3,003 research outputs found

    An enhanced TCP congestion avoidance scheme and its performance evaluation in high speed satellite networks

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    High speed satellite communication networks are emerging as part of the future global wireless communication systems. However, existing transmission control protocols for satellite networks do not provide satisfactory performance over high speed satellite links due to their inefficient congestion avoidance algorithms. This paper identifies the reason for low throughput of a widely used protocol Space Communications Protocol Specification (SCPS) in such networks and proposes a new Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) congestion avoidance algorithm to overcome the drawback of the congestion avoidance algorithm used in the SCPS protocol. Numerical results through simulations demonstrate that the proposed new algorithm can achieve significant throughput improvement over links with variable error rates, compared with its legacy counterpart

    An automatic cooperative retransmission MAC protocol in wireless local area networks

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    Existing solutions for cooperation in wireless networks either require simultaneous transmission of source and relay nodes or impose major modifications to original MAC protocols. In this paper, a new efficient retransmission MAC protocol is proposed for IEEE 802.11 based cooperation communications, with minimum modifications to the DCF scheme. Throughput and access delay performance of the proposed protocols is analyzed in error-prone and highly temporally correlated channels. Numerical results show that significant benefits can be achieved with our cooperative protocol, compared with the legacy schemes

    Optimization of the relay selection scheme in cooperative retransmission networks

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    Cooperative MAC protocol design has attracted much attention recently thanks to the development of relaying techniques. In single-relay C-ARQ, the relay selection scheme cannot work efficiently in a dense network, due to high collision probability among different contending relays. In this paper, the throughput performance impairment from the collision is analyzed in a typical network scenario. Thereby, we propose an optimized relay selection scheme aiming at maximizing system throughput by reducing collision probability. The throughput performance enhancement by the proposed optimal relay selection scheme is verified by simulation

    A system-level power saving approach for cellular networks with microcells/picocells

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    Network power consumption reduction has recently become an active research topic. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to save power consumption of a three-cell microcellular network. When the traffic load in the middle cell is low, it can be switched-off and its users are covered. This is enabled by increasing the transmission power of one sector antenna in the two neighboring cells. Numerical results show that by increasing antenna transmission power of the two sectors, the overall network power consumption can be reduced

    LCRT: A ToA Based Mobile Terminal Localization Algorithm in NLOS Environment

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    Non line-of-sight (NLOS) propagation in range measurement is a key problem for mobile terminal localization. This paper proposes a low computational residual test (LCRT) algorithm that can identify the number of line-of-sight (LOS) transmissions and reduce the computational complexity compared with the residual test (RT) algorithm. LCRT is based on the assumption that when all range measurements are from LOS propagations, the normalized residual distribution follows the central chi-square distribution while for NLOS cases it is non-central. An optimized procedure to generate the sets of range measurements is adopted and least square (LS) instead of approximate maximum likelihood (AML) is used during the identification of LOS propagations, resulting in reduced computation complexity. Simulation results show that the LCRT can efficiently identify the set of LOS. The correct decision rate is higher than 92% and the variances of results are approaching to the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) when there are more than 3 LOS propagations

    An adaptive cooperative MAC mechanism in multi-hop wireless networks

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    Paper presented at the 2010 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, Riccione, Italy . (c) 2010 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works. Paper also available from the publisher: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ISCC.2010.5546573In this paper, we propose a novel adaptive cooperative MAC mechanism that is specifically designed for two-hop cooperative communications where source and destination cannot hear each other directly. The proposed scheme employs an efficient adaptive relay selection algorithm such that the number of relay nodes is optimized for each cooperative transmission to maximize cooperation benefits and effectively avoid potential collisions with other transmissions. In order to determine the optimal number of relays we apply a training sequence in Hello message exchange, which provides us with a channel status indicator combining both bit-level and flow-level information. Numerical results show that compared with the original 802.11-based scheme and the static cooperative scheme, reliable transmission, reduced power consumption and significant throughput improvement have been achieved by using our two-hop adaptive cooperative MAC mechanism

    Outage Probability Analysis of User-Centric SBS-Based HCNets under Hybrid Rician/Rayleigh Fading

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    Author's accepted manuscript. © 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.To model dense user equipment (UE) distribution in heterogeneous cellular networks (HCNets), the Poisson cluster process (PCP) has emerged as a promising tool. In user-centric HCNets where UEs are distributed according to a PCP around a small base station (SBS), the network performance has been commonly studied in literature under a Rayleigh fading environment assumption. However, such an assumption may not hold in user-centric HCNets given the possible existence of a strong line-of-sight (LOS) link between UEs and BSs due to a relatively short transmission distance. This letter analyzes the performance of user-centric SBS based HCNets by considering that the desired LOS link experiences Rician fading whereas interferer links experience non-LOS Rayleigh fading. Numerical results, validated through extensive simulations, demonstrate that the outage probability decreases under this hybrid Rician/Rayleigh fading environment.acceptedVersio

    Preamble Transmission Prediction for mMTC Bursty Traffic : A Machine Learning based Approach

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    Author's accepted manuscript.© 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.acceptedVersio

    Priority Enabled Grant-Free Access With Dynamic Slot Allocation for Heterogeneous mMTC Traffic in 5G NR Networks

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    Although grant-based mechanisms have been a predominant approach for wireless access for years, the additional latency required for initial handshake message exchange and the extra control overhead for packet transmissions have stimulated the emergence of grant-free (GF) transmission. GF access provides a promising mechanism for carrying low and moderate traffic with small data and fits especially well for massive machine type communications (mMTC) applications. Despite a surge of interest in GF access, how to handle heterogeneous mMTC traffic based on GF mechanisms has not been investigated in depth. In this paper, we propose a priority enabled GF access scheme which performs dynamic slot allocation in each 5G new radio subframe to devices with different priority levels on a subframe-by-subframe basis. While high priority traffic has access privilege for slot occupancy, the remaining slots in the same subframe will be allocated to low priority traffic. To evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme, we develop a two-dimensional Markov chain model which integrates these two types of traffic via a pseudo-aggregated process. Furthermore, the model is validated through simulations and the performance of the scheme is evaluated both analytically and by simulations and compared with two other GF access schemes.publishedVersio
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