306 research outputs found

    Theorizing Folk Cinema

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    This honors project theorizes the concept of folk cinema. The project grapples with the complex history of the study of folklore and cinema’s historic inaccessibility as a medium in order to position folk cinema as a revolutionary project capable of reimagining both cinema and folklore. Avoiding concrete definitions or the urge to label any specific films as folk cinema, the project explores folk cinema theoretically through the experimental Spanish short film Aguaespejo Granadino, the films of the Bolivian Third Cinema filmmaking collective the Ukamau Group, and finally my own creative intervention via the creation of a short diary film

    Accumulation of metabolic cardiovascular risk factors in black and white young adults over 20 years

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    BACKGROUND: Cross-sectional clustering of metabolic risk factors for cardiovascular disease in middle-aged adults is well described, but less is known regarding the order in which risk factors develop through young adulthood and their relation to subclinical atherosclerosis. METHOD AND RESULTS: A total of 3178 black and white women and men in the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults study were assessed to identify the order in which cardiovascular disease risk factors including diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia (low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol or high triglyceride levels), hypercholesterolemia (high total or low-density lipoprotein cholesterol), and obesity develop. Observed patterns of risk factor development were compared with those expected if risk factors accumulated randomly, given their overall distribution in the population. Over the 20 years of follow-up, 80% of participants developed at least 1 risk factor. The first factor to occur was dyslipidemia in 39% of participants, obesity in 20%, hypercholesterolemia in 11%, hypertension in 7%, and diabetes in 1%. Dyslipidemia was the only risk factor both to occur first and to be followed by additional risk factors more often than expected (P \u3c 0.001 for both). Order of risk factor accrual did not affect subclinical atherosclerosis at year 20. Results were similar by sex, race, and smoking status. CONCLUSIONS: Multiple patterns of cardiovascular risk factor development were observed from young adulthood to middle age. Dyslipidemia, a potentially modifiable condition, often preceded the development of other risk factors and may be a useful target for intervention and monitoring

    Calcium, magnesium and potassium intake and mortality in women with heart failure: The Women\u27s Health Initiative

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    Although diet is thought to affect the natural history of heart failure (HF), nutrient intake in HF patients has not been well studied. Based on prior research linking high intake of Ca, Mg and K to improved cardiovascular health, we hypothesised that these nutrients would be inversely associated with mortality in people with HF. Of the 161 808 participants in the Women\u27s Health Initiative (WHI), we studied 3340 who experienced a HF hospitalisation. These participants were followed for post-hospitalisation all-cause mortality. Intake was assessed using questionnaires on food and supplement intake. Hazard ratios (HR) and 95 % CI were calculated using Cox proportional hazards models adjusted for demographics, physical function, co-morbidities and dietary covariates. Over a median of 4·6 years of follow-up, 1433 (42·9 %) of the women died. HR across quartiles of dietary Ca intake were 1·00 (referent), 0·86 (95 % CI 0·73, 1·00), 0·88 (95 % CI 0·75, 1·04) and 0·92 (95 % CI 0·76, 1·11) (P for trend = 0·63). Corresponding HR were 1·00 (referent), 0·86 (95 % CI 0·71, 1·04), 0·88 (95 % CI 0·69, 1·11) and 0·84 (95 % CI 0·63, 1·12) (P for trend = 0·29), across quartiles of dietary Mg intake, and 1·00 (referent), 1·20 (95 % CI 1·01, 1·43), 1·06 (95 % CI 0·86, 1·32) and 1·16 (95 % CI 0·90, 1·51) (P for trend = 0·35), across quartiles of dietary K intake. Results were similar when total (dietary plus supplemental) nutrient intakes were examined. In summary, among WHI participants with incident HF hospitalisation, intakes of Ca, Mg and K were not significantly associated with subsequent mortality

    Embedding clinical interventions into observational studies

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    Novel approaches to observational studies and clinical trials could improve the cost-effectiveness and speed of translation of research. Hybrid designs that combine elements of clinical trials with observational registries or cohort studies should be considered as part of a long-term strategy to transform clinical trials and epidemiology, adapting to the opportunities of big data and the challenges of constrained budgets. Important considerations include study aims, timing, breadth and depth of the existing infrastructure that can be leveraged, participant burden, likely participation rate and available sample size in the cohort, required sample size for the trial, and investigator expertise. Community engagement and stakeholder (including study participants) support are essential for these efforts to succeed

    Design of a tool capable of assessing environmental sociocultural physical factors influencing women\u27s decisions on when and where to toilet within real-world settings: Protocol for the build and usability testing of a mobile app for use by community-dwelling women

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    BACKGROUND: Although surveys and apps are available for women to report urination and bladder symptoms, they do not include their decisions regarding toileting. Real-world factors can interfere with toileting decisions, which may then influence bladder health. This premise lacks data per want of a robust data collection tool. OBJECTIVE: The Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (PLUS) research consortium engaged a transdisciplinary team to build and test WhereIGo, a mobile data collection app for Android and iOS. The design goal was a comprehensive reporting system for capturing environmental, sociocultural, and physical factors that influence women\u27s decisions for toileting. Aims include having (1) an innovative feature for reporting physiologic urge sensation when thinking about my bladder and shortly before I just peed, (2) real-time reporting along with short look-back opportunities, and (3) ease of use anywhere. METHODS: The development team included a plain language specialist, a usability specialist, creative designers, programming experts, and PLUS scientific content experts. Both real-time and ecological momentary assessments were used to comprehensively capture influences on toileting decisions including perceived access to toileting, degree of busyness or stress or focus, beverage intake amount, urge degree, or a leakage event. The restriction on the maximal number of taps for any screen was six. PLUS consortium investigators did pilot-testing. Formal usability testing relied on the recruitment of community-dwelling women at four PLUS research sites. Women used the app for 2 consecutive days. Outcome measures were the system usability scale (SUS; 0-100 range) and the functional Mobile Application Rating Scale (1-5 range). These scales were embedded at the end of the app. The estimated a priori sample size needed, considering the SUS cut point score set at ≥74, was 40 women completing the study. RESULTS: Funding was provided by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases since July 2015. The integrity of the build process was documented through multiple 5-minute videos presented to PLUS Consortium and through WhereIGo screenshots of the final product. Participants included 44 women, with 41 (93%) completing data collection. Participants ranged in age from 21 to 85 years, were predominantly non-Hispanic White (n=25, 57%), college-educated (n=25, 57%), and with incomes below US $75,000 (n=27, 62%). The SUS score was 78.0 (SE 1.7), which was higher than 75% of the 500 products tested by the SUS developers. The mean functional Mobile Application Rating Scale score was 4.4 (SE 0.08). The build and informal acceptability testing were completed in 2019, enrollment for formal usability testing completed by June 2020, and analysis was completed in 2022. CONCLUSIONS: WhereIGo is a novel app with good usability for women to report toileting decisions, urination, and fluid intake. Future research using the app could test the influence of real-time factors on bladder health. INTERNATIONAL REGISTERED REPORT IDENTIFIER (IRRID): RR1-10.2196/54046