108 research outputs found
Experimental results of our model.
<p>(a), (e) The original image with red initial contours. (b), (f) The final segmentation results of our model. (c), (g) The estimation of the bias field. (d), (h) The corrected image. (i) The histogram of the original image. (j) The histogram of the corrected image with initial contour (a). (k) The histogram of the corrected image with initial contour (e).</p
Comparisons of Li’s model, LSACM and our model for two synthesize images multiplied by given bias fields.
<p>Column 1 is the original images (row 1, 4), given bias fields (row 2, 5) and the initial contours in the images multiplied by bias fields (row 3, 6). Column 2 to 4 is the segmentation results, estimated bias fields and corrected images, respectively. Row 1 and 4 are the results of Li’s model. Row 2 and 5 are the results of LSACM. Row 3 and 6 are the results of our model.</p
Segmentation of a real T-shaped image with intensity inhomogeneity by CV model.
<p>(a), (c) The original image with red initial contours. (b), (d) Segmentation results of the CV model.</p
Geometrical scanning parameters for limited-angle CT.
<p>Geometrical scanning parameters for limited-angle CT.</p
JS, DSC, RFP and RFN values for the results in the second row of Fig. 2 and Fig. 4.
<p>JS, DSC, RFP and RFN values for the results in the second row of <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0120399#pone.0120399.g002" target="_blank">Fig. 2</a> and <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0120399#pone.0120399.g004" target="_blank">Fig. 4</a>.</p
The tomographic results of NCAT phantom from noise-free projection dataset.
<p>The image on the top is the original phantom. The following rows are the results reconstructed from scanning angular ranges [0, 90°] and [0, 120°], respectively. Images from left to right in each row present the results reconstructed by SART algorithm, TVM algorithm and our algorithm, respectively. The gray scale window is set to [0, 1.0].</p
Comparisons of the bias field estimation and corrected image for Fig. 6 between Li’s model, LSACM and our model.
<p>(a), (b), (c) The estimated bias fields of Li’s model, LSACM and our model, respectively. (d), (e), (f) The corrected images of Li’s model, LSACM and our model, respectively.</p
RMSE curves of NCAT phantom reconstructions by SART algorithm, TVM algorithm and our algorithm for one typical phase of the NCAT phantom.
<p>The graphs on top row and bottom row present the RMSE curves of the results reconstructed from noise-free projection dataset and noisy projection dataset respectively. The graphs from left to right in each row present the RMSE curves of the results reconstructed from scanning angular ranges [0, 90°] and [0, 120°], respectively.</p
Scanning geometry configuration for circular and limited-angle fan-beam CT.
<p>Scanning geometry configuration for circular and limited-angle fan-beam CT.</p
Comparisons of Li’s model, LSACM and our model for MR brain image.
<p>Column 1 is the original image with red and blue initial contours. Column 2 to 4 is the final segmentation results, the corrected images and the estimated bias field images, respectively. Row 1 to 3 is the results of Li’s model, LSACM and our model, respectively.</p
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