD Gallery of Fluid Motion
details the transient evolution of the free surface surrounding the impact
region of a low-viscosity laminar liquid jet as it enters a quiescent pool. The
close-up images depict the destabilization and breakup of the annular air gap
and the subsequent entrainment of bubbles into the bulk liquid.Comment: 2 page abstract description, two video files (HQ = 1280x720, LQ =
Quantum spin transport and dynamics through a novel F/N junction
We study the spin transport in the low temperature regime (often referred to
as the precession-dominated regime) between a ferromagnetic Fermi liquid (FFL)
and a normal metal metallic Fermi liquid (NFL), also known as the F/N junction,
which is considered as one of the most basic spintronic devices. In particular,
we explore the propagation of spin waves and transport of magnetization through
the interface of the F/N junction where nonequilibrium spin polarization is
created on the normal metal side of the junction by electrical spin injection.
We calculate the probable spin wave modes in the precession-dominated regime on
both sides of the junction especially on the NFL side where the system is out
of equilibrium. Proper boundary conditions at the interface are introduced to
establish the transport of the spin properties through the F/N junction. A
possible transmission conduction electron spin resonance (CESR) experiment is
suggested on the F/N junction to see if the predicted spin wave modes could
indeed propagate through the junction. Potential applications based on this
novel spin transport feature of the F/N junction are proposed in the end.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure
Latent Gaussian Mixture Models for Nationwide Kidney Transplant Center Evaluation
Five year post-transplant survival rate is an important indicator on quality
of care delivered by kidney transplant centers in the United States. To provide
a fair assessment of each transplant center, an effect that represents the
center-specific care quality, along with patient level risk factors, is often
included in the risk adjustment model. In the past, the center effects have
been modeled as either fixed effects or Gaussian random effects, with various
pros and cons. Our numerical analyses reveal that the distributional
assumptions do impact the prediction of center effects especially when the
effect is extreme. To bridge the gap between these two approaches, we propose
to model the transplant center effect as a latent random variable with a finite
Gaussian mixture distribution. Such latent Gaussian mixture models provide a
convenient framework to study the heterogeneity among the transplant centers.
To overcome the weak identifiability issues, we propose to estimate the latent
Gaussian mixture model using a penalized likelihood approach, and develop
sequential locally restricted likelihood ratio tests to determine the number of
components in the Gaussian mixture distribution. The fitted mixture model
provides a convenient means of controlling the false discovery rate when
screening for underperforming or outperforming transplant centers. The
performance of the methods is verified by simulations and by the analysis of
the motivating data example
Training Neural Networks by Using Power Linear Units (PoLUs)
In this paper, we introduce "Power Linear Unit" (PoLU) which increases the
nonlinearity capacity of a neural network and thus helps improving its
performance. PoLU adopts several advantages of previously proposed activation
functions. First, the output of PoLU for positive inputs is designed to be
identity to avoid the gradient vanishing problem. Second, PoLU has a non-zero
output for negative inputs such that the output mean of the units is close to
zero, hence reducing the bias shift effect. Thirdly, there is a saturation on
the negative part of PoLU, which makes it more noise-robust for negative
inputs. Furthermore, we prove that PoLU is able to map more portions of every
layer's input to the same space by using the power function and thus increases
the number of response regions of the neural network. We use image
classification for comparing our proposed activation function with others. In
the experiments, MNIST, CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, Street View House Numbers (SVHN)
and ImageNet are used as benchmark datasets. The neural networks we implemented
include widely-used ELU-Network, ResNet-50, and VGG16, plus a couple of shallow
networks. Experimental results show that our proposed activation function
outperforms other state-of-the-art models with most networks
The Gauss-Bonnet Formula for Harmonic Surfaces
We consider harmonic immersions in of compact Riemann surfaces with
finitely many punctures where the harmonic coordinate functions are given as
real parts of meromorphic functions. We prove that such surfaces have finite
total Gauss curvature. The contribution of each end is a multiple of ,
determined by the maximal pole order of the meromorphic functions. This
generalizes the well known Gackstatter-Jorge-Meeks formula for minimal
surfaces. The situation is complicated as the ends are generally not
conformally equivalent to punctured disks, nor does the surface have limit
tangent planes.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figure
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