133,896 research outputs found
Automatic loop-shaping in quantitative feedback theory using genetic algorithms
Design automation in Quantitative Feedback Theory (QFT) is addressed in
this paper. An automatic loop shaping procedure based on Genetic Algorithms
(GAs) is developed, where a robust controller for uncertain plants can be designed
automatically such that the cost of feedback is minimised and all robust stability
and performance specifcations are satisfed. The developed approach can improve
the current QFT design in at least two aspects. One is in the design of an initial
controller for complicated plants, which might be difficult even to find a stabilising controller manually. The other is in improving the initial manual design by
optimisation of the performance index under the prescribed requirements within
the neighbourhood of the manual design. An illustrative example which compares
manual loop shaping with automatic loop shaping is presented
Evolutionary computation enabled game theory based modelling of electricity market behaviours and applications
The collapse of the Californian electricity market system in 2001 has highlighted urgency in research in intelligent electricity trading systems and strategies involving both suppliers and customs. In their trading systems, power generation companies under the new electricity trading arrangement (NETA) of the UK are now developing gaming strategies. However, modelling of such "intelligent" market behaviours is extremely challenging, because traditional mathematical and computer modelling techniques cannot cope with the involvement of game theory. In this paper, evolutionary computation enabled modelling of such system is presented. Both competitive and cooperative game theory strategies are taken into account in evolving the intelligent model. The model then leads to intelligent trading strategy development and decision support. Experimental tests, verification and validation are carried out with various strategies, using different model scales and data published by NETA. Results show that evolutionary computation enabled game theory involved modelling and decision making provides an effective tool for NETA trading analysis, prediction and support
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Semantics-Space-Time Cube. A Conceptual Framework for Systematic Analysis of Texts in Space and Time
We propose an approach to analyzing data in which texts are associated with spatial and temporal references with the aim to understand how the text semantics vary over space and time. To represent the semantics, we apply probabilistic topic modeling. After extracting a set of topics and representing the texts by vectors of topic weights, we aggregate the data into a data cube with the dimensions corresponding to the set of topics, the set of spatial locations (e.g., regions), and the time divided into suitable intervals according to the scale of the planned analysis. Each cube cell corresponds to a combination (topic, location, time interval) and contains aggregate measures characterizing the subset of the texts concerning this topic and having the spatial and temporal references within these location and interval. Based on this structure, we systematically describe the space of analysis tasks on exploring the interrelationships among the three heterogeneous information facets, semantics, space, and time. We introduce the operations of projecting and slicing the cube, which are used to decompose complex tasks into simpler subtasks. We then present a design of a visual analytics system intended to support these subtasks. To reduce the complexity of the user interface, we apply the principles of structural, visual, and operational uniformity while respecting the specific properties of each facet. The aggregated data are represented in three parallel views corresponding to the three facets and providing different complementary perspectives on the data. The views have similar look-and-feel to the extent allowed by the facet specifics. Uniform interactive operations applicable to any view support establishing links between the facets. The uniformity principle is also applied in supporting the projecting and slicing operations on the data cube. We evaluate the feasibility and utility of the approach by applying it in two analysis scenarios using geolocated social media data for studying people's reactions to social and natural events of different spatial and temporal scales
Anharmonicity-induced phonon broadening in aluminum at high temperatures
Thermal phonon broadening in aluminum was studied by theoretical and experimental methods. Using
second-order perturbation theory, phonon linewidths from the third-order anharmonicity were calculated from
first-principles density-functional theory (DFT) with the supercell finite-displacement method. The importance
of all three-phonon processes were assessed and individual phonon broadenings are presented. The good agreement between calculations and prior measurements of phonon linewidths at 300 K and new measurements of the phonon density of states to 750 K indicates that the third-order phonon-phonon interactions calculated from DFT can account for the lifetime broadenings of phonons in aluminum to at least 80% of its melting temperature
Triton-3He relative and differential flows and the high density behavior of nuclear symmetry energy
Using a transport model coupled with a phase-space coalescence after-burner
we study the triton-3He relative and differential transverse flows in
semi-central 132Sn+124Sn reactions at a beam energy of 400 MeV/nucleon. We find
that the triton-3He pairs carry interesting information about the density
dependence of the nuclear symmetry energy. The t-3He relative flow can be used
as a particularly powerful probe of the high-density behavior of the nuclear
symmetry energy.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, Proceeding of The International Workshop on
Nuclear Dynamics in Heavy-Ion Reactions and the Symmetry Energ
Constraining the Skyrme effective interactions and the neutron skin thickness of nuclei using isospin diffusion data from heavy ion collisions
Recent analysis of the isospin diffusion data from heavy-ion collisions based
on an isospin- and momentum-dependent transport model with in-medium
nucleon-nucleon cross sections has led to the extraction of a value of MeV for the slope of the nuclear symmetry energy at saturation density.
This imposes stringent constraints on both the parameters in the Skyrme
effective interactions and the neutron skin thickness of heavy nuclei. Among
the 21 sets of Skyrme interactions commonly used in nuclear structure studies,
the 4 sets SIV, SV, G, and R are found to give values
that are consistent with the extracted one. Further study on the correlations
between the thickness of the neutron skin in finite nuclei and the nuclear
matter symmetry energy in the Skyrme Hartree-Fock approach leads to predicted
thickness of the neutron skin of fm for Pb, fm for Sn, and fm for Sn.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 1 Table, Talk given at 1) International
Conference on Nuclear Structure Physics, Shanghai, 12-17 June, 2006; 2) 11th
China National Nuclear Structure Physics Conference, Changchun, Jilin, 13-18
July, 200
Space Charge Behaviour in Oil-Paper Insulation with Different Aging Condition
Oil-paper insulation system is widely used in power transformers and cables. The dielectric properties of oilpaper insulation play an important role in the reliable operation of power equipment. Oil-paper insulation degrades under a combined stress of thermal (the most important factor), electrical, mechanical, and chemical stresses during routine operations, which has great effect on the dielectric properties of oil-paper insulation [1]. Space charge in oil-paper insulation has a close relation to its electrical performance [1]. In this paper, space charge behaviour of oil-paper insulation sample with three different ageing conditions (aged for 0, 35 and 77 days) was investigated using the pulsed electroacoustic (PEA) technique. The influence of aging on the space charge dynamics behaviour was analysed. Results show that aging has great effect on the space charge dynamics of oil-paper insulation. The homocharge injection takes place under all three aging conditions above. Positive charges tend to accumulate in the sample, and increase with the oil-paper insulation sample deterioration. The time to achieve the maximum injection charge density is 30s, 2min and 10min for oil-paper insulation sample aged for 0, 35 and 77 days, respectively. The maximum charge density injected in the sample aged for 77 days is more than two times larger than the initial sample. In addition, the charge decay speed becomes much slower with the aging time increase. There is an exponential relationship between the total charge amount and the decay time. The decay time constant ? increases with the increasing deterioration condition of the oil-paper insulation sample. The ? value may be used to reflect the aging status of oil-paper insulation
Driving Operators Relevant: A Feature of Chern-Simons Interaction
By computing anomalous dimensions of gauge invariant composite operators
and in Chern-Simons fermion and boson
models, we address that Chern-Simons interactions make these operators more
relevant or less irrelevant in the low energy region. We obtain a critical
Chern-Simons fermion coupling, , for a phase
transition at which the leading irrelevant four-fermion operator
becomes marginal, and a critical Chern-Simons boson
coupling, , for a similar phase transition
for the leading irrelevant operator . We see this phenomenon
also in the expansion.Comment: (ten pages, latex, figures included
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