86,815 research outputs found

    Detecting the orbital character of the spin fluctuation in the Iron-based superconductors with the resonant inelastic X-ray scattering spectroscopy

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    The orbital distribution of the spin fluctuation in the iron-based superconductors(IBSs) is the key information needed to understand the magnetism, superconductivity and electronic nematicity in these multi-orbital systems. In this work, we propose that the resonant inelastic X-ray scattering(RIXS) technique can be used to probe selectively the spin fluctuation on different Fe 3d3d orbitals. In particular, the spin fluctuation on the three t2gt_{2g} orbitals, namely, the 3dxz3d_{xz}, 3dyz3d_{yz} and the 3dxy3d_{xy} orbital, can be selectively probed in the Οƒβ†’Ο€β€²\sigma\rightarrow\pi' scattering geometry by aligning the direction of the outgoing photon in the yy, xx and zz direction. Such orbital-resolved information on the spin fluctuation is invaluable for the study of the orbital-selective physics in the IBSs and can greatly advance our understanding on the relation between orbital ordering and spin nematicity in the IBSs and the orbital-selective pairing mechanism in these multi-orbital systems.Comment: 6 pages with new and more informative figures, the explicit form of the RIXS matrix element is provided, and the discussion part has been rewritte

    Vanishing pseudogap around (Ο€,0)(\pi,0) in an electron-doped high-Tc\mathrm{T_{c}} superconductor: a simple picture

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    Recent ARPES measurement on electron-doped cuprate Pr1.3βˆ’xLa0.7CexCuO4\mathrm{Pr}_{1.3-x}\mathrm{La}_{0.7}\mathrm{Ce}_{x}\mathrm{CuO}_{4} finds that the pseudogap along the boundary of the antiferromagnetic Brillouin zone(AFBZ) exhibits dramatic momentum dependence. In particular, the pseudogap vanishes in a finite region around the anti-nodal point, in which a single broadened peak emerges at the un-renormalized quasiparticle energy. Such an observation is argued to be inconsistent with the antiferromagnetic(AFM) band-folding picture, which predicts a constant pseudogap along the AFBZ boundary. On the other hand, it is claimed that the experimental results are consistent with the prediction of the cluster dynamical mean field theory(CDMFT) simulation on the Hubbard model, in which the pseudogap is interpreted as a s-wave splitting between the Hubbard bands and the in-gap states. Here we show that the observed momentum dependence of the pseudogap is indeed consistent with AFM band-folding picture, provided that we assume the existence of a strongly momentum dependent quasiparticle scattering rate. More specifically, we show that the quasiparticle scattering rate acts to reduce the spectral gap induced by AFM band-folding effect. The new quasiparticle poles corresponding to the AF-split bands can even be totally eliminated when the scattering rate exceeds the bare band folding gap, leaving the system with a single pole at the un-renormalized quasiparticle energy. We predict that the pseudogap should close in a square root fashion as we move toward (Ο€,0)(\pi,0) along the AFBZ boundary. Our results illustrates again that the quasiparticle scattering rate can play a much more profound role than simply broadening the quasiparticle peak in the quasiparticle dynamics of strongly correlated electron systems.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, new references adde

    Proton decay suppression in a supersymmetric SO(10) model

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    We propose a mechanism for sufficient suppression of dimension-5 operators for proton decay in a supersymmetric SO(10) model. This mechanism is analogue to the double seesaw mechanism in studying neutrino masses. Only an intermediate VEV instead of an intermediate scale is required so that gauge coupling unification is maintained. The VEV is generated by introducing an anomalous U(1) symmetry whose breaking is at higher scale. The proton decay amplitudes are suppressed by this VEV over the GUT scale. We use 45+54\textbf{45+54} in breaking GUT symmetry. 120\textbf{120} is included so that fermion sector is fully realistic. Assuming a minimal fine-tuning in the Higgs doublet sector, tanΞ²\textrm{tan}\beta of order one is predicted.Comment: Several small corrections, 13 pages, no figur

    Entanglement in the anisotropic Heisenberg XYZ model with different Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and inhomogeneous magnetic field

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    We investigate the entanglement in a two-qubit Heisenberg XYZ system with different Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya(DM) interaction and inhomogeneous magnetic field. It is found that the control parameters (DxD_{x}, BxB_{x} and bxb_{x}) are remarkably different with the common control parameters (DzD_{z},BzB_{z} and bzb_{z}) in the entanglement and the critical temperature, and these x-component parameters can increase the entanglement and the critical temperature more efficiently. Furthermore, we show the properties of these x-component parameters for the control of entanglement. In the ground state, increasing DxD_{x} (spin-orbit coupling parameter) can decrease the critical value bxcb_{xc} and increase the entanglement in the revival region, and adjusting some parameters (increasing bxb_{x} and JJ, decreasing BxB_{x} and Ξ”\Delta) can decrease the critical value DxcD_{xc} to enlarge the revival region. In the thermal state, increasing DxD_{x} can increase the revival region and the entanglement in the revival region (for TT or bxb_{x}), and enhance the critical value BxcB_{xc} to make the region of high entanglement larger. Also, the entanglement and the revival region will increase with the decrease of BxB_{x} (uniform magnetic field). In addition, small bxb_{x} (nonuniform magnetic field) has some similar properties to DxD_{x}, and with the increase of bxb_{x} the entanglement also has a revival phenomenon, so that the entanglement can exist at higher temperature for larger bxb_{x}.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Towards the fate of natural composite Higgs model through single tβ€²t^\prime search at the 8 TeV LHC

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    We analyze the observational potential of single tβ€²t' production in both the tβ€²β†’bWt^\prime \rightarrow bW and tβ€²β†’tht^\prime \rightarrow th decay channels at 8 TeV LHC using an integrated luminosity of 25 fbβˆ’1\text{fb}^{-1}. Our analysis is based on a simplified model with minimal coset SO(5)/SO(4)SO(5)/SO(4) in which the tβ€²t' is a singlet of the unbroken SO(4). The single tβ€²t' production, as a consequence of electroweak symmetry breaking, is less kinematically suppressed, associated with a light forward jet and has boosted decay products at the 8 TeV LHC. Therefore it provides the most promising channel in searching for a heavy tβ€²t'. We have exploited the above kinematical features and used the jet substructure method to reconstruct the boosted Higgs in thth decay channel. It is shown that a strong constraint on the tβ€²bWt^\prime bW coupling (gtβ€²bW/gtbW,SM<0.2∼0.3g_{t^\prime bW}/g_{tbW,SM} < 0.2 \sim 0.3) at the 95% C. L. can be obtained for mtβ€²βŠ‚(700,1000)m_{t'} \subset (700, 1000) GeV.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures, 5 tables, refs added in v

    Probing the CP-even Higgs Sector via H3β†’H2H1H_3\to H_2H_1 in the Natural NMSSM

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    After the discovery of a Standard Model (SM) like Higgs boson, naturalness strongly favors the next to the Minimal Supersymmetric SM (NMSSM). In this letter, we point out that the most natural NMSSM predicts the following CP-even Higgs HiH_i sector: (A) H2H_2 is the SM-like Higgs boson with mass pushed-upward by a lighter H1H_1 with mass overwhelmingly within [mH2/2,mH2][m_{H_2}/2,m_{H_2}]; (B) mH3≃2ΞΌ/sin⁑2β≳300m_{H_3}\simeq 2\mu/\sin2\beta\gtrsim300 GeV; (C) H3H_3 has a significant coupling to top quarks and can decay to H1H2H_1H_2 with a large branching ratio. Using jet substructure we show that all the three Higgs bosons can be discovered via ggβ†’H3β†’H1H2β†’bbΛ‰β„“Ξ½jjgg\to H_3 \to H_1H_2\to b\bar b \ell\nu jj at the 14 TeV LHC. Especially, the LEP-LHC scenario with H1≃98H_1\simeq98 GeV has a very good discovery potential.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. Some typos corrected and reference adde

    Proton decay in a supersymmetric SO(10) model with missing partner mechanism

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    The extended supersymmetric SO(10) model with missing partner mechanism is studied. An intermediate vacuum expectation value is incorporated which corresponds to the see-saw scale. Gauge coupling unification is not broken explicitly. Proton decay is found to satisfy the present experimental limits at the cost of fine-tuning some parameters.Comment: 14 pages; Several improvements, References adde
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