1,803 research outputs found
Paired-Associates Learning of Random Shapes and Concrete Nouns of Two Levels of Descriptive Appropriateness
Forty college students learned a 12-item list of paired-associates with random shapes as stimuli and concrete nouns as responses. The nouns had been rated high, medium, and low in descriptive appropriateness (da). The pairs were presented either black on white, or white on black, with half the Ss assigned to each condition. Learning was significantly faster for pairs containing nouns with high da values and for the black on white mode of presentation
An MCMC Fitting Method for Triaxial Dark Matter Haloes
Measuring the 3D distribution of mass on galaxy cluster scales is a crucial
test of the LCDM model, providing constraints on the behaviour of dark matter.
Recent work investigating mass distributions of individual galaxy clusters
(e.g. Abell 1689) using weak and strong gravitational lensing has revealed
potential inconsistencies between the predictions of structure formation models
relating halo mass to concentration and those relationships as measured in
massive clusters. However, such analyses employ simple spherical halo models
while a growing body of work indicates that triaxial 3D halo structure is both
common and important in parameter estimates. The very strong assumptions about
the symmetry of the lensing halo implied with circular or perturbative
elliptical NFW models are not physically motivated and lead to incorrect
parameter estimates with significantly underestimated error bars. We here
introduce a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method to fit fully triaxial models
to weak lensing data that gives parameter and error estimates that fully
incorporate the true uncertainty present in nature. Applying the MCMC triaxial
fitting method to a population of NFW triaxial lenses drawn from the shape
distribution of structure formation simulations, we find that including
triaxiality cannot explain a population of massive, highly concentrated
clusters within the framework of LCDM, but easily explains rare cases of
apparently massive, highly concentrated, very efficient lensing clusters. Our
MCMC triaxial NFW fitting method is easily expandable to include constraints
from additional data types, and its application returns model parameters and
errors that more accurately capture the true (and limited) extent of our
knowledge of the structure of galaxy cluster lenses. (abridged)Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures. Updated to match published versio
Bayesian inference for within-herd prevalence of Leptospira interrogans serovar Hardjo using bulk milk antibody testing
Leptospirosis is the most widespread zoonosis throughout the world and human mortality from severe disease forms is high even when optimal treatment is provided. Leptospirosis is also one of the most common causes of reproductive losses in cattle worldwide and is associated with significant economic costs to the dairy farming industry. Herds are tested for exposure to the causal organism either through serum testing of individual animals or through testing bulk milk samples. Using serum results from a commonly used enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test for Leptospira interrogans serovar Hardjo (L. hardjo) on samples from 979 animals across 12 Scottish dairy herds and the corresponding bulk milk results, we develop a model that predicts the mean proportion of exposed animals in a herd conditional on the bulk milk test result. The data are analyzed through use of a Bayesian latent variable generalized linear mixed model to provide estimates of the true (but unobserved) level of exposure to the causal organism in each herd in addition to estimates of the accuracy of the serum ELISA. We estimate 95% confidence intervals for the accuracy of the serum ELISA of (0.688, 0.987) and (0.975, 0.998) for test sensitivity and specificity, respectively. Using a percentage positivity cutoff in bulk milk of at most 41% ensures that there is at least a 97.5% probability of less than 5% of the herd being exposed to L. hardjo. Our analyses provide strong statistical evidence in support of the validity of interpreting bulk milk samples as a proxy for individual animal serum testing. The combination of validity and cost-effectiveness of bulk milk testing has the potential to reduce the risk of human exposure to leptospirosis in addition to offering significant economic benefits to the dairy industry
Probing the cosmic web: inter-cluster filament detection using gravitational lensing
The problem of detecting dark matter filaments in the cosmic web is
considered. Weak lensing is an ideal probe of dark matter, and therefore forms
the basis of particularly promising detection methods. We consider and develop
a number of weak lensing techniques that could be used to detect filaments in
individual or stacked cluster fields, and apply them to synthetic lensing data
sets in the fields of clusters from the Millennium Simulation. These techniques
are multipole moments of the shear and convergence, mass reconstruction, and
parameterized fits to filament mass profiles using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo
approach. In particular, two new filament detection techniques are explored
(multipole shear filters and Markov Chain Monte Carlo mass profile fits), and
we outline the quality of data required to be able to identify and quantify
filament profiles. We also consider the effects of large scale structure on
filament detection. We conclude that using these techniques, there will be
realistic prospects of detecting filaments in data from future space-based
missions. The methods presented in this paper will be of great use in the
identification of dark matter filaments in future surveys.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, MNRAS accepted, (replacement due to corrupted
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The Dynamics of a Rigid Body in Potential Flow with Circulation
We consider the motion of a two-dimensional body of arbitrary shape in a
planar irrotational, incompressible fluid with a given amount of circulation
around the body. We derive the equations of motion for this system by
performing symplectic reduction with respect to the group of volume-preserving
diffeomorphisms and obtain the relevant Poisson structures after a further
Poisson reduction with respect to the group of translations and rotations. In
this way, we recover the equations of motion given for this system by Chaplygin
and Lamb, and we give a geometric interpretation for the Kutta-Zhukowski force
as a curvature-related effect. In addition, we show that the motion of a rigid
body with circulation can be understood as a geodesic flow on a central
extension of the special Euclidian group SE(2), and we relate the cocycle in
the description of this central extension to a certain curvature tensor.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figures; v2: typos correcte
Mechanical Systems with Symmetry, Variational Principles, and Integration Algorithms
This paper studies variational principles for mechanical systems with symmetry and their applications to integration algorithms. We recall some general features of how to reduce variational principles in the presence of a symmetry group along with general features of integration algorithms for mechanical systems. Then we describe some integration algorithms based directly on variational principles using a
discretization technique of Veselov. The general idea for these variational integrators is to directly discretize Hamilton’s principle rather than the equations of motion in a way that preserves the original systems invariants, notably the symplectic form and, via a discrete version of Noether’s theorem, the momentum map. The resulting mechanical integrators are second-order accurate, implicit, symplectic-momentum algorithms. We apply these integrators to the rigid body and the double spherical pendulum to show that the techniques are competitive with existing integrators
The Transitional Stripped-Envelope SN 2008ax: Spectral Evolution and Evidence for Large Asphericity
Supernova (SN) 2008ax in NGC 4490 was discovered within hours after shock
breakout, presenting the rare opportunity to study a core-collapse SN beginning
with the initial envelope-cooling phase immediately following shock breakout.
We present an extensive sequence of optical and near-infrared spectra, as well
as three epochs of optical spectropolarimetry. Our initial spectra, taken two
days after shock breakout, are dominated by hydrogen Balmer lines at high
velocity. However, by maximum light, He I lines dominated the optical and
near-infrared spectra, which closely resembled those of normal Type Ib
supernovae (SNe Ib) such as SN 1999ex. This spectroscopic transition defines
Type IIb supernovae, but the strong similarity of SN 2008ax to normal SNe Ib
beginning near maximum light, including an absorption feature near 6270A due to
H-alpha at high velocities, suggests that many objects classified as SNe Ib in
the literature may have ejected similar amounts of hydrogen as SN 2008ax,
roughly a few x 0.01 M_sun. Early-time spectropolarimetry (6 and 9 days after
shock breakout) revealed strong line polarization modulations of 3.4% across
H-alpha, indicating the presence of large asphericities in the outer ejecta.
The continuum shares a common polarization angle with the hydrogen, helium, and
oxygen lines, while the calcium and iron absorptions are oriented at different
angles. This is clear evidence of deviations from axisymmetry even in the outer
ejecta. Intrinsic continuum polarization of 0.64% only nine days after shock
breakout shows that the outer layers of the ejecta were quite aspherical. A
single epoch of late-time spectropolarimetry, as well as the shapes of the
nebular line profiles, demonstrate that asphericities extended from the
outermost layers all the way down to the center of this SN. [Abridged]Comment: 24 pages, 21 figures, 4 tables, appendix, minor revisions to match
version accepted by Ap
A New Look at Massive Clusters: weak lensing constraints on the triaxial dark matter halos of Abell 1689, Abell 1835, & Abell 2204
Measuring the 3D distribution of mass on galaxy cluster scales is a crucial
test of the LCDM model, providing constraints on the nature of dark matter.
Recent work investigating mass distributions of individual galaxy clusters
(e.g. Abell 1689) using weak and strong gravitational lensing has revealed
potential inconsistencies between the predictions of structure formation models
relating halo mass to concentration and those relationships as measured in
massive clusters. However, such analyses employ simple spherical halo models
while a growing body of work indicates that triaxial 3D halo structure is both
common and important in parameter estimates. We recently introduced a Markov
Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method to fit fully triaxial models to weak lensing
data that gives parameter and error estimates that fully incorporate the true
shape uncertainty present in nature. In this paper we apply that method to weak
lensing data obtained with the ESO/MPG Wide-Field Imager for galaxy clusters
A1689, A1835, and A2204, under a range of Bayesian priors derived from theory
and from independent X-ray and strong lensing observations. For Abell 1689,
using a simple strong lensing prior we find marginalized mean parameter values
M_200 = (0.83 +- 0.16)x10^15 M_solar/h and C=12.2 +- 6.7, which are marginally
consistent with the mass-concentration relation predicted in LCDM. The large
error contours that accompany our triaxial parameter estimates more accurately
represent the true extent of our limited knowledge of the structure of galaxy
cluster lenses, and make clear the importance of combining many constraints
from other theoretical, lensing (strong, flexion), or other observational
(X-ray, SZ, dynamical) data to confidently measure cluster mass profiles.
(Abridged)Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
Optical Spectroscopy of Supernova 1993J During Its First 2500 Days
We present 42 low-resolution spectra of Supernova (SN) 1993J, our complete
collection from the Lick and Keck Observatories, from day 3 after explosion to
day 2454, as well as one Keck high-dispersion spectrum from day 383. SN 1993J
began as an apparent SN II, albeit an unusual one. After a few weeks, a
dramatic transition took place, as prominent helium lines emerged in the
spectrum. SN 1993J had metamorphosed from a SN II to a SN IIb. Nebular spectra
of SN 1993J closely resemble those of SNe Ib and Ic, but with a persistent
H_alpha line. At very late times, the H_alpha emission line dominated the
spectrum, but with an unusual, box-like profile. This is interpreted as an
indication of circumstellar interaction.Comment: 19 pages plus 13 figures, AASTeX V5.0. One external table in AASTeX
V4.0, in landscape format. Accepted for publication in A
1950: Abilene Christian College Bible Lectures - Full Text
We offer with interest and pleasure another volume of a great series of discourses delivered at Abilene Christian College. The following were given in February, 1950. The first of these Lectureships was held in the year 1919, and was published by the Firm Foundation Publishing House in book form. With little exception they have appeared each year since that time. The printing was done by others a few times. Those who are fortunate enough to have a complete set of these fine gospel sermons are possessed of a treasure in religious literature. Only a few of the later years can now be supplied. The rest are numbered among the “rare books” and we frequently have calls for them, but of course cannot supply them. Any reader having a copy for sale is requested to write the office of the Firm Foundation at Austin, Texas. The “Lectureship” of Abilene Christian College has become a great annual affair to the churches of Christ; thousands are in attendance, many of them coming from Canada and other countries besides all over the United States. This annual “mass meeting” must not be understood to be a “Convention” of the churches of Christ. We have no such conventions and do not endorse them. The Lectureship is simply a feature in the work of Abilene Christian College, a series of gospel sermons to which friends and patrons of the school and others are invited. It is our hope that the contents of this book may enrich the life, and strengthen the faith of the reader.
Austin, Texas August 20, 195
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